
Feb 15, 2018

Medieval Warfare VIII-1, Feb-Mar 2018

Medieval Warfare VIII-1, Feb-Mar 2018

Medieval Warfare VIII.1 with John Hawkwood in Italy

This famous condottieri made a fortune as a military commander. How did an Englishman gain such fame in Renaissance Italy?

Theme: John Hawkwood in Italy

William Caferro, 'An English mercenary in Italy - The career of John Hawkwood'.
David Balfour, 'The massacres at Faenza and Cesena - The dark side of a hero'.
Sean Manning, 'The merchant of Prato's little secret - Hidden protections'.
Nick Bohmann, 'Why did city-states hire mercenaries - The dilemma'.
Niccolò Capponi and Kelly DeVries, 'Hawkwood's greatest victory - The Battle of Castagnaro'.


Kay Smith and Ruth R. Brown, 'Many questions with few answers - The longbow'.
Michael Livingston, 'If it even happened - The Battle of Hyddgen, 1401'.
Joanna Phillips, 'Why sieges were hard on your health - Besieging bodies'.
Georgios Theotokis, '11th century Norman mercenaries in the Mediterranean - Fame, faith, and fortune'.
Murray Dahm, 'Swords for hire, Hollywood style - Condottieri on film'.

Medieval Warfare

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