
Jan 30, 2018

Update 23: Post Kickstarter Update 9 · 10mm Ogre Mammoth Riders from Black Gate Miniatures

First off, I managed to sort the production moulds and cast up both the remaining Yeti models. I lost a day to a power outage and so didn't get the final Savage Kin done.

The four different Yeti models ready for bagging up

The four different Yeti models ready for bagging up

The final master mould worked well and so I am able to share one of the first metal Junk Lobbas. You can see on the left hand side of the Mammoth base the issue I have been facing, this is a typical example of the level of miscast. I don't think it is worth going back and recasting the Mammoths at this stage, the miscast is only on the bases and it would add quite a few weeks onto the final completion date.

Junk lobba!

Junk lobba!

Speaking of the completion date. I am getting near the point of being finished apart from the Greenlings and Junk Lobba. Another couple of weeks and everything else should be done. However, the Junk Lobba and Greenlings are very involved, needing 11 production moulds between them. To put that into perspective, the entire phase 1 Kickstarter only had 12 production moulds!

My plan is to start shipping to backers that didn't choose Greenlings or the Junk Lobba in the next few weeks. Whilst, at the same time, working as fast as possible to get the remaining moulds made and cast up. Hopefully shipping to the rest of the backers by the end of March.

Things feel like they are moving in the right direction.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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