
Sep 30, 2018

One-hour Skirmish Wargames: Fast-play Dice-less Rules for Small-unit Actions from Napoleonics to Sci-Fi

One-hour Skirmish Wargames: Fast-play Dice-less Rules for Small-unit Actions from Napoleonics to Sci-Fi

Many wargamers enjoy the challenge of skirmish games where, instead of the strategy of vast armies portrayed by traditional wargames, the focus is on the tactics of a small unit.

However, skirmish rules are often so complex that it can take hours of rolling dice, consulting tables and recording data to recreate what would in reality be a fast and furious firefight lasting just minutes.

Now these new rules make it possible to recapture the speed and intensity of these actions where every man, and every second, counts. The basic rules are supported by sections which give special rules and scenarios to capture the flavour of a range of different periods, from Napoleonic to Modern Warfare and beyond with Sci-Fi.

From the 95th Rifles scouting for Wellington, Western gunfights and WWI trench raids, through WW2 parachute assaults or Special Forces strikes in Afghanistan, or even Space Marines storming a space station, Squad Firefights elegantly simple system allows you to focus on proper tactical decisions rather than rolling buckets of dice or calculating masses of modifiers.

The Guinea Pig Club: Archibald McIndoe, the Royal Air Force and the Reconstruction of Warriors

The Guinea Pig Club: Archibald McIndoe, the Royal Air Force and the Reconstruction of Warriors

This book speaks to two of the most diametrically opposed yet mutually supportive aspects of war: the ability to inflict horrific injury and the ability to heal... Mayhew is to be commended on an outstanding addition to expanding our knowledge of an area rarely discussed by historians.

Her book should be mandatory reading for all defence members (both civilian and military) and on everyone's history shelf. This book is highly recommended.' Air Force Magazine The history of the Guinea Pig Club, the band of airmen who were seriously burned in aeroplane fires, is a truly inspiring, spine-tingling tale.

Plastic surgery was in its infancy before the Second World War. The most rudimentary techniques were only known to a few surgeons worldwide. The Allies were tremendously fortunate in having the maverick surgeon Archibald McIndoe nicknamed the Boss or the Maestro operating at a small hospital in East Grinstead in the south of England.

McIndoe constructed a medical infrastructure from scratch. After arguing with his superiors, he set up a revolutionary new treatment regime. Uniquely concerned with the social environment, or holistic care , McIndoe also enlisted the help of the local civilian population. He rightly secured his group of patients dubbed the Guinea Pig Club an honoured place in society as heroes of Britain's war. For the first time official records have been used to explain fully how and why this remarkable relationship developed between the Guinea Pig Club, the RAF and the Home Front.

First-person recollections bring to life the heroism of the airmen with incredible clarity. This is a revised and expanded edition with new material, including a foreword by HRH Prince Harry, published to tie in with a major new film expected to be released in late 2018.

Project Update #5: CAV: Strike Ops III, Kickstarter from Talon Games

Let's get ready for October and set our "sights" on a new Stretch Goal!

With the new week starting I wanted us to be looking forward to a new stretch goal, so I have gone ahead and "unlocked" $38k, adding it to both your Core Reward Set with four updated Ghost CAVs and your Optional Rewards with the brand-new Charger APC!

Next up is the Templar Duelist and the Malvern Banshee at $46k. That's only $8k away so let's keep up with spreading the word and get through it quick!

Pledge Reward $38000

Pledge Reward $46000



Talon Games

Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign

Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign

Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) is best known for his masterpiece of military theory On War, yet that work formed only the first three of ten volumes of his published writings.

The others, historical analyses of the wars that roiled Europe from 1789 through 1815, informed and shaped Clausewitz's military thought, so they offer invaluable insight into his dialectical, often difficult theoretical masterwork. Among these historical works, perhaps the most important is Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign, which covers a crucial period in the French Revolutionary Wars.

During this campaign the young, largely unknown Corsican, in his first command, led the French Army to triumph over the superior forces of the Austrian and Sardinian Armies. Moving from strategy to battle scene to analysis, this first English translation nimbly conveys the character of Clausewitz's writing in all its registers: the brisk, often powerful description of events as they unfolded; the critical reflections on strategic theory and its implications; and, most bracing, the dissection and sharp judgment of the actions of the French and Austrian commanders.

From the thrill of the Battle of Montenotte-the youthful Bonaparte's first offensive-to the remorseless logic of Clausewitz's assessments, Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign will expand readers' experience and understanding of not only this critical moment in European history but also the thought and writings of the modern master of military philosophy.

Wargames Terrain and Buildings: The Napoleonic Wars

Any miniature wargame is greatly enhanced by realistic and evocative scenery and buildings, but commercial ready-made pieces can be expensive. Building your own can be a cost-effective and very rewarding alternative, another hobby in itself, but it can be hard to know where to start.

Wargames Terrain and Buildings is a series of books aimed at giving wargamers the skills, techniques and guidance they need to create their own stunning and practical model buildings. In this volume, master modeller Tony Hardwood shares his years of experience and presents the reader with a wide range of projects for the Napoleonic era. With the aid of step-by-step photographs, he guides the reader through building and finishing each of these models, which are organized in three sections of increasing complexity and encompass a range of scales and different materials.

Nine projects are included but the techniques and skills demonstrated along the way, along with valuable advice on tools, construction materials and paints, can be adapted and applied to a much wider range of structures to grace your battlefields.

Sep 29, 2018

New Releases for September 2018 from Osprey Publishing Ltd

New Releases for September 2018, we have another fantastic set of new releases.

Order Today

Otto Skorzeny

Otto Skorzeny

SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny became a legend in his own time. ‘Hitler's favourite commando' acquired a reputation as a man of daring, renowned for his audacious 1943 mission to extricate Mussolini from a mountain-top prison. Skorzeny's influence on special operations doctrine was far-reaching and long-lasting - in 2011, when US Navy SEALs infiltrated Pakistan to eliminate Osama Bin Laden, the operational planning was influenced by Skorzeny's legacy. Yet he was also an egoist who stole other men's credit (including for the seminal rescue of Mussolini), brave and resourceful but also an unrepentant Nazi and a self-aggrandizing hogger of the limelight.

Stuart Smith draws on years of in-depth research to uncover the truth about Skorzeny's career and complex personality. From his background as a student radical in Vienna, to his bloody service with the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front, his surprise rebirth as a commando, and his intriguing post-war career and mysterious fortune, this book tells Otto Skorzeny's story in full - warts and all - for the first time.

Day of the Rangers

Day of the Rangers

On October 3, 1993, Task Force Ranger was dispatched to seize two high-profile lieutenants of a Somali warlord. Special Forces troops were transported by ground vehicles and helicopters, and the mission was meant to be over within the hour. They quickly found themselves under heavy fire, and two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down. With a hastily organized relief column many hours away, the American troops faced a desperate battle for survival.

Focusing on the stories of the soldiers on the ground, and in the air, Day of the Rangers reveals the experiences and recollections of the Special Forces units, including the Rangers, Delta operators and Nightstalker crews who fought in the battle of Mogadishu.

Published to mark the battle's 25th anniversary and using recently declassified documents and new interviews with many of the participants, Day of the Rangers is a fascinating and revealing new history of a battle that would influence American Special Forces for decades to come.

The Battleship Bismarck

The Battleship Bismarck

The Bismarck is perhaps the most famous - and notorious - warship ever built. Completed in 1941, the 45,000-ton German battleship sunk HMS Hood, the pride of the British Navy, during one of the most sensational encounters in naval history. Following the sinking, Bismarck was chased around the North Atlantic by many units of the Royal Navy. She was finally dispatched with gunfire and torpedoes on 27 May, less than five months after her completion. Her wreck still lies where she sank, 4,800m down and 960km off the west coast of France.

Drawing on new research and technology, this edition is the most comprehensive examination of Bismarck ever published. It includes a complete set of detailed line drawings with fully descriptive keys and full-colour 3D artwork, supported by technical details, photographs and text on the building of the ship and a record of the ship's service history.



Ever since humans began to live together in settlements they have felt the need to organise some kind of defence against potentially hostile neighbours. Many of the earliest city states were built as walled towns, and during the medieval era, stone castles were built both as symbols of the defenders' strength and as protection against potential attack. The advent of cannon prompted fortifications to become lower, denser and more complex, and the forts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries could appear like snowflakes in their complexity and beautiful geometry. Without forts, the history of America could have taken a very different course, pirates could have sailed the seas unchecked, and Britain itself could have been successfully invaded.

This book explains the history of human fortifications, and is beautifully illustrated using photographs, plans, drawings and maps to explain why they were built, their various functions and their immense historical legacy in laying the foundations of empire.

The Second World War

The Second World War

The period from 1939 to 1945 saw some of the most devastating and remarkable events in living memory. Labouring beneath a daily burden of fear, sacrifice, deprivation and uncertainty, soldiers and civilians of all nationalities were driven to extremes of selfless loyalty, dogged determination or bitter cruelty by the demands of a world at war.

This book tells the stories of the men and women who lived and died during the Second World War, from politicians to factory workers, and from High Command to the conscripted men on the front lines. The experience of war is brought to life through a wealth of contemporary documentation, private writings and historical research, whilst the political, military and historical significance of the war is assessed and examined.

From Europe's Western and Eastern Fronts to the war at sea, and from the Pacific to the Mediterranean and North Africa, every fighting front of the Second World War is covered in this truly comprehensive volume.

British Ironclads 1860–75

British Ironclads 1860–75

In November 1859, the French warship La Gloire was launched. She was the world's first seagoing ironclad - a warship built from wood, but whose hull was clad in a protective layer of iron plate. Britain, not to be outdone, launched her own ironclad the following year - HMS Warrior - which, when she entered service, became the most powerful warship in the world.

Just like the Dreadnought half a century later, this ship changed the nature of naval warfare forever, and sparked a frantic arms race. The elegant but powerful Warrior embodied the technological advances of the early Victorian era, and the spirit of this new age of steam, iron and firepower.

Fully illustrated with detailed cutaway artwork, this book covers the British ironclad from its inception and emergence in 1860, to 1875, a watershed year, which saw the building of a new generation of recognisably modern turreted battleships.

French Foreign Légionnaire vs Viet Minh Insurgent

French Foreign Légionnaire vs Viet Minh Insurgent

The French Indochina War (1946-54) was the largest of the first generation of post-World War II wars of decolonization as Vietminh insurgents sought to topple their French colonial masters. It was also unique in that the insurgency evolved from low-level guerrilla activity to mobile operations by a large conventional army which finally defeated a large European-led expeditionary force, supported by artillery, armour and airpower. The war's progress was almost entirely dictated by the extreme terrain, and by the Chinese support enjoyed by the Vietnamese insurgents. The actions explored in this study cover three contrasting phases of the war in Tonkin during 1948-52, setting both sides on the path that would lead to the conflict's climactic encounter at Dien Bien Phu in 1954.

Featuring specially commissioned artwork and drawing upon a range of sources, this meticulously researched study casts new light on the troops who fought on both sides in this evolving and momentous conflict.

The Etruscans

The Etruscans

Ancient Rome had deep roots in the 'Villanovan' culture that we call today the Etruscans. Their long-lived civilization can be traced to 900-750 BC in north-west Italy. They were a sea-faring people trading with and competing against Greek and Phoenician peoples, including the Carthaginians. They were also a great land-based power, especially in the 'Classical' period, where they expanded their power north into the Po Valley and south to Latium. In the 6th century BC an Etruscan dynasty ruled Rome, and their power extended southwards to the Amalfi coast. In 509 BC the Romans rose up to expel their kings, which began the long 'Etruscan twilight' when their power was squeezed by the Samnites and, most especially, the Romans.

Drawing on archaeological evidence including warrior tombs, paintings, sculptures, and fully illustrated throughout, this study examines one of the early rivals to Ancient Rome.

Operation Linebacker II 1972

Operation Linebacker II 1972

After the failed April 1972 invasion of South Vietnam and the heavy US tactical bombing raids in the Hanoi area, the North Vietnamese agreed to return to the Paris peace talks, yet very quickly these negotiations stalled.

In an attempt to end the war quickly and 'persuade' the North Vietnamese to return to the negotiating table, President Nixon ordered the Air Force to send the US' ultimate conventional weapon, the B-52 bomber, against their capital, Hanoi. Bristling with the latest Soviet air defence missiles, it was the most heavily defended target in Vietnam. Taking place in late December, this campaign was soon dubbed the ‘Christmas Bombings'.

Using specially commissioned artwork and maps, ex-USAF fighter colonel Marshall Michel describes Linebacker II, the climax of the air war over Vietnam, and history's only example of how America's best Cold War bombers performed against contemporary Soviet air defences.

The Luger

Patented in 1898 and produced from 1900, Georg Luger's iconic semi-automatic pistol became synonymous with Germany's armed forces throughout both world wars.

Initially chambered for the 7.65×21mm round, from 1902 the Luger was designed for DWM's 9×19mm round, which even today remains the most popular military handgun cartridge. It was adopted by the Imperial German Navy in 1904, followed by the German Army in 1908, receiving the name Pistole 08. Despite being supplanted by the Walther P38, the Luger remained in widespread service with all arms of Nazi Germany's armed forces throughout World War II, and even equipped East Germany's Volkpolizei in the years after 1945.

Featuring full-colour artwork, expert analysis and archive and present-day photographs, this engaging study tells the story of the Luger, the distinctive and deadly semi-automatic pistol that has come to symbolize Germany's armed forces in the 20th century.

The Splintered Empires

The Splintered Empires

At the beginning of 1917, the three empires fighting on the Eastern Front were reaching their breaking points, but none was closer than Russia. After the February Revolution, Russia's ability to wage war faltered and her last desperate gamble, the Kerensky Offensive, saw the final collapse of her army. This helped trigger the Bolshevik Revolution and a crippling peace, but the Central Powers had no opportunity to exploit their gains and, a year later, both the German and Austro-Hungarian empires surrendered and disintegrated.

Concluding his acclaimed series on the Eastern Front in World War I, Prit Buttar comprehensively details not only these climactic events, but also the ‘successor wars' that raged long after the armistice of 1918. New states rose from the ashes of empire, and war raged as German forces sought to keep them under the aegis of the Fatherland. These unresolved tensions between the former Great Powers and the new states would ultimately lead to the rise of Hitler and a new, terrible world war only two decades later.

Osprey Publishing Ltd

September 2018 Book Vote from Osprey Publishing Ltd

September 2018 Book Vote from Osprey Publishing Ltd

Have you seen this month's Campaign book vote? From Alexander the Great & the Battle of the Hydaspes to Mussolini’s attempt to create a new Roman Empire, there are five exciting new histories waiting for your vote.

Hydaspes 326 BC

Alexander the Great’s campaign in India saw some of the bloodiest and most difficult fighting of his military career. This Campaign study wil tell the story of what happened when the Macedonian Army crossed into what is now modern Pakistan for the last of Alexander’s major victories.

Fulford 1066

The battle of Hastings was the third major engagement fought by an English army in 1066, and the first was Fulford. Fought outside York between Harald Hardrada, the king of Norway and the English renegade Tostig Godwinson on one side, the northern earls Edwin and Morcar on the other, the English defeat forced Harold Godwinson to march his men northwards leaving the coast clear for William of Normandy to land unopposed.

Pea Ridge 1862

The battle of Pea Ridge was a major clash between Union and Confederate forces in Arkansas in 1862. The Confederate defeat left Arkansas, and Missouri, open to the Union. This is a major Civil War battle yet to be given the Campaign treatment.

Albania and Greece 1940

The Italian invasion of Albania, followed by Greece, was part of Mussolini’s doomed attempt to create a new Roman Empire throughout the Mediterranean. Although the Albanian element proved successful, the invasion of Greece was a disaster for the Italians and led directly to German involvement in the region.

Fall Rot 1940

The history of the German invasion of France up to the evacuation of the BEF from Dunkirk has been well covered, however the fierce fighting beyond that, and the eventual fall of France itself, has been much less well told. Fall Rot will detail the final part of the story of the Fall of France in 1940 already covered in two Campaign volumes on Fall Gelb.

Read the descriptions, select your favourite, and discover the results of last month's Aircraft of the Aces vs Combat Aircraft vote by clicking here.

Osprey Publishing Ltd

Sep 28, 2018

10mm Research Base Set from Brigade Models

The last of our new items for Tabletop Gaming Live are from our 10mm Sci-Fi buildings range. We’ve rescaled some more of our existing buildings, from the Research Base set, to this scale.

The first three buildings to appear in 10mm are the Accommodation Block, Small Garage Block and Utility Shed.

Assuming sales on these are OK, we’ll do the other models in the set later.

Research Base Set

Research Base Set

Brigade Models

Boeing 747-8F UPS from Revell

The 747-8F is the latest generation cargo version of the legendary Boeing 747. The 747-8F sets new standards in terms of efficient fuel consumption and noise reduction. With an extra 16% the cargo carrying capacity is also significantly above that of its predecessor. These characteristics convinced the logistics giant UPS to buy 14 of these aircraft and use them all over the world.

Boeing 747-8F UPS

Boeing 747-8F UPS

Number of parts: 167 Length: 525 mm Height: 138 mm Wingspan: 476 mm


Sep 27, 2018

7 New Hordes & Heroes Medieval War of the Roses (Singles) packs from Kallistra

7 new Hordes & Heroes Medieval War of the Roses (Singles) packs are now available.

The first production castings came off the machine yesterday.

The new packs (32 figures + 4 Bases per pack) are listed below, which brings the total number of packs available in this range to 25!

War of the Roses SINGLE Figures

H-1019 WOTR Levy Archers - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases) £6.00

H-1019 WOTR Levy Archers - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases)

H-1020 WOTR Levy Billmen - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases) £6.00

H-1020 WOTR Levy Billmen - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases)

H-1021 WOTR Dismounted Men at Arms - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases) £6.00

H-1021 WOTR Dismounted Men at Arms - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases)

H-1022 WOTR Handgunners - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases) £6.00

H-1022 WOTR Handgunners - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases)

H-1023 WOTR Crossbowmen - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases) £6.00

H-1023 WOTR Crossbowmen - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases)

H-1024 WOTR Retinue Longbows - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases) £6.00

H-1024 WOTR Retinue Longbows - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases)

H-1025 WOTR Retinue Billmen - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases)

H-1025 WOTR Retinue Billmen - SINGLES - (32 figures + 4 bases)

Kallistra Ltd

Sep 26, 2018

10mm SU-100 & SU-85 Released from Lancer Miniatures

New 10mm SU-100 and SU-85 Released from Lancer Miniatures

SKU: KJ0213 SU-100

SKU: KJ0213 SU-100

The SU-100 was a Soviet tank destroyer armed with a 100mm anti-tank gun in a casemate superstructure. It was used extensively during the last year of World War II and saw service for many years afterwards with the armies of Soviet allies around the world.

SKU: KJ0212 SU-85

SKU: KJ0212 SU-85

The SU-85 was a Soviet self-propelled gun used during World War II, based on the chassis of the T-34 medium tank. Earlier Soviet self-propelled guns were meant to serve as either assault guns, such as the SU-122, or as tank destroyers; the SU-85 fell into the latter category.

Lancer Miniatures

Project Update #4: CAV: Strike Ops III, Kickstarter from Talon Games

So we will start this update off with a bit of a mea culpa. We plan these thing over and over and think we have it all figured out but alas, sometimes it just doesn't line up as intended. We always build in a little extra here and there to help with these unknown factors. So, since we have a lower backer count at the moment then we had accounted for, I can cut some back to help with these first levels (and boost the base Core Rewards) to will help the excitement level! See I do listen! :)

So on to the rest of the cool things! First off, lets add some new models to the Core Set right now! Reinforcements incoming!!!

Add On Core Force Bonus

The Warhawk is a design the Templars "borrowed" from the Terrans and updated the weapon load-out with better guns and missiles. Since it shares the same chassis as the Starhawk V, we are adding a weapons sprue so you can build either model type!

The Malvern Obake is an all-new design for a kick-ass fire support model!

Let's keep it going by going ahead and opening up the paint sets. You know we are going to do them anyway, so let's DO IT!!!

Add On Special Faction Paint Set

As noted the stretch goals after $38k have been lowered a bit and since we have opened up the paint, we will throw a couple of new models into the mix...time to go muddin' with the Templar Mamba (new design) and the Malvern Nomad!

Pledge Reward $46000

Pledge Reward $54000

Pledge Reward $65000

Pledge Reward $77000

Pledge Reward $91000

So, how's that for an update? A whole LOT OF STOMP for sure! And for those wondering about the dropship...its the very last thing we will roll towards the end of the campaign and will be added as a $75 REWARD OPTION, provided that the Stretch Goal for it is reached when offered. So yes it's coming...but all in good time!



Talon Games

Sep 25, 2018

Ancient History Magazine 18, Oct-Nov 2018

Ancient History Magazine 18, Oct-Nov 2018

Ancient History Magazine 18 with Crime and Punishment

In this issue: Criminal activities, the impact on the victims, and the attempts of ancient governments to bring criminals to heel.

Theme: Crime and punishment

Rebecca Littlechilds, 'Christian persecutions - The myth of martyrdom'.
Duncan B. Campbell, 'Julia Restituta - Murdered for her necklace'.
Scott Forbes Crawford, 'Pirates of Cilicia - Reaving the Golden Sea'.
Hareth Al Bustani, 'To spite a face - Mutilation as punishment in the Byzantine Empire'.
Julie Wileman, 'Policing the Ancient world - Ancient gatekeepers to modern profession'.
Carole Raddato, 'Discover Olympos - A pirate town in Lycia'.


Sarah Berry, 'Saucy Romans - Date sauce for boiled ostrich'.
E.J.Taylor, 'Blood-soaked groves and primeval gods - Rome, the druids and human sacrifice in ancient Britain'.
Erich B. Anderson, 'Human booty - Slavery in the Ancient Near East'.
Jona Lendering, 'Never enough evidence - Philostratus and the Damis source'.
Graham Sumner, 'Masada: aka The Antagonists (1981) - The Roman army on screen, part 11'.

Ancient History Magazine

Sep 24, 2018

Project Update #3: CAV: Strike Ops III, Kickstarter from Talon Games

Just a quick note on changes you might notice on the campaign page. We have decided to "show-off" more of the upcoming stretch goals in an effort for people to better see all of the great models we have to offer as the campaign progresses.

Its not something we have done in the past, but this KS is different with all of the extra stuff we are trying to bring out, and with your support we will get there! I am very excited for people to see what we have in store with the rewards we have planned.

Rewards Recognition Guide

Pledge Reward $38000

Pledge Reward $47000

Pledge Reward $58000

Pledge Reward $71000

Pledge Reward $86000

Pledge Reward $103000

So there you have it for now! Lets keep this campaign rolling and again, thank you for your support!

Best, CAVBoss

Talon Games

Sep 22, 2018

Project Update #2: CAV: Strike Ops III, Kickstarter from Talon Games

We are funded! cav kickstarter iii is go!

Greetings All! In under the 60 hour mark, the CAV Kickstarter 3 has been FUNDED with your support! Now its time to really "kick the tires and light the fires," to open up as many stretch goals as we can!

EVERY level funded from here on out will add something to the Core Force while providing even more optional Rewards that I think every backer will find something that appeals to him or her.

SO right now your Core Force pledge level with include these 32 CAV models, enough figures to field at LEAST three full squads for both factions.

Our next goal on deck - the Ghost CAV, a Core Force reward that we will automatically add to both Ace and Dropship Pilot Pledge Levels once funded. We also have the ALL-NEW Templar Charger APC Hover Vehicle, a model that has never been produced or shown till now! Once unlocked, by adding $5 to your pledge and selecting it in the pledge manager it can be yours too!

Pledge Reward

Lurking in the shadows is Stretch Goal #2! The impressive Templar Duelist and the Malvern's Banshee Anti-Grav Tank!

Pledge Reward 2

Looking to add more Core Force models to your pledge? By adding the amount shown next to each model below to your pledge you can chose to add even more of these great models to your forces!

Core Force Extras

So there you have it for now! Lets keep this campaign rolling and again, thank you for your support!

Best, CAVBoss

Talon Games

Sep 21, 2018

Project Update #1: CAV: Strike Ops III, Kickstarter from Talon Games

We are almost to our funding goal and onwards to more rewards! Thank you for all of your support and encouragement so far.

To show our appreciation, we are including the following add-on for all of our backers that may be looking to try out the CAV: Strike Ops game for the first time with this special Kickstarter only offer!

Backer Reward
Remember, to receive this add-on you must add the amount shown to your
final pledge!
In case you missed it earlier, we caught this guy lurking around the corner ready to jump into the action!

Core Set Reward
Core Set Reward coming up next!

Talon Games