
Mar 3, 2018

Next batch of Indian Mutiny sculpts from Pendraken Miniatures

There's actually a couple of months worth here but we're a bit behind with our pic taking!  This lot covers most of the British types, leaving just the artillery and limbers to be done.  We've had some great help from member John Cook on the artillery, so the modeller is working away on those as I type.  There's a rather nice limber elephant in the works as well!

Indian Mutiny - British

Infantry in Home Service dress

Infantry in Home Service dress

Infantry in Campaign dress

Infantry in Campaign dress

Sikh Infantry

Sikh Infantry



Naval Brigade

Naval Brigade





Cavalry in shirt and caps

Cavalry in shirt and caps

Cavalry in tunic and pugree

Cavalry in tunic and pugree

Dragoon Guards

Dragoon Guards

Punjabi Cavalry

Punjabi Cavalry

Gentlemen Horse

Gentlemen Horse

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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