
Jan 15, 2018

Update 21: Post Kickstarter Update 7 · 10mm Ogre Mammoth Riders from Black Gate Miniatures

Welcome to 2018. I hope it is a good year for each and everyone of you.

My sincere wish is to get this Kickstarter shipped as soon as possible in 2018 but we are not there yet.

Last week was the first one in a while where I have been able to really sink my teeth into delivering the Kickstarter. As most of you probably know, I am a one man company and so once the talent has worked it's magic producing the art and sculpts, it is down to me alone to do the moulding and casting.

The Christmas period was full of challenges due to school holidays, family commitments and waves of stomach bugs and colds sweeping the Pittman household. January 8th saw my kids finally all back at school and an opportunity for me to get back on with production in a more consistent manner.

One other thing to mention is how much time and energy was spent on trying to perfect the casting of the Mammoths. I tried a variety of different techniques but I cannot get the bases to form 100%. Time is becoming a real issue and so I have taken the decision to just produce them to the best of my ability. Please don't panic, the mammoth sculpts themselves are perfect, it is just the base may not be. As a person with high standards, I would not allow them to ship unless I would be willing to accept receiving them as a customer.

So back to last week. I have managed to produce 350 Mammoths for the Mammoth Rider units plus another 100 of a different Mammoth sculpt for the Junk Lobbas. In addition I have cast up 700 heads for the Mammoths between the four different sculpts.

250 Mammoths

250 Mammoths

Mammoth Heads

Mammoth Heads

I hope to complete the production of the Mammoths for the Mammoth Rider unit this week and the rest of the heads. I need to do a final master mould for the remaining bits of the Junk Lobba, the actual Ogre Riders for the Mammoths and the outstanding sculpts for the Yeti, Savage Kin and Big Boss.

I will try and post up an update each Monday morning going forward reviewing what was achieved in the previous week.

This Kickstarter is certainly proving much more difficult to complete than the first!

See you next Monday.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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