
Sep 25, 2018

Ancient History Magazine 18, Oct-Nov 2018

Ancient History Magazine 18, Oct-Nov 2018

Ancient History Magazine 18 with Crime and Punishment

In this issue: Criminal activities, the impact on the victims, and the attempts of ancient governments to bring criminals to heel.

Theme: Crime and punishment

Rebecca Littlechilds, 'Christian persecutions - The myth of martyrdom'.
Duncan B. Campbell, 'Julia Restituta - Murdered for her necklace'.
Scott Forbes Crawford, 'Pirates of Cilicia - Reaving the Golden Sea'.
Hareth Al Bustani, 'To spite a face - Mutilation as punishment in the Byzantine Empire'.
Julie Wileman, 'Policing the Ancient world - Ancient gatekeepers to modern profession'.
Carole Raddato, 'Discover Olympos - A pirate town in Lycia'.


Sarah Berry, 'Saucy Romans - Date sauce for boiled ostrich'.
E.J.Taylor, 'Blood-soaked groves and primeval gods - Rome, the druids and human sacrifice in ancient Britain'.
Erich B. Anderson, 'Human booty - Slavery in the Ancient Near East'.
Jona Lendering, 'Never enough evidence - Philostratus and the Damis source'.
Graham Sumner, 'Masada: aka The Antagonists (1981) - The Roman army on screen, part 11'.

Ancient History Magazine

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