
Mar 31, 2018

The Landing In The Dawn: Dissecting A Legend - The Landing At Anzac, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

The Landing In The Dawn: Dissecting A Legend - The Landing At Anzac, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

The Gallipoli Landing of 25 April 1915 is arguably Australia’s best known battle. It is commemorated each year with a national holiday, services, parades and great media attention. 2015, the centenary of the Gallipoli Campaign, was marked by great publicity and the release of many books, articles, films, documentaries and television series. Despite this attention, the Landing is still a poorly understood battle, with the historiography coloured by a century of misinformation, assumption, folklore and legend.

The Landing in the Dawn: Dissecting a Legend – The Landing at Anzac, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, re-examines and reconstructs the Anzac Landing by applying a new approach to an old topic – it uses the aggregate experience of a single, first-wave battalion over a single day, primarily through the investigation of veteran’s letters and diaries, to create a body of evidence with which to construct a history of the battle. This approach might be expected to shed light on these men’s experiences only, but their accounts surprisingly divulge sufficient detail to allow an unprecedented reconstruction and re-examination of the battle. Thus it effectively places much of the battlefield under a microscope.

The use of veterans’ accounts to re-tell the story of the Landing is not new. Anecdotes have for many years been layered over the known history, established in C.E.W. Bean, Official History of Australia in the War: The Story of ANZAC, Volume I, to cover the existing narrative. Here, detail extracted from an unprecedented range of primary and secondary sources, is used to reconstruct the history of the day, elevating participants’ accounts from anecdote to eye-witness testimony. This shift in the way evidence is used to reinterpret the day, rather than simply painting it into the existing canvas, changes the way the battle is perceived.

Even though more than 100 years have passed since the Landing, and well over 1,000 books have been written about the campaign, much can be learned by returning to the “primary source, the soldier.” The Landing has not been previously studied at this level of detail. This work complements Bean’s by providing new evidence and digging deeper than Bean had the opportunity to do. It potentially re-writes the history of the Landing. This is not an exclusive Australian story – for example, one third of the battalion examined were born in the British Isles. This volume, the most current and comprehensive study since Bean’s, has been rightly described as a major contribution that will change the way the legendary amphibious landing is viewed.

Mar 30, 2018

Flower Class Corvette HMS Buttercup from Revell

A model construction kit of HMS Buttercup which whilst under command of the Royal Navy Section Belge (Naval Forces of the Free Belgian Army). Specially equipped for acoustic and magnet mine clearance.

- Detailed superstructures
- 10,2 cm main armament
- Detailed radar tower
- Depth charge launchers
- Acoustic hammer
- Display stand

Authentic representation of the following version:
- HMS Buttercup, Royal Navy Section Belge (RNSB), 1941-1944

HMS Buttercup

HMS Buttercup


Mar 29, 2018

Miniature Wargames 420, April 2018

Miniature Wargames 420, April 2018

What’s in effective range in (mostly) historical wargaming with reports on Warlord, Rubicon and much more.

All hail the late King of Ruritainia! Mr Kinch takes an ill advised trip in the midst of a civil war.

Part three of a set of rules for 20th Century Skirmish: Air support and hand-to-hand combat!

Pyrenees: July 1813 - another wargames poser by Jon Sutherland.

Fight the Crusades with the new Outremer: Faith and Blood rules by Osprey plus a unique scenario by the author.

The usual sensor sweep of the latest news in F&SF gaming with releases from North Star; Ground Zero Games; CP Models; Atlantis Miniatures and Brigade.

Rules and suggestions for playing this cinematic legend on a truly epic scale: 1/6th.

Part two of the guide to Wargaming in the US and Northern Mexico in the late 19th Century.

What’s top and and what to let drop with reviews of 13 of the latest book releases.

Dusty but flexible roads that stay where you put them!

The editor takes a trip to York.

Find a club in your vicinity and add your club for free!

Miniature Wargames

Mar 28, 2018

Cornered Wolf (Chechen Wars)

Cornered Wolf (Chechen Wars)

Chaos, Simplicity and the Russo-Chechen Wars

Cornered Wolf is a skirmish game aimed at 15mm, 20mm or 28mm miniatures, and aimed at representing the chaos of urban combat with the simplest possible rules.

Uncertain activation, randomly generated forces, deployment that will throw you immediately into chaos, and quick and deadly rules will have you wargaming Chechnya in no time at all. Perfect for playing with younger family members, or for those of you who would prefer to make tactical decisions rather than look up a rule, Cornered Wolf provides everything you need for infantry, weapon teams, vehicles, multi-level buildings and suppression.

These rules cover the basic infantryman armed with AK-47 or AK-74, RPG, SVD sniper rifle or PKM. Weapon Teams like the AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher, NSV heavy machine gun, 'fagot' anti-tank missile and mortars are also covered.

Rules for vehicles cover the BTR-80, BMP-1 / BMP-2, ZSU-23-4 Shilka, 2K22 Tunguska, T-72 / T-80 and MT-LB.

While the basis of this game is kept simple (No markers or tokens needed!), extended rules are provided for players to introduce more detail. Extended rules allow troops to ride along inside (and on top of) vehicles, while extended wounding rules allow carrying wounded and loading them into vehicles. Evacuating wounded could potentially save you some points with regards to completing your mission objective.

A points system is also provided for those who aren't too keen on randomly generated forces, although we strongly recommend at least trying the random generation as it makes for very interesting and still quite balanced games.

A printer-friendly version of the rules is supplied.

Wargame Vault

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 96, Jun-Jul 2018

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 96, Jun-Jul 2018

Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy issue 96 with Raiding actions during the American Civil War

Special Feature:

Raiding actions during the American Civil War
Jack Perry, 'Raiding actions during the American Civil War - American chevauchées'.
Jack Perry, 'Pre-war violence in the Kansas territory - Kansas bleeds'.
Mark Backhouse, 'The Battle of Sacramento, 28 December 1861 - Forrest's first fight'.
Thomas Brandstetter, 'A daring riverboat hit and run - The Combahee River Raid'.
Guy Bowers, 'Cavalry in the American Civil War - Mounted raiders'.
Rubén Torregrosa, 'Setting the scene for the theme - The Red Badge of Courage'.


Colin Philips, 'Covert operations in the arctic - Ice Station Harp Seal'.
Nicholas Stock, 'Using Congo for the Cuzco - Adventures in darkest Peru'.
Carl Titterington, 'Assault on the Tannenberg Line, July 1944 - The Battle of Orphanage Hill'.
Rubén Torregrosa, 'Painting the "warriors" of NYC - Street Wars'.
John Bond, 'Converting your WWII 28mm miniatures - Plastic surgery'.


Miniature reviews
Richard Clarke, 'The power of points'.
Henry Hyde, 'Tabletop tactics - Ancient and medieval cavalry'.
Ian Beal, 'The irregular - Don't be a bore. It's just a game'.
David Davies, 'Looking at the new second edition - Let's play Saga 2'.
Ken Baker, 'The new tank game from TooFatLardies - Let's play What a Tanker'.
Mark Backhouse, Guy Bowers, and Eoghan Kelly, 'Game reviews - For King and Parliment, Forager, and Burrows and Badgers'.
Book reviews
Parting shots

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy

Mar 27, 2018

RAF ground equipment set WWII part I from Pavlamodels

New RAF ground equipment set WWII part I from Pavlamodels

Scale 1:144.

U144-01  RAF ground equipment set WWII part I

U144-01  RAF ground equipment set WWII part I picture 1

U144-01  RAF ground equipment set WWII part I picture 2


Mar 25, 2018

Witch Hunter Party from Laran Miniatures

WIP of my next release for Laran Miniatures Witch Hunter Party. Didn't paint for a while.

Witch Hunter Party

Witch Hunter Party from Laran Miniatures

Laran Miniatures

Mar 23, 2018

10mm ESR Napoleonics Box Sets from The Wargaming Company

Starter Boxes | 1809 & 1812

Starter Boxes | 1809 & 1812

ESR Starter Box Sets supply the basics that you and an opponent need to get started with ESR Napoleonics.

Each of the Starter Boxes offers two Formations per player: one of infantry and one of cavalry, along with associated artillery. And just like every ESR Box Set, Starter Boxes come complete with Commanders, vehicles, bases, and flags.

Our first two Starter Boxes feature the French vs the Austrians in 1809 and the French vs the Russians during the 1812 invasion. Pair these Starter Boxes with our ESR Campaign Guides for 1809: The First Battle Lost; or 1812: Master of the World and begin your journey to recreate entire historical campaigns!

When you're ready, Starter Boxes can be expanded by adding Attachment Packs and bulk up your Force!

Core Boxes | French, Austrian & Russian

Core Boxes | French, Austrian & Russian

Charge out of the gate with an ESR Core Box Set! Each one contains everything needed for a single player to prepare for their first battle.

Every ESR Core Box Set contains an entire ESR Napoleonics Force organized according to its nationality's methods: The French Corps d'armée includes two divisions of infantry with artillery, and a light cavalry brigade; the Austrian ArmeeKorps has two infantry divisions with cavalry and artillery that can be attached to either Formation; and the Russian Infantry Corps has two large infantry divisions complete with light infantry and artillery. And just like every ESR Box Set, Starter Boxes come complete with Commanders, vehicles, bases, and flags.

Once you decide you need more troops to get the job done, Core Boxes can be expanded by adding Attachment Packs to strengthen your Force.

Attachment Packs | Brigades & Divisions

Attachment Packs | Brigades & Divisions

Attachment Packs are complete ESR Formations that can be added onto a Force. This let's players customize their Force for their next battle or even to organize it to match a historical campaign.

Attachment Packs are the best way to add supporting Formations like heavy cavalry, or powerful reserve artillery. Attachment Packs can also provide additional infantry Formations if you simply need more rank and file soldiers for the next engagement.

The Wargaming Company

Update 26: Post Kickstarter Update 12 · 10mm Ogre Mammoth Riders from Black Gate Miniatures

First off, sorry this is taking so long. It was never my intention that this Kickstarter would drag on but sometimes life just gets in the way.

The good news is that the Junk Lobba production is complete. It is going to be a mighty impressive piece on the table. I have also managed to get four of the six production moulds for the Greenlings running, leading to half the Greenlings being already cast up. Photos are below. We are absolutely on the home stretch now.

Bad news is that I have a break planned for the first couple of weeks of April and so shipping will likely now start shortly after that.

Junk Lobba parts

Half The Greenlings Are Ready

Half The Greenlings Are Ready

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

10mm Fantasy Monsters III from Magister Militum

Installment 3 of the 10mm Fantasy Monsters. We said there are quite a few!!

Fantasy Monsters III

FMC612 Giant Snakes x2

FMC612 Giant Snakes x2

FMC617 Hydra

FMC617 Hydra

FMC615 Temple Lion Dogs x9

Magister Militum

Mar 22, 2018

New Releases for March 2018! from Osprey Publishing Ltd

This month we have another fantastic set of new releases, taking us from the Greco-Persian Wars of the 5th Century BC, right up to the North American XB-70 Valkyrie of the 1950s. We're also publishing the extraordinary memoirs of Group Captain Bob Allen in No Ordinary Pilot, and the compendium 1918: Winning the War, Losing the War by some of the foremost historians of the First World War.

No Ordinary Pilot

No Ordinary Pilot

After a lifetime in the RAF, Group Captain Bob Allen, finally allowed his children and grandchildren to see his official flying log. It contained the line: 'KILLED WHILST ON OPERATIONS'. He refused to answer any further questions, leaving instead a memoir of his life during World War II. Joining up aged 19, within six months he was in No.1 Squadron flying a Hurricane in a dog fight over the Channel. For almost two years he lived in West Africa, fighting Germany's Vichy French allies, as well as protecting the Southern Atlantic supply routes. Returning home at Christmas 1942, he retrained as a fighter-bomber pilot flying Typhoons and was one of the first over the Normandy beaches on D-Day. On 25 July 1944 Bob was shot down, spending the rest of the war in a POW camp where he was held in solitary confinement, interrogated by the Gestapo and imprisoned in the infamous Stalag Luft 3 and suffered the winter march of 1945 before being liberated by the Russians. Fleshing out Bob's careful third-person memoir with detailed research, his daughter Suzanne Campbell Jones tells the gripping story of a more or less ordinary man, who came home with extraordinary memories which he kept to himself for more than 50 years.



In 2018, the world will be commemorating the centenary of the end of the First World War. In many ways, 1918 was the most dramatic year of the conflict. After the defeat of Russia in 1917, the Germans were able to concentrate their forces on the Western Front for the first time in the war, and the German offensives launched from March 1918 onward brought the Western Allies close to defeat. Having stopped the German offensives, the Entente started its counter-attacks on all fronts with the assistance of fresh US troops, driving the Germans back and, by November 1918, the Central Powers had been defeated.

This new study is a multi-author work containing ten chapters by some of the best historians of the First World War from around the world writing today. It provides an overview and analysis of the different levels of war for each of the main armies involved within the changing context of the reality of warfare in 1918. It also looks in detail at the war at sea and in the air, and considers the aftermath and legacy of the First World War.

North American XB-70 Valkyrie

North American XB-70 Valkyrie

Of the many futuristic military aircraft concepts created in the 1950s the North American XB-70 still stands out as the most awe-inspiring. With its huge, white partially-folding delta wing, its fuselage resembling a striking cobra and its extraordinary performance, it was one of the foremost technological achievements of the 20th Century.

A strategic bomber built to outrun any Soviet fighter jet, it could reach Mach 3 with a full nuclear payload - as fast as the legendary SR-71 Blackbird but more than three times the size. However, its role as a nuclear bomber was limited after the introduction of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, and defence cuts eventually led to the project being scrapped in the mid-1960s.

The Valkyrie had a brief, costly decade of life but it proved the continuing value of developing manned bombers. However, almost half a century after the XB-70 its predecessor, the B-52, continues in service. Using full colour artwork and rigorous analysis, this is the complete story of the ultimate US Cold War military X-plane.

Greek Hoplite vs Persian Warrior

Greek Hoplite vs Persian Warrior

The Greco-Persian Wars (499-449 BCE) convulsed Greece, Asia Minor and the Near East for half a century. Through a series of bloody invasions and pitched battles, the mighty Persian Empire pitted itself against the smaller armies of the Greeks, strengthened through strategic alliances. This epic conflict also brought together two different styles of warfare: the Greek hoplite phalanx and the combined spear and projectile weapon-armed Persian infantry.

Analysing the battles of Marathon, Thermopylae and Plataea from the eyes of a soldier, this study explores the experience of front-line combat during the first two decades of the Greco-Persian Wars. Fully illustrated with modern photographs and archival images, and drawing directly on primary sources and the most authoritative recent research, this is the enthralling story of the fighting men of Greece and Persia and the tactics and technologies they employed.

Zeppelin vs British Home Defence 1915–18

Zeppelin vs British Home Defence 1915–18

When Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin's rigid airship LZ 1 flew over Lake Constance in 1900, it was the most advanced and impressive flying machine in the world: a colossal, lighter-than-air craft capable of controlled flight. In World War I, Zeppelins were first used in a reconnaissance role, but on 19 January 1915 Kaiser Wilhelm II authorised their use in bombing strategic targets in England.

From then on, ‘Zeppelin' became synonymous with terror to the British, and indeed the airship's effectiveness was more psychological than material. Still, their raids compelled the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service to embark on a program of modernising their aerial defences, accelerating a process that would ultimately make the aeroplane, rather than the airship, the paramount flying machine of the war. Using specially commissioned artwork, contemporary photographs and first-hand accounts, this book tells the fascinating story of Britain's first Blitz, from the airships who terrorised the public to the men who sought to defend the skies.

The Crossbow

The Crossbow

Technologically sophisticated and powerful, the crossbow has long enjoyed a popular reputation for villainous superiority because it could be used with little training as a weapon of assassination. The study of bow designs, trigger mechanisms and spanning devices reveals a tale of considerable mechanical ingenuity; advances that produced a battlefield weapon requiring comparatively little training to use. It was an extremely useful weapon, and especially effective in siege warfare for both attack and defence.

Known to the Ancient Greeks and the Chinese as early as the 5th century BC, the crossbow developed both in Western Europe and in the Far East. Advances in trigger mechanisms, spanning and bow design allowed the development of ever more powerful bows. In this study acknowledged weaponry expert Mike Loades traces the origins, development, combat record and lasting legacy of the crossbow, the formidable projectile weapon that played a key role in a host of battles and sieges across Europe and Asia.

Imphal 1944

Imphal 1944

In March 1944, the Japanese Fifteenth Army launched an offensive into India from Burma. Named ‘U Go', its main objective was the capture of the town of Imphal, which provided the easiest route between India and Burma. Whoever controlled it, controlled access between the two countries. Facing off against the Japanese was the British Fourteenth Army and its Imphal-based 4 Corps. For the next four months, over 200,000 men clashed in the hills and valley of Manipur in what has since been described as one of the greatest battles of World War II.

Although numbers vary, it is estimated that some 30,000 Japanese soldiers died and 23,000 were injured at Imphal-Kohima in 1944 due to fighting, disease and in the retreat back to Burma. It remains the largest defeat on land ever for the Japanese Army. With fully commissioned artwork and maps, this is the complete story of the turning point in the Burma campaign in World War II.

Soviet Destroyers of World War II

Soviet Destroyers of World War II

The Soviet Navy that faced the German onslaught in 1941 boasted a mixture of modern warships, often built with foreign technical assistance, and antiquated warships from the Tsarist era that were modernised for the conflict.

Some Soviet naval vessels saw limited involvement in the war against Finland in 1939-1940, but the main action occurred after the German invasion, when these destroyers escorted convoys, fought battles against other destroyers and the deadly threat posed by attacking aircraft, and provided fire support for Soviet troops. From the Gnevny class of the pre-war period to the specialist destroyer leaders of the Leningrad class and the unique Tashkent, Soviet Destroyers of World War II is a detailed guide to the often forgotten destroyers of the Soviet Navy .

Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Lost Colossus

Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Lost Colossus

Long ago, the great Colossus of Argantheon stood upon one of the outer islands, its vast, outstretched arm pointing the way to the Crystal Pool, or so the ancient texts claim. Then, during some forgotten war, the Colossus was shattered, and its parts flung across the Archipelago, to lie in forgotten ruin.

In this expansion for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, players lead their warbands through a series of interlinked scenarios in a race to discover the secrets of the Colossus. Along the way, they will encounter new monsters, discover new treasures, and even recruit a few new specialist warriors to their cause. Perhaps, if they are successful, the knowledge they obtain will help point them towards the ultimate treasure!

Finland at War

Finland at War

The story of the ‘Winter War' between Finland and Soviet Russia is a dramatic David versus Goliath encounter. When close to half a million Soviet troops poured into Finland in 1939 it was expected that Finnish defences would collapse in a matter of weeks. But they held firm. The Finns not only survived the initial attacks but succeeded in inflicting devastating casualties before superior Russian numbers eventually forced a peace settlement. This is a rigorously detailed and utterly compelling guide to Finland's vital, but almost forgotten role in the cataclysmic World War II. It reveals the untold story of iron determination, unparalleled skill and utter mastery of winter warfare that characterised Finland's fight for survival on the hellish Eastern Front.

Now publishing in paperback, Finland at War: the Winter War 1939-40 is the premiere English-language history of the fighting performance of the Finns, drawing on first-hand accounts and rare photographs to explain just how they were able to perform military feats that nearly defy belief.

Morning Star, Midnight Sun

Morning Star, Midnight Sun

Following the disastrous Java Sea campaign, the Allies went on the offensive in the Pacific in a desperate attempt to halt the Japanese forces that were rampaging across the region. With the conquest of Australia a very real possibility, the stakes were high. Their target: the Japanese-held Soloman Islands, in particular the southern island of Guadalcanal.

Hamstrung by arcane pre-war thinking and a bureaucratic mind-set, the US Navy had to adapt on the fly in order to compete with the mighty Imperial Japanese Navy, whose ingenuity and creativity thus far had fostered the creation of its Pacific empire. Starting with the amphibious assault on Savo Island, the campaign turned into an attritional struggle where the evenly matched foes sought to grind out a victory.

Following on from his hugely successful book Rising Sun, Falling Skies, Jeffrey R. Cox tells the gripping story of the first Allied offensive of the Pacific War, as they sought to prevent Japan from cutting off Australia and regaining dominance in the Pacific.

The Epic Voyages of Maud Berridge

The Epic Voyages of Maud Berridge

Maud Berridge (1845–1907) was the wife of a Master Mariner, and she travelled with him on at least five occasions (1869, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1886), sailing to Melbourne with emigrants and cargo. The first occasion was 1869 just after they were married, when Henry was Captain of the Walmer Castle, and they returned via New Zealand instead of travelling east and around Cape Horn.

However, most of Henry and Maud's voyages were undertaken in the three-masted clipper Superb, sailing from Gravesend at the start of summer and leaving Melbourne for home at the end of the year (the southern summer, best for heading east with the trade winds and rounding Cape Horn). Record times taken from London to Melbourne under Captain Henry were 79 days (1878), 76 days (1881) and a final time of 74 days (1886).

In 1880, Maud and Henry took their two sons (aged six and eight) with them. In 1883, they sailed on from Melbourne to Newcastle in New South Wales to take on a load of coal, then on through the Windward Isles to San Francisco (51 days). Here they stayed for two months exploring SF and surrounds, unloaded the coal and took on a load of wheat (in large bags) at Port Costa. They then sailed down the west coast of the Americas, around Cape Horn and on to Queenstown in County Cork (134 days). The whole voyage took 14 months. There are also some photographs of Henry, Maud and the crew taken in San Francisco, and a photo from the State Library of Victoria showing the Superb at dock in Melbourne.

Maud wrote diaries of these voyages of which one in particular, that of the 1883 voyage, comprise some 50 000 words. The book will tell Maud's story through her own words and through a number of relevant contemporary documents and will paint a picture of the life of a captain's wife in the Victorian era as well as aspects of society in Britain, the US and Australia at the time. Her enthusiasm for new experiences shines through her writing.

Osprey Publishing Ltd

Strategy & Tactics 310, May-Jun 2018

Strategy & Tactics 310, May-Jun 2018

American Civil War: The Civil War was the end result of a decades-long sectional rivalry driven largely, but not exclusively, by the question of slavery. The resulting conflict was a cataclysm that shook the United States to its core.

Other Articles:

  • Imperial Overreach - The Athenian Disaster on Sicily: The Peace of Nicias brought about the end of formal hostilities between Athens and Sparta in 421 BC. The peace would not last, and in 415 BC Athens embarked on an ill-fated expedition to Sicily.
  • A Merrie Chase - Montrose in Scotland 1644-1646:The First English Civil War was going badly for King Charles I in early 1644. Needing a diversion in Scotland, Charles appointed James Graham, Earl of Montrose, to reverse the course of the war.
  • Pillars of Strategic Strength - The Role of the US Merchant Marine in Global War: Analysis of the US Merchant Marine's strategic role in American conflicts.

March 2018 Book Vote from Osprey Publishing Ltd

This month, our Duel series is the focus of the Book Vote! As always, there are five potential titles, and the decision is yours! Which would you like to see published? Head to the book vote to read more and have your say.

March 2018 Book Vote from Osprey Publishing Ltd

Ju 87 Stuka vs Royal Navy Carriers (1940-42) 

The Ju 87 proved to be the deadliest threat to the Royal Navy’s precious carrier force in the key air-sea action during the British evacuation operations in Norway in May 1940, off Malta and Crete in 1941 and during the Malta convoys of 1942

Mi-24 ‘Hind’ vs FIM-92 Stinger (Afghanistan 1980-89) 

The conflict in Afghanistan during the 1980s saw the first widespread use of Man-portable air-defence systems (MANPADS) against both helicopters- specifically the deadly Mi-24 ‘Hind’ – and fixed-wing aircraft

IJN vs USAAF Skip-Bombers (Southwest Pacific 1942-45) 

Skip-bombing was widely used by USAAF A-20 Havoc and B-25 Mitchell medium bomber units in the Southwest Pacific against Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) warships and merchantmen

Bristol F 2B Fighter vs Fokker Dr I (Western Front 1917-18) 

The actions fought between these two icons of the Great War involved some of World War 1’s highest scoring and most recognised aces, including Manfred von Richthofen (‘The Red Baron’), Lothar von Richthofen, Ernst Udet and Canadian Andrew McKeever   

P-47 Thunderbolt vs Ki-61 ‘Tony’ (Southwest Pacific 1943-45)

The mighty Thunderbolt was the first modern fighter issued to USAAF units in the Southwest Pacific, and its arrival in New Guinea coincided with the delivery of the sleek Ki-61 ‘Tony’ to Japanese Army Air Force units

If you'd like to see the results of last month's Weapon vote, head to the blog.


Osprey Publishing Ltd

Mar 20, 2018

Update on New 10mm Sculpts from Warmonger Miniatures

Nearly there. Any final thoughts?

Update on New 10mm Sculpts from Warmonger Miniatures picture 1

Update on New 10mm Sculpts from Warmonger Miniatures picture 2

Update on New 10mm Sculpts from Warmonger Miniatures picture 3

Update on New 10mm Sculpts from Warmonger Miniatures picture 4

Warmonger Miniatures

10mm Fantasy Monsters II from Magister Militum

Another cohort of monsters sneak in behind the second wave of snow in our 10mm fantasy ranges.

Fantasy Monsters II

FMC610 Dragon

FMC610 Dragon

FMC607 Giant Eagles x3

 FMC607 Giant Eagles x3

FMC611 Flying Dragon

FMC611 Flying Dragon

Magister Militum

ACW Gamer: The Ezine - Issue 17, Winter 2018

ACW Gamer: The Ezine - Issue 17, Winter 2018

The latest issue is here. A 37 page PDF (including cover) for you to download online.

A History of Johnny Con
AAR: Hood's Grand Opportunity; Missed - the Spring Hill Affair
Review: A Murderous Fire: Regimental Scenarios for Chickamauga
Review: Osprey's Sharpshooting Rifles of the American Civil War
Review: Painting War: ACW

ACW Gamer

Hanoverians & King's German Legion from Pendraken Miniatures

The steady expansion of our Napoleonic ranges continues, with both the Hanoverians and King's German Legion now available and ready to serve!

On the Hanoverian side we've got them in both shako and cap options, plus jager and landwehr and a handy mounted officer in bicorne.  For the KGL, we've got line, lights, Hussars and a mounted officer in stovepipe.  These Hussars can be used for the Hanoverians as well.

Next in this period will be the Dutch-Belgians towards the end of the year and then that'll be it for the later period for now.  After that we'll be trying to go back to 1809 and fill in some of the missing nations there.

Napoleonics, 1812-15


NHN1   Line in shako   £5.25

NHN1   Line in shako

NHN2   Line command in shako   £5.25

NHN2   Line command in shako

NHN3   Line in cap   £5.25

NHN3   Line in cap

NHN4   Line command in cap   £5.25

NHN4   Line command in cap

NHN5   Light/Jager, inc. command   £5.25

NHN5   Light/Jager, inc. command

NHN6   Landwehr, inc. command   £5.25

NHN6   Landwehr, inc. command

NHN7   Mounted Officer (5)    £1.75

NHN7   Mounted Officer (5)

King's German Legion

NKG1   Line   £5.25

NKG1   Line

NKG2   Line command    £5.25

NKG2   Line command

NKG3   Lights, march attack, inc. comm (16)    £2.80

NKG3   Lights, march attack, inc. comm (16)

NKG4   Lights, skirmish, inc. command (16)    £2.80

NKG4   Lights, skirmish, inc. command (16)

NKG5   Hussars    £5.25

NKG5   Hussars

NKG6   Mounted Officer (5)    £1.75

NKG6   Mounted Officer (5)

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures