
Apr 12, 2018

Ancient Warfare XII.1, Jun-Jul 2018

Ancient Warfare XII.1, Jun-Jul 2018

In issue XII-1, we're trying something a bit new: the theme this time around consists of one extra-long article with separate sections by a variety of contributors. This time we're taking a look at how Augustus reformed the Roman army early in his reign. We're very curious to see if you like this new approach to the theme, so please let us know!

Theme: Augustus' new Roman army

Lindsay Powell, M.C. Bishop, Paul McDonnell-Staff, and Jasper Oorthuys, 'SPECIAL FEATURE: Roman combat forces after Actium - An army fit for an empire'.


Don Arp, Jr. and Tom Winter, 'Unarmed combat in ancient Greece'.
Duncan Head, 'Greek hoplite, 390 BC - Warriors of the Nereid Monument'.
Kevin Rowan De Groote, 'How hoplites wielded their dory - All your strength is in your spears'.
Tacticus, 'Rome's master tactician - Lessons from Scipio'.
Graham Sumner, 'marcus Aurelius Nepos and his wife - Married for eternity'.
Duncan B. Campbell, 'The pay of the auxiliaries - Poor relations'.
Greg Fischer, Vera Weterings, and Andrei Pogacias, 'Book reviews - The Nisibis War: The defence of the Roman East, AD 337-363, Fields of Battle: Retracing ancient battlefields, and Rome's revolution: Death of the Republic and birth of the Empire'.

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