
Oct 31, 2018

King Arthur's Wars

King Arthur's Wars

King Arthur’s Wars describes one of the biggest archaeological finds of our times; yet there is nothing new to see. There are secrets hidden in plain sight.

We speak English today, because the Anglo-Saxons took over most of post-Roman Britain. How did that happen? There is little evidence: not much little archaeology, and even less written history. There is, however, a huge amount of speculation.

King Arthur’s Wars brings an entirely new approach to the subject. The answers are out there, in the countryside, waiting to be found. Months of field work and map study allow us to understand, for the first time, how the Anglo-Saxons conquered England; county by county and decade by decade. King Arthur’s Wars exposes what the landscape and the place names tell us.

As a result, we can now know far more about this ‘Dark Age’. What is so special about Essex? Why is Buckinghamshire an odd shape? Why is the legend of King Arthur so special to us? Why don’t Cumbrian farmers use English numbers, when they count sheep? Why don’t we know where Camelot was? Why did the Romano-British stop eating oysters? King Arthur’s Wars tells that story.

Oct 30, 2018

Not Long Left, Not-Kickstarter from Pendraken Miniatures

Not Long Left, Not-Kickstarter from Pendraken Miniatures

There's only 24 hours left in our 1809 Confederation of the Rhine not-Kickstarter!

We've already hit our £3000 initial target, as well as unlocking limber packs at £3500 and civilians at £4000.  Everyone who pledges for at least 5 packs will be getting a free pack of the civilians added to their order.  There's not long left now, but if we can get to £4500 then everyone will also get free flagsheets for your figures as well!

The ranges are listed on the Forum so have a look through the list, work out what you would purchase and let us know on the Forum.

The campaign will finish at midnight on October 31st, and everyone who has pledged will be invoiced for 50% of your order.  Our sculptor will be given the go-ahead and we'll get them done through Nov/Dec/Jan.  We'll then get them moulded and start sending out customer orders at the end of February 2019.  Everyone will be invoiced for the remaining 50% + shipping once their order is ready to go.

We've got 24 hours left, so let's keep the pledges going and see what else we can add!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Flying, Fighting and Reflection: The Life of Battle of Britain Fighter Ace, Wing Commander Tom Neil DFC* AFC AE

Flying, Fighting and Reflection: The Life of Battle of Britain Fighter Ace, Wing Commander Tom Neil DFC* AFC AE

This is the thrilling account of the last remaining Battle of Britain ace fighter pilot, Tom "Ginger" Neil. Neil was one of an elite band, nicknamed "The Few" by Winston Churchill, he flew Hurricanes during 141 combat missions in that battle and went on to command the first Spitfire XII squadron during 1942/43 as the RAF went on the offensive in north-west Europe. In this, the only full account of Neil's life to be published in collaboration with his family, we learn how he became a poster boy for the war effort and how he credits his "sixth sense" for keeping him alive during the Second World War. There was, however, one terrifyingly close brush with death, when in 1940 he had a mid-air collision with another Hurricane. With the rear section of his aircraft gone, the plane was out of control and hurtling to the ground, yet somehow he managed to bail out and miraculously survived with only a minor leg injury. As well as RAF service during the Siege of Malta, Wing Commander Neil, who is now in his late nineties, also served with the Americans during the D-Day landings. During his career, Neil was awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses for the destruction of at least fourteen enemy aircraft, and was a successful test pilot after the war before commanding a jet fighter-reconnaissance squadron in Egypt's troubled Canal Zone during the 1950s for which he was awarded the Air Force Cross. With contributions from the man himself, this book also looks at his life after the RAF and his career as a successful author. For military buffs and novices alike, it is a must-read account of a true war hero.

Oct 29, 2018

1/1200 Naval Range For the Battle of Lissa 1866 from Pithead Miniatures

On the face of it, the Italians had a huge advantage in ships and guns at Lissa , her ironclads outnumbered the Austrians by 11 to 7 and the guns the Italian ships mounted were far heavier than their Austrian counterparts. These material advantages also carried over to the Italian wooden vessels  of Albini's frigate squadron which had 7 frigates superior to anything the Austrians possessed.  All this paper strength however didn't take into account the command and technical shortcomings of the Italian navy at this time. In the battle itself, Admiral Persano, the fleet commander not only dithered from the outset but allowed a dangerous gap to open in his line while he transferred his flag to  the powerful ram Affondatore.

Albinis Squadrons

Albinis Squadrons

The Austrian Ironclads passed through the Italian line and wrought havoc with their aggressive ramming tactics and even the Austrian wooden warships got stuck in to the fight while Albinis  powerful Italian frigates stood passively at a distance avoiding battle . Spithead will shortly be completing its Lissa series of ships and although the first dozen sets have now been sold,  it is hoped that a second batch will be produced if the demand is there. This is the only complete set of Lissa ships to have ever been made apart from the pricey collectors models that were produced HAI so this  will be a one time opportunity to own a limited edition set of these models before production ends soon.

Austrian Avisios

Austrian Avisios

Pithead Miniatures

Oct 27, 2018

The Legends of Mythos of Legends

The Legends of Mythos of Legends

For millennia the actions and adventures of heroes, villains and monsters have been passed down through fables, legends, sagas and stories across the generations. Recorded in song and stone, on parchment and tablet, from campfire tales to paperback and epub. The legends of humanity’s history have been carried through time, with truth and fantasy blending inexplicably into something that transcends culture, language and belief. Whilst the units of Mythos of Legends are predominantly made up of nameless men and beasts, the most exceptional characters of all ages have been encapsulated within the factions of the game, with abilities and powers inspired by their role in the stories of history and myth.


Within the game, Legendary units are as unique and distinct as the epics they’re drawn from, taking on a variety of roles that a player can chose to enhance their game play. Unlike their regular mortal and mythic counterparts, legendary units are not influenced by the whims of the gods. As such, they have their own skill test target scores, and the number of dice rolled in a given test is not affected by the Mythos Board. This can make legendary units an interesting part of an army, able to prop up an aspect of the game that the player’s deity is weak at, reinforce a strength or bring special abilities to the battle.


The Legendary Units of Mythos of Legends have a mixture of unique and bespoke special rules, weapons and Mythic Actions at their disposal, to create innovative plans of battle and dynamic ways to approach conquest. Should the Lernaean Hydra at your disposal annihilate your foes through immolating flames or savage fangs? Would it better to use the prophecy of The Norns to enhance the saga of your warriors, or undo the threads of fate for your opponents? Perhaps the Sphinx at your disposal could simply pounce and crush your opponent’s general under claw or would it be wiser to ask them a complex riddle and consume them should they fail?

Legendary units can also bring a new and innovative way to collect and play your games of Mythos of Legends: with Ragnar Lothbrok fighting within your force, hordes of Viking raiders can ambush opponents in new and dynamic strategies; under the leadership of Nephren-Ka your force of Eldritch abominations may be blended with the hosts of Ancient Egypt to create the Army of the Black Pharoah, where unspeakable horrors draw battle lines alongside hosts of chariots and apostate


These miniatures are designed to be a slightly larger scale than the regular counterparts. Practically, it can help players to identify these special units more readily if they may not be aware of another faction’s characters. As hobbyists, this slightly larger scale creates opportunities to present centre pieces to their collection, with a greater volume of detail and character, whilst remaining affordable and aesthetically fitting as ‘larger than life’ legends should.

Throughout the Kickstarter campaign we will continue to unlock a whole range of legendary miniatures for players to collect, assemble, paint and use on the field of battle. Follow the link below to explore the developments in the Mythos of Legends Kickstarter Campaign today

The World of Lardello

Maulers are now back in stock by TTCombat

Back in a derelict city near you! maulers are here to wreak havoc!

Now back in stock on TTCombat website

Maulers are now back in stock by TTCombat


M44 & M59 Self-Propelled Howitzers Released from Pendraken Miniatures

We've got a quick couple of releases ready before we head off to the Fiasco show this weekend, with the M44 and M52 self-propelled howitzers ready and on the website!

These two are both conversions of the US Walker Bulldog chassis, the first with a 155mm howitzer and used by the US, Britain, Italy, Belgium, Greece and Turkey.  The second has a 105mm howitzer was used by both the US and Turkey (under the M52T designation).

Modern Vehicles

MDV62    M44 Self-propelled howitzer, 155mm      £4.00

MDV62    M44 Self-propelled howitzer, 155mm

MDV63    M52 Self-propelled howitzer, 105mm      £4.00

MDV63    M52 Self-propelled howitzer, 105mm

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Project Update #2: 10mm Celtic Warrior Army Kickstarter by Lancer Miniatures

Vercingetorix has been made, and suitably heroic looking.


Vercingetorix was a king and chieftain of the Arverni tribe; he united the Gauls in a revolt against Roman forces during the last phase of Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars.

Vercingetorix was the son of Celtillus the Avernian, leader of the Gallic tribes. Vercingetorix came to power after his formal designation as chieftain of the Arverni at the oppidum Gergovia in 52 BC. He immediately established an alliance with other Gallic tribes, took command and combined all forces, and led them in the Celts' most significant revolt against Roman power. He won the Battle of Gergovia against Julius Caesar in which several thousand Romans and allies died and Caesar's Roman legions withdrew.

Lancer Miniatures

Oct 26, 2018

The Units of Mythos of Legends

The Units of Mythos of Legends

The core of a Mythos of Legends force! The units are placed upon the battlefield, where the majority of gameplay takes place and where your decisions and actions will determine glorious victory or magnanimous defeat. Units in the game are placed upon rectangular or square bases – described in game as formation units – or on round bases as Solo units.

The units are placed upon the battlefield

Formation units represent all manner of warriors from across history and legend, from massed blocks of legionaries, to elite packs of hunters and huntsmen; from packs of trampling warbeasts, to hosts of charioteers; from troops of cavalry to devastating war engines; from hordes of cowed slaves, to towering monsters of unimaginable horror. Mythos of Legends draws them all into the fray. Solo units represent more specialist game pieces: Commanders who can enable players to pragmatically alter tactics mid-turn; mystics and mages who can enhance or undo the prowess of those around them; and specialist assassins and beasts who can stalk behind the enemy lines and cause havoc to an opponent’s battleplan.

Whilst the patron deity of you army will determine the chances of success for each action, the unit’s attributes, equipment and special rules that will help determine how many dice you will roll, and any other factors that may help or hinder your chances. A cunning general will know to build their army with complementary units to support and enhance their strategy, placing units in key positions to boost chances of success, to influence and modify the odds when the dice would otherwise be against them and to alter and redetermine decisions that would have already been set in stone.

Whilst the patron deity of you army will determine the chances of success for each action

Collecting a host of Units for Mythos of Legends couldn’t be easier or cheaper, with multiple army boxes being released for each faction as the Kickstarter stretch goals are met. With ten potential army sets to be unlocked across five factions, backing the Mythos of Legends Kickstarter is the fastest way to begin collecting the exciting armies of your choice, with all of the tokens you need to play included with the force.

Collecting a host of Units for Mythos of Legends couldn’t be easier or cheaper,

The World of Lardello

Organ and Volley Guns from Warmonger Miniatures

I got the first WiP shots of the organ and volley guns from Bob. The organ gun (left) is looking close. It's going to get some additional barrel details and have the barrels moved up a bit. The volley gun (right) is getting reworked, it's looking too advanced at the moment with the metal case housing all the guns.

Organ and Volley Guns

Organ and Volley Guns

Warmonger Miniatures

Oct 25, 2018

New 10mm Napoleonics from The Wargaming Company

We've got a couple new things to announce:

New 10mm Napoleonics

1813 ESR Starter Box Set

1813 ESR Starter Box Set

Having fought Revolutionary and then Napoleonic France more consistently than any other opponent, Austria sought to defy France's dominance on the battlefield. Austria walked away from its alliance with Napoleonic France and threw in its lot with the Coalition against France again in 1813, hoping to become the spoiler that could secure safety for its own empire as the Napoleonic period came to a bloody close.

One French Force Commander with Staff

One French Division
• One Formation Commander
• Two Légère Infantry Battalions
• Six Ligne Infantry Battalions
• One 6-pdr Foot Artillery Battery
• One Reformation Area

One French Cavalry Regiment
• One Formation Commander
• Two Chasseur à Cheval Squadrons
• One Reformation Area

One Austrian Force Commander with Staff

One Austrian Division
• Two Grenzer Battalions
• Six Infantry Battalions
• One 6-pdr Foot Artillery Battery
• One Reformation Area

One Austrian Cavalry Regiment
• One Formation Commander
• Three Chevaulégèr/Dragoon Squadrons
• One Reformation Area

• Eight French Infantry Flags
• One French Chasseur à Cheval Flag
• Eight Austrian Infantry Flags
• One Austrian Chevaulégèr/Dragoon Flag

• Two 30mm Round Bases
• Four 20mm Round Bases
• Twenty-Three 30x30mm Bases
• Six 30x90mm Bases

Approximately 250 metal 10mm (1:160 scale) miniatures with bases and flags.

Product designed for use with ESR Second Edition, may be compatible with other game systems but compatibility is not intended by design.

May contain lead and small parts, not suitable for children under 14. Contents may differ from photos provided here. Provided unpainted and unassembled.

1814 ESR Starter Box Set

1814 ESR Starter Box Set

Prussia came to symbolize the moral will behind the war against Napoleon. The French had taken revenge for the Seven Years War in 1806 and now Prussia sought to take revenge for 1806. With an Army largely comprised of citizen militia, and arms supplied by Russian and England, Prussia confronted a French Army comprised of war-weary veterans and enthusiastic but untrained conscripts, in a bitter war of conquest and survival.

One French Force Commander with Staff

One French Division
• One Formation Commander
• Two Légère Infantry Battalions
• Six Ligne Infantry Battalions
• One 6-pdr Foot Artillery Battery
• One Reformation Area

One French Cavalry Regiment
• One Formation Commander
• Two Chasseur à Cheval Squadrons
• One Reformation Area

One Prussian Force Commander with Staff

One Prussian Brigade
• One Fusilier Battalion
• Two Infantry Battalions
• Two Reserve Infantry Battalions
• Four Landwehr Infantry Battalions
• One 6-pdr Foot Artillery Battery
• One Reformation Area

One Prussian Cavalry Regiment
• One Formation Commander
• Three Hussar Squadrons
• One Reformation Area

• Eight French Infantry Flags
• One French Chasseur à Cheval Flag
• Two Prussian Infantry Flags
• Four Prussian Landwehr Infantry Flags

• Two 30mm Round Bases
• Four 20mm Round Bases
• Twenty-Three 30x30mm Bases
• Four 30x90mm Bases

Approximately 250 metal 10mm (1:160 scale) miniatures with bases and flags.

Product designed for use with ESR Second Edition, may be compatible with other game systems but compatibility is not intended by design.

May contain lead and small parts, not suitable for children under 14. Contents may differ from photos provided here. Provided unpainted and unassembled.

Prussian Late War ArmeeKorps

Prussian Grenadiers

Prussian Grenadiers

Prussian Küirassiers

Prussian Küirassiers

Prussian Dragoons

Prussian Dragoons

Prussian Light Cavalry

Prussian Light Cavalry

Prussian Artillery Reserve

Prussian Artillery Reserve

Austrian Late War ArmeeKorps

Austrian Late War ArmeeKorps

Austrian Infantry Brigade

Austrian Infantry Brigade

Russian Uhlans

Russian Uhlans

Russian Ural Cossacks

Russian Ural Cossacks

French Chevaulégèr-Lanciers

French Chevaulégèr-Lanciers

French Hussards

French Hussards

These will be available for pickup at Fall-In 2018! Otherwise, they are scheduled to begin shipping the end of November.

The Wargaming Company

The Gods of Mythos of Legends

The Gods of Mythos of Legends

When you take to the battlefield in Mythos of Legends, your army must include a patron deity Miniature for your faction. The deity you chose has possibly a more significant influence over the battle than any other factor that you can directly control, since the deity you select will determine your army’s strengths and potential weaknesses.

In many wargames, the effectiveness of a unit is determined by its own rules and stats alone. The way in which Mythos of Legends works is slightly different, in that your unit’s chance of success is also determined by your faction’s deity. Let’s take a look at Zeus and Athena:

Let’s take a look at Zeus and Athena

When players take any stat tests, they will be compared against the above four statistics – or stat – values. When a player rolls any dice, the result rolled is compared against their chosen deity’s target score, and if it matches or beats it the die is considered a success. If it’s under the score it’s a fail. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your Hoplites, your Archers or your War Elephants, they all roll against the deity’s target score.

Any tabletop veterans should hopefully see the immediate impact of changing Zeus for Athena or vice versa at a glance, and the impact of having a variety of deities available to all factions will have upon Mythos of Legends as a game. You want a game where your strategy focuses on shooting and strategic repositioning? Athena is the Goddess for you. You want to unleash fury and devastation in up-close engaged combat? Ares has you covered. You want a balance, to reflect against all you may face? Zeus will guide you to victory.

Through this mechanic, players can change their entire game style in an inexpensive and pleasant way by collecting and modelling a diverse range of high-quality detailed figures for their chosen pantheons. Want a different playstyle? Just try a different deity. Substance and style in equal measure.

Through this mechanic, players can change their entire game style

During the game the role of the gods comes to the fore at the start of each turn. During the Mythos Phase the players move their deities on the Mythos Board, to determine which bonuses and penalties that their army will have this turn, all dependent on the whims of their patron god. Each deity also comes with a plethora of Divine Interventions for players to attempt to access. These abilities are drawn from legends, sagas, fables and novels relating to each being and can have a dramatic impact upon the battle unfolding below. These powers are as varied and dynamic as each individual god and goddess. Powers such as “The Eye of Horus” can enhance the power of the units under his patronage, Neptune’s “Bringer of Earthquakes” can destroy the ranks of enemy directly and Odin’s powers to resurrect the dead is always helpful mid battle.

However, the will of the Gods is fickle. Players must gamble their precious Mythos Dice and hope to meet the demanding target scores needed to draw down the power of the gods. However, if you can beat the odds the rewards can change a battle in a roll of the dice. There’s always a chance to bring it back when you have faith on your side.

The World of Lardello

Miniature Wargames 426, October 2018

Miniature Wargames 426, October 2018

• Another  WWII duo. The Western Desert with Gallalabat and the far east with Tarakan: another Command Decision conundrum by Jon Sutherland.
• An exciting preview of our upcoming show, Tabletop Gaming Live
• Stop Motion: Mediterranean Mythology Gaming the Harryhausen way!
• 1/300th gaming: multi period scenarios and suggestions with The Virtuous Soldier and The Troops that you Lead
• Fiction from Friction: some thought provoking command and control ideas.
• Wargames Widow builds herself a big ‘ole church in 54mm!
• In  Send Three and Fourpence there’s With the Colours: the computer moderated rules with and a campaign system and lots of toy soldiers to boot!

Miniature Wargames

Medieval Warfare VIII-5, Nov-Dec 2018

Medieval Warfare VIII-5, Nov-Dec 2018

Medieval Warfare VIII.5 with The Umayyad Caliphate versus the Byzantine Empire (674-718)

Before its fall in 1453, Constantinople would be subjected to numerous sieges, including two early offensives by the Umayyad Caliphate in the 7th and 8th centuries.

Theme: The Umayyad Caliphate against the Byzantine Empire (674-718)

Peter Konieczny, 'Against the Empire - The Arabs bring war to Byzantium.'
Georgios Theotokis, '“They did the same thing for seven years” - Was Constantinople besieged in 674-78?'
Randall Moffett, 'Defenders of the Empire - The Byzantine soldier in the eighth century.'
Georgios Chatzelis, 'Knowledge that kills - Byzantine military manuals and warfare.'
Michael Edward Stewart, '"A furious storm fell upon them - The Arab siege of Constantinople, 717-718.'
Kay Smith and Ruth R. Brown, 'The first chemical weapon? - Playing with Greek Fire'
'Readings: Byzantium during the rise of Islam.'


Alexander R. Brondarbit, 'The siege of Harlech castle - Resistance in Wales during the Wars of the Roses.'
Kyle C. Lincoln, 'An innumerable multitude of livestock - An archbishop and his cavalry.'
Stephen Turnbull, 'The king of Spain's samurai - Fighting for the Philippines in the 16th century.'
Leigh Whaley, 'Controversial treatments - The surgeons who tried to change Medieval battlefield surgery.'
Murray Dahm, 'A band of Merry Men - Douglas Fairbanks' 1922 Robin Hood.'

Medieval Warfare

Oct 24, 2018

The Factions of Mythos of Legends

The Factions of Mythos of Legends

Each miniature that is created will belong to one or more factions within the Mythos of Legends system. This is to help differentiate and create diverse and rich gaming experiences which revolve around a theme or narrative, but practically it also helps maintain a degree of fairness and balance across the system and make for a more enjoyable experience for all. Each faction has been built upon pre-existing myths, stories and legends that have developed across the millennia, making the collecting and gaming experience recognisable and exciting to all who wish to embrace the Mythos of Legends. In this section, we hope to provide an overview of the five factions we wish to unlock over the course of the Kickstarter campaign. Objectively, we plan to start with two – Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece – with the target of unlocking the rest through Kickstarter pledges.

Each faction has been designed to offer a variety of play styles within the army faction rules. These rules will be available for free on this website upon the completion of the Kickstarter fulfilment and the release of backers miniatures, but they have already been written to ensure all backers will receive a fantastic gaming experience as soon as possible. We’ll be discussing how each faction is different during the Kickstarter campaign and exploring the system rules in greater depth, so watch this space for lots more exciting information.

To find out more about the Kickstarter, please click the link below:

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece

It is a time of great heroes and legendary monsters, demigods and great quests. When the Lords of Olympus raise the call to arms, the Greek City States answer. The indomitable heroes of the age stride to war alongside the beasts that they would normally find themselves slaying, alongside massed ranks of spear and pike.

The Greek army takes the field built around solid blocks of defensive infantry, the Hoplites and Phalangites, who present a deadly wall of pikes to their enemy. They are ably supported by archers, skirmishers and cavalry which can harass the enemy’s flanks and defend those of their own unwieldy phalanxes.

The heart of the army, though, is the legendary units. Powerful figures which stride out of legend to lead their mortal brethren. Heroes of the epic tales such as Achilles, Odysseus and Heracles will strike fear into the heart of any enemy, and the likes of the Gorgons, Cyclops and Hydra can tear through mortals with barely a pause. They are the hammer, to the anvil of the phalanxes.

Given the focus of the Greek list on its legends, the Greek player can take more legendary units than any other faction. And given what they can do, why wouldn’t you? This is a faction for the player who wants to see their legendary heroes striding the board, tearing apart the enemy single-handed. Who can stand in their way?

Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome

Rome stands as a bastion of mankind against the supernatural, blessed, damned and divine powers of the world. Not for them the beasts or demigods within their ranks. No, a Roman army works on flesh and blood, iron discipline, inspired generalship and cold, hard steel. No matter the origin, there is little that can take on a legion and emerge triumphant. The Roman people – and gods – will it to be so.

Roman units can come in two flavours – the Hastati, Principes, Triarii model of the Republican legions or the later legions of the Empire following the reforms of Gaius Marius. Whichever troops the player uses, the citizen soldiers of Rome remain versatile and steadfast.

The Roman army can easily field more units of high-quality infantry than other factions, armed with versatile swords and javelins to respond to any foe. They can pass their generals’ orders along the line, giving the Roman player an unprecedented degree of tactical flexibility when compared with other factions.

Backing up the legions are the auxiliaries, a wide array of useful support troops able to plug any skill gaps that the legions lack, and a selection of powerful war machines capable of reaching out and striking the enemy from afar.

The Roman faction is best suited for the player who isn’t interested in demigods or monsters, but who would rather field large groups of quality infantry and win the day through tactical flexibility, discipline and the strength of a legionary’s sword arm.

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

Pharoah’s will be done.

The Egyptian army is one based around its king, the living God who rules over the lives and souls of all of his subjects. The Pharoah takes to the battlefield in glory, and his people follow.

The Egyptian army follows a unique mechanic, the Balance of Maat. Egyptian priests can call on a wide variety of powerful spells and rituals, but each one of these either brings more order or disorder to the world. These rituals can bring great benefit to the Egyptian army, but the Pharoah (and the Egyptian player) must strive to keep order and disorder in balance, for no army can truly emerge victorious with Maat unsatisfied.

The Pharoah is undoubtedly the centre of the army, accompanied by his Princes. If the Pharoah should be slain, one of the Princes may rise to the task and assume the mantle of Pharoah to continue the struggle.

They command varied forces including powerful chariots, skilled and experienced guard units, and terrified slave soldiers forced to battle by their masters’ whims. The Pharoah’s divine will can also cause the mythical creatures of his homeland to follow him into battle. The likes of Sphinxes, Griffons and Serpopards can often be found in the Egyptian army, presenting a daunting challenge to anybody who wishes to defy them.

The Egyptian player therefore has access to an interesting variety of troops, monsters and priests, all going to war to support their divine king, with mystical abilities to terrify their enemies.

Dark Age Pagans

Dark Age Pagans

Many different peoples are loyal to the Gods of Asgard. The likes of the Vikings, Visigoths, Ostrogoths and Alemanni are disparate peoples who come together at the instruction of their divine lords to wage furious war on the outsiders. One thing they all have in common – the various tribes live life hard, and have become hard peoples as a result. The Dark Age Pagan faction has access to brutally effective troops, fighting with a Northern Fury.

Their units aren’t as large as those that some of their enemies field, but they make up for it with individual strength and skill at arms, and the leadership of their chieftains. Where other armies increase the size of their units to make them stronger, the armies of the Asgard pantheon instead add Chieftains, which make an already hard-hitting unit even deadlier. If the Asgard player can get their troops into combat, the enemy will feel the pain. But they must be careful, since the reduced number of models means that wounds are felt severely.

The forces of Asgard do not need deadly monsters to bolster their ranks, since the mortals are deadly enough – though these creatures can still be a dangerous addition to their strength. Also useful to these hardened warriors are the likes of the soothsayers and dwarves, who possess abilities to bolster the Asgard player or compromise the plans and units of their enemy.

The Dark Age Pagan faction is best suited to a player who wants the enemy to be afraid of even their basic troops, with small units of deadly warriors backed up by sorcerous creatures who can make their impressive charge even deadlier.

Eldritch Abominations and the Cults of the Elder Gods

Eldritch Abominations and the Cults of the Elder Gods

This way madness lies.

Many had forgotten the ‘Beings from Beyond’, but enough remember. Foul creatures are spawned in the deep and remote places of the world, and whispers enter the heads of mortals speaking incantations that they cannot begin to fathom. Cults blossom, digging tendrils into the underworlds of all nations, their rulers oblivious to the dangers within.

When these cults take to the field of battle they can lead armies made up from the very peoples who fight against them. Cultist armies have access to some units from the other factions, mortal soldiers who have fallen into the worship of these Eldritch Gods, who feed the strength of the cult with their devotion. Creatures such as the Deep Ones, Shoggoths and Night Gaunts emerge from nowhere to battle alongside their mortal brethren. All fight with a tenuous grip on sanity.

Madness is contagious where the ‘Beings from Beyond’ are involved. The armies who fight against them have to be constantly on their guard, not to let the Eldritch horror into their minds, to turn them into gibbering wrecks.

The hallmark of this faction is its unpredictability and insanity. Cultist players can spread madness to the ranks of their enemies with chanting hordes and priests of forbidden lore. The creatures who follow the army can do strange and disturbing things, able to catch the enemy off their guard. The Cults of the Elder Gods are a faction for the player who takes delight in destroying their enemy’s battle plan from inside out, manipulating the enemy’s troops and threatening flanks that the enemy had no idea were even under threat.

The World of Lardello