
May 10, 2018

Update 29: Final Update · 10mm Ogre Mammoth Riders from Black Gate Miniatures

It's early May 2018, and I can finally say that it's almost done.

If you haven't got your Ogres yet, then you either need to pay your P&P PayPal invoice or check your Kickstarter messages. I think we are down to single figures of orders to be shipped now.

Let me once again say a massive thank you to everyone who backed the project, I literally couldn't have done it without you. Also, sorry it took longer than expected but I have learned a valuable lesson and will be better prepared in any possible future Kickstarter campaigns.

Massive thanks to my incredible creative team of Robi Baker (Sculptor), Christian Schwager (Art), Richard Bowker (Painting). Special thanks to my secret Kickstarter advisory panel of Sherwin, Paul and Rid. You guys were immense.

The Ogres will go retail in early June 2018 and then there may be more Kickstarters from Black Gate Miniatures in the future. We will see.

It's been emotional.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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