
Aug 2, 2018

Medieval Warfare VIII-4, Sep-Oct 2018

Medieval Warfare VIII-4, Sep-Oct 2018

The latest edition of Medieval Warfare just went off to the printer. In VIII-4 we're traveling to twelfth-century Norway to examine the conflict between the Birkebeiner and the Bagler. Sverrir Sigurdsson initially leads his forces to victory, but there's still plenty to do if he wants to consolidate his power and stay king.

Theme: Birkebeiner versus Bagler

Peter Konieczny, 'Humble beginnings, bold dreams - Coming to Norway'.
Beñat Elortza, 'A grand victory during an hour of need - The Battle of Fimreite',
Hörður Barðdal, '"The hungry louse bites hardest" - Sverrir the guerrilla fighter'.
Carolyne Larrington, 'The gods who need fighters - Norse mythology and warfare'.
Ármann Jakobsson, 'A subtle and strongly ideological narrative - Sverris Saga'.
Randall Moffett, 'Sverrir's men and chessmen - The Norwegian freeman soldier'.
Megan Arnott, 'Sverrir's right to the throne is challenged - Birkebeiner versus Bagler'.


Kay Smith and Ruth R. Brown, '"The blade did not shatter or break" - The sword of the Volsungs'.
Brian Burfield, '"As if struck by a lethal arrow" - Warfare during the Black Death'.
Adam Ali, 'Diversity in medieval Islamic armies - Warriors of the Abbasid Caliphate'.
Giulia Calabrò, 'The Ottoman Empire versus Venice - The Siege of Scutari, 1474'.
Murray Dahm, 'More Norsemen on film - Blood, guts, and Vikings'.

Medieval Warfare

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