
Jan 22, 2018

Update 22: Post Kickstarter Update 8 · 10mm Ogre Mammoth Riders from Black Gate Miniatures

Another week is in the books.

Pretty successful week, with only one day of a sick kid at home.

First off, a big thank you to Richard Bowker @ Fanplastic Little Men who gave me a copy of the Hill Giant, Shaman and Hero on Mammoths and he painted them within a day! Great to see things painted.

Fanplastic Little Men Painted

As for the week in production. I managed to complete the casting of Mammoths for the unit, the heads for all the various Mammoths, and also both the Shaman and Hero on Mammoths. Pictures are below...

Character Mammoth Riders

Character Mammoth Riders

500 + Mammoths

500 + Mammoths

I also have the final master mould in the can and so will be getting that running this week, as well as aiming to complete the Savage Kin and hopefully the Yeti units.

You can expect another update next Monday.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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