
Jun 14, 2018

TimeCast is Back Up & Running

After a month of planning and lots of hard work, we have now finally got our new workshop up and running.

Due to the amount of work required to get us back in production, we have unfortunately fallen behind with customer orders. We have now started casting again, and will be restocking with Old Glory 15s very shortly.

Apologies to customers who have experienced delays with their orders. However, the move was forced on us by the site owners who wished to redevelop the part of the site which contained our old building. On a brighter note, however, the new building is larger, with much better lighting, and we have been able to rebuild it to our requirements rather than having to fit into an existing layout.

From this

From this

Busy, busy, busy

Busy, busy, busy

Nearly finished. And we did ALL the work ourselves

Nearly finished. And we did ALL the work ourselves

Thanks for your patience! Normal service will be resumed as quickly as possible, and all outstanding orders will be dealt with as quickly as we can get them out of the door!

For more info, please check the news page on our website.


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