
Aug 15, 2018

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 98, Oct-Nov 2018

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 98, Oct-Nov 2018

Issue 98 of Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy recently went off to the printer and is now available for pre-order. This time around, our theme focuses on the Wars of the Roses, with articles that include a campaign for the period, the Battle of Stoke Field, and ways to play small-scale engagements around your favourite bigger battles.

Special Feature: The Wars of the Roses

Mark Backhouse, 'The Wars of the Roses: a wargaming intro - A game of thrones'.
Sidney Roundwood, 'A campaign for the Wars of the Roses - "Habilments of War"'.
Alistair Campbell Grieve, 'Alternative scenarios for the Wars of the Roses - Scuffles and Skirmishes'.
Ian Beal, '"Filled with arrows like hedgehogs" - The Battle of Stoke Field, 1487'.
Guy Bowers, 'Building a Wars of the Roses army - My kingdom for a horse'.
Alberto Mateos Jurado, 'The last charge of King Richard III of England - One last roll of the dice'.


Guy Bowers, 'Rommel's fighting retreat after El Alamein - The fox's flight'.
Jeff Jonas, 'Marauders vs the mad Macedonian monarch - Attack of the Galatians!'.
Eoghan Kelly, 'The Siege of Fort Standwix, 2-22 August 1777 - Hubbell's telescope'.
Tony Harwood, 'An American Civil War locomotive - Casey Jones is back'.
John Bond, 'Painting a Panzer IV by hand - No airbrush, no problem'.


Miniature reviews
Richard Clarke, 'Up front - Historicon return'.
Henry Hyde, 'Tabletop tactics - Horse-and-musket-era artillery'.
Tony Rieger, 'The irregular - How to get your hobby mojo back'.
Rossco Watkins, 'The new 2000 AD game from Warlord - Let's play Strontium Dog'.
Guy Bowers, Eoghan Kelly, and Chris Payne, 'Game reviews - Mad Dogs & Englishmen, Western, Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, and Outlands - 2nd edition'.
Book reviews
Parting shots

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy

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