
Aug 2, 2018

To All Division & Corps Commanders!

To All Division & Corps Commanders!

Panzer Korps Rules

We are halfway through the year and things are starting to heat up. The summer campaign weather was been great and has allowed many to fight open topped!

Panzer Korps, Thunderstruck

Panzer Korps, Thunderstruck

Panzer Korps continues to be our best seller as more and more gamers adopt the system for larger scale engagements. We just released the eighth scenario book featuring the Eastern Front called Thunderstruck! For those of you who do not have the time or resources to create scenarios, we would recommend picking up any of the eight currently in print, or download a few samples from the free scenarios folder on our Yahoo! Group.

Scenario Book Nine is in development, and will feature primarily the African Front. Watch for it in October.

Japanese & Chinese General's Handbook is almost complete and will be out this fall. It will include Chinese Front materials and scenarios. There are many actions to be re-fought in the underappreciated area of operations involving millions of men and quite a hodgepodge of equipment! Lots of fun, and will inspire gamers to paint up some China Front troops!

Panzer Korps: Anniversary Edition is in the works, and we are hopeful to have it out by October. Watch for it. We will also have anniversary T-shirts and other items that will be made available. Stay tuned.

Force Fleet Command

Our naval supplement for Panzer Korps has slowly started to get attention. Many gamers that enjoy playing General Quarters III, Victory at Sea and other naval systems have begun to look at Force Fleet Command as an alternative for its streamlined and fast gameplay. Keeping within the flavor of Panzer Korps, the player takes on the role of Admiral and commands a task force of ships that move together in formations of the period. Once in the same sea zone, the fleets engage and maneuver until one side is forced to withdraw.

It is nice to have some naval actions that can affect land operations with air and naval gunfire or simply put, "shut down the Tokyo Express." The rules' scalability really allow for all actions to be fought, regardless of the size or scale of troops and ships used.

WWI Force Fleet Command Supplement

World War One Force Fleet Command supplement is in the works, and will be out this fall. Watch for it.


Pacificon - Santa Clara Marriott, California, over Labor Day Weekend: We will be there talking about Panzer Korps.

Hurricon 2018 - September 27th to 30th. Park Inn by Radisson Resort & Conference Center, Orlando, Florida: We are sponsoring a few events, as well as providing some Panzer Korps materials. Great place to bring the family.

Visit our website at panzerkorps.com and download our latest catalog, or visit our company online store.

Columns Forward!

Hoplite Research
Panzer Korps Rules
Panzer korps rules and supplements can be bought from East Front Miniatures (full disclosure I own company).

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