
Jun 27, 2018

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 97, Aug-Sep 2018

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 97, Aug-Sep 2018

The new edition of WS&S is currently at the printer and will be ready soon. Issue 97 has a theme that focuses on Weird War II - a mix of actual history, mad-science, and a dash of magic. If that's not your thing, there are plenty of solidly historical articles as well, including complete rules for Hellenistic elephant combat and a matchup between the Dutch and Swedish set in 17th century Delaware, just to name a few.

Special Feature: World War II goes weird

Rob Broom, 'Playing "What if?" World War II - Games without frontiers'.
Kurt Bowker, 'A "What if?" assassination mission - Kill Stalin!'.
Ben Moorhouse, 'Weird War II airborne operations - Operation Redrow'.
Steve Beckett, 'Weird War II pulp adventures - Lieutenant Liberty and the Doom Platoon'.
Steve Beckett, 'Operation Aconite, Hunting beasts in the forest - The wolf's bane'.
Guy Bowers, 'Collecting for Weird World War II - Something wicked this way comes'.


Michael Hoddinott, 'The Empress Matilda's flight - Bitesize battle: escape from Oxford'.
Jeff Jonas, 'The perils of Ptolemaic Pachyderms - Elephant Archos'.
Michael Leck and Jan Kärrman, 'The Swedes vs. the Dutch in North America - The Battle at Fort Mosquito, 1655'.
John Bond, 'Making a water tower for gaming - Dawn raid on the recycling bin'.
Stephen Tunmore, 'Upgrading laser cut buildings - A magnificent MDF mansion'.


Miniature reviews
Rick Priestley, 'This gaming life - Quick, hide the maths!'.
Henry Hyde, 'Tabletop tactics - Early artillery'.
Sam Downorder, 'The irregular - Rivet counters anonymous'.
Rossco Watkins, 'The funky street fighting game - Let's play Street Wars NYC'.
Ian Beal, Paul Burkin, Eoghan Kelly, and Chris King, 'Game reviews - Battlegroup Torch, Furioso, 1914, Wargame: Castle Assault, and Scream Aim Fire'.
Book reviews
Parting shots

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy

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