
Jan 31, 2018

10mm Fantasy Oligarchy of the Sands from Magister Militum

The 10mm fantasy Oligarchy of the Sands come with their own special transport, flying carpets!! How cool is that??!!

Fantasy Oligarchy of the Sands

FOS201 Flying Carpet Riders x6

FOS201 Flying Carpet Riders x6

FOS104 Oligarchy Golden Guard

FOS104 Oligarchy Golden Guard

FOS601 Flying Djinn x9

FOS601 Flying Djinn x9

Magister Militum

Missile Threat (Modern Air Combat)

Missile Threat (Modern Air Combat)

Air Combat 1960 - 2000

Missile Threat is a simple yet comprehensive modern air combat game, covering every major air conflict from 1960 to 2000, and designed for use with miniature aircraft.

Missile Threat is aimed at providing a realistic air environment and short games of less than 2 hours (including preparation).

What does Missile Threat offer?

  • Simple yet accurate mechanics: Missiles actually track aircraft in-game, forcing you to conduct defensive breaks or last-ditch missile defenses.
  • Fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, ground forces, naval vessels and air defenses all play an important role
  • Stats for over 250 different aircraft
  • 11 Conflicts covered: Vietnam, Arab-Israeli wars (Six-Day, Yom Kippur and 1982 Lebanon war covered), Indo-Pakistani Wars, South African Border War, Ogaden War, Iran-Iraq War, Falklands, 1991 Gulf War, Bosnia / Kosovo, Eritrean-Ethiopian War, and the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis as a bonus conflict. Many of the longer conflicts are split into periods for more accuracy as units and tactics evolve.
  • Each conflict has a tailor-made aircraft and ordnance list for each faction, as well as accurate options for ground assets like SAM sites and AAA.
  • Flight plan "bidding" system: Players must write a flight plan before the game starts, indicating when aircraft will enter and leave the game. Will you try to get your ground attack aircraft in before the enemy fighters arrive? or wait until later? Will you send your fighters in early because you know the enemy will try to get their bombing done early?
  • Complete air environment: Ground assets like AAA, SAM sites and various radars are an important aspect of the game, allowing weapons like the AGM-88 HARM to have a use and for SEAD flights to have a purpose.
  • Pilots can be shot down, wounded, captured by enemy ground forces, picked up by on-call SAR helicopters, or make their way back to friendly lines on foot. Rescuing downed pilots is important for victory.
  • 4 Mission types to fly: Combat Air Patrol, Strike, Combat Search and Rescue, and Close Air Support. CAS missions will see an active land battle being fought while you attempt to support friendlies.
  • Detailed yet simple rules for Naval Vessels and Submarines. Naval Vessels can launch and recover helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, and could potentially be caught unprepared for combat...
  • Forward Air Controllers, Recon, AWACS, AEW and Anti-Submarine Warfare aircraft all have a purpose in-game
  • Campaign System provided so each game can have an effect on the next: Wiped out all the enemy SAM sites? I guess you won't need to focus on SEAD as much any more!

Missile Threat is the culmination of 8 months of research and play-testing. Markers are provided for the various missiles, ground assets and ground forces, as well as naval vessel markers for the Falklands.

Missile Threat Introduction Video:

The Solo Rules and Mercenary Air Campaign are available.

Wargame Vault

Olmütz to Torgau: Horace St Paul and the Campaigns of the Austrian Army in the Seven Years War 1758-60

Olmütz to Torgau: Horace St Paul and the Campaigns of the Austrian Army in the Seven Years War 1758-60

Following the disastrous conclusion to the campaign of 1757, the Austrian Army regrouped in Bohemia. Meanwhile, the King of Prussia sought to complete his reconquest of Silesia before seizing the initiative and thrusting directly towards Vienna. In his path stood the town of Olmütz, which would prove to be a high-tide mark of the war.

Over the next three years, Austria and her allies inflicted a series of heavy defeats on the Prussians at Hochkirch, Kunersdorf, Dresden, Maxen, Landeshut and Glatz. By the end of 1760 - with Berlin open to insult by Swedish, Austrian and especially Russian raiders - the King of Prussia was left with no other option than the desperate measure of attacking the Austrian Army in a renowned, strong defensive position on the heights of Süptitz (outside Torgau). From the near-balletic formality of the battles and sieges of a prior age, the business of war changed during these campaigns. Many of the actions were designed with the objective of annihilation, and the critical moment of several battles came at night; the geometric precision of siege warfare gave way to the indiscriminate horrors of bombardment.

Throughout these campaigns, Horace St Paul - an English gentleman volunteer - continued to accompany Marshal Daun. He noted the day-to-day progress of the army and recorded the essential connective tissue which links the great events of these campaigns - often highlighting occasions where a general action was expected, but does not occur. In parallel, this volume includes accounts from the Prussian perspective - including that of Henri de Catt, to whom the King of Prussia confided his thoughts.

The text is accompanied by 242 plates of maps and statistical information, as well as a detailed gazetteer and lists of persons and regiments named.

10mm Fantasy Oligarchy of the Sands from Magister Militum

The 10mm fantasy Oligarchy of the Sands come with their own special transport, flying carpets!! How cool is that?

Fantasy Oligarchy of the Sands

FOS201 Flying Carpet Riders x6

FOS201 Flying Carpet Riders x6

FOS104 Oligarchy Golden Guard

FOS104 Oligarchy Golden Guard

FOS601 Flying Djinn x9

FOS601 Flying Djinn x9

Magister Militum

Jan 30, 2018

Update 23: Post Kickstarter Update 9 · 10mm Ogre Mammoth Riders from Black Gate Miniatures

First off, I managed to sort the production moulds and cast up both the remaining Yeti models. I lost a day to a power outage and so didn't get the final Savage Kin done.

The four different Yeti models ready for bagging up

The four different Yeti models ready for bagging up

The final master mould worked well and so I am able to share one of the first metal Junk Lobbas. You can see on the left hand side of the Mammoth base the issue I have been facing, this is a typical example of the level of miscast. I don't think it is worth going back and recasting the Mammoths at this stage, the miscast is only on the bases and it would add quite a few weeks onto the final completion date.

Junk lobba!

Junk lobba!

Speaking of the completion date. I am getting near the point of being finished apart from the Greenlings and Junk Lobba. Another couple of weeks and everything else should be done. However, the Junk Lobba and Greenlings are very involved, needing 11 production moulds between them. To put that into perspective, the entire phase 1 Kickstarter only had 12 production moulds!

My plan is to start shipping to backers that didn't choose Greenlings or the Junk Lobba in the next few weeks. Whilst, at the same time, working as fast as possible to get the remaining moulds made and cast up. Hopefully shipping to the rest of the backers by the end of March.

Things feel like they are moving in the right direction.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

The Art of Renaissance Warfare: From the Fall of Constantinople to the Thirty Years War

The Art of Renaissance Warfare: From the Fall of Constantinople to the Thirty Years War

The Art of Renaissance Warfare tells the story of the knight during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries from the great victories of Edward III and the Black Prince to the fall of Richard III on Bosworth Field.

During this period, new technology on the battlefield posed deadly challenges for the mounted warrior; but they also stimulated change, and the knight moved with the times. Having survived the longbow devastation at Cr cy, Poitiers and Agincourt, he emerged triumphant, his armour lighter and more effective, and his military skills indispensable.

This was the great age of the orders of chivalry and the freemasonry of arms that bound together comrades and adversaries in a tight international military caste. Men such as Bertrand du Guesclin and Sir John Chandos loom large in the pages of this book bold leaders and brave warriors, imbued with these traditions of chivalry and knighthood.

How their heroic endeavours and the knightly code of conduct could be reconciled with the indiscriminate carnage of the 'chevauche' and the depredations of the 'free companies' is one of the principal themes of this informative and entertaining book.

Bayly's War: The Battle for the Western Approaches in the First World War

Bayly's War: The Battle for the Western Approaches in the First World War

Bayly's War is the story of the Royal Navy s Coast of Ireland Command (later named Western Approaches Command) during World War One.

Britain was particularly vulnerable to the disruption of trade in the Western Approaches through which food and munitions (and later soldiers) from North America and the Caribbean and ores and raw materials from the Southern Americas, all passed on their way to Liverpool or the Channel ports and London. After the sinking of the Lusitania in May 1915 and the introduction of unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans, Britain found herself engaged in a fight for survival as U-boats targeted all incoming trade in an attempt to drive her into submission.

Britain's naval forces, based in Queenstown on the southern Irish coast, fought a long and arduous battle to keep the seaways open, and it was only one they began to master after American naval forces joined in 1917. Vice-Admiral Sir Lewis Bayly was the man appointed to the Coast of Ireland Command. A fierce disciplinarian with a mania for efficiency, and thought by some of his colleagues to be more than a little mad, Bayly took the fight to the enemy.

Utilising any vessel he could muster trawlers, tugs, yachts as well as the few naval craft at his disposal, he set out to hunt down the enemy submarines. The command also swept for mines, escorted merchantmen and fought endlessly against the harsh Atlantic weather. Relief came When America sent destroyers to Queenstown to serve under him, and Bayly, to the surprise of many, integrated the command into a homogenous fighting force. Along the way, the Command had to deal with the ambivalent attitude of the Irish population, the 1916 Easter Rising, the attempt to land arms on Ireland's west coast and the resurgence of Irish nationalism in 1917.

Bayly's War is a vivid account of this vigorous defence of Britain s trade and brings to life the U-boat battles, Q-ship actions, merchant ship sinkings and rescues as well as the tireless Bayly, the commander at the centre.

Jan 29, 2018

10mm Dodge W50 Update 2 from Arrowhead Miniatures

More Dodgy photograph of the W50. The Russian Zil 5 truck is now back in stock along with the French Schneider tank of WW1 vintage.

Dodge W50 Update 2

Dodge W50 Update 2 picture 1

Dodge W50 Update 2 picture 2

Arrowhead Miniatures

10mm Fantasy Ursinupials from Magister Militum

And Bears, oh my!! Not forgetting the Kangaroos and Platypus! 10mm Ursinupials on the rampage - they follow no instructions.

Fantasy Ursinupials

FAB105 Kangaroo Legionnaires

FAB105 Kangaroo Legionnaires

FAB103 Bear Infantry throwing Rocks

FAB103 Bear Infantry throwing Rocks

FAB101 Bear Infantry with Axes

 FAB101 Bear Infantry with Axes

Magister Militum

10mm Rakshasa Followers of Shiva from Magister Militum

Tigers! Enter, stage right!! 10mm Fantasy Rakshasa Followers of Shiva all tigers (a little bit pale on the stripes I know! Sun bleached!) and claws!

Rakshasa Followers of Shiva

FFS501 Rakshasa Command

FFS501 Rakshasa Command

FFS105 Rakshasa Infantry with Metal Claws

FFS105 Rakshasa Infantry with Metal Claws

FFS401 Rakshasa Tiger Riders

FFS401 Rakshasa Tiger Riders

Magister Militum

10mm Fantasy Savannah Tribal Warriors from Magister Militum

Lions in the form of Savannah Tribal Warriors, enter stage left for the 10mm Fantasy forces.

Fantasy Savannah Tribal Warriors

FTW103 Lionmen Warriors with Sword

FTW103 Lionmen Warriors with Sword

FTW104 Lionmen Archers

FTW104 Lionmen Archers

FTW403 Tribal Heavy Cavalry riding Lions

FTW403 Tribal Heavy Cavalry riding Lions

Magister Militum

Roman 208~105BC

Roman 208~105BC

Republican Roman Army 280~105BC

This is a supplement of To Arms!, you need a rule book to play the game. Click here!

This title contains a 3 pages PDF of army list and an A4 size file of troop cards!

This army list is 90% finished. When we finished other armies during Punic War, we will add allies and mercenaries to Romans. Spanish, Gauls, etc. And of course, new troop cards.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to tell me:

Thank you!

Wargame Vault

Jan 28, 2018

The Victoria Crosses of the Crimean War: The Men Behind the Medals

The Victoria Crosses of the Crimean War: The Men Behind the Medals

The Crimean War saw the introduction of the Victoria Cross, which was awarded to 111 men. Whilst the history of the Crimean War has been related many times, never before have the stories of those individuals who were awarded the VC been told. In this, the result of four decades of accumulated research, renowned historian James Bancroft describes who the men were, how they gained the Victoria Cross, and what happened to them afterwards. Great attention has been given to checking the correct spelling of the names of people and locations, burial places and new memorials, and dates of awards and promotions. The author has made every effort to contact museums and other establishments to get up-to-date information on the whereabouts of medals and their accessibility. The men recorded here displayed valour and determination resulting in many deeds of exceptional courage which became a regular occurrence in the illustrious annals of the British Army. Among them are heroes who had the guts to put themselves in mortal danger by picking up live shells that could have exploded and blown them apart at any moment, gallant troopers who took part in a cavalry charge that they knew was doomed before it began and they were about to be cut to pieces, and valiant individuals who had the audacity to sneak into unknown territory to take the conflict into the enemy s back yard and risk capture and ill-treatment. This account of the fascinating lives of these heroes is accompanied with forty-five portraits.

Jan 26, 2018

10mm M3 Half Track from Lancer Miniatures

Just got this picture from my sculptor, next 10mm goodie for my WW2 range a useful M3, of course there will be loads of variants added.

M3 Half Track

M3 Half Track picture 1

M3 Half Track picture 2

M3 Half Track picture 3

Lancer Miniatures

10mm Dodge W50 Update 1 from Arrowhead Miniatures

Some more pictures of the Dodge W50 Ambulance mounted on its bespoke railway sleeper ( don't ask)

Dodge W50 Update 1

Dodge W50 Update 1 picture 1

Dodge W50 Update 1 picture 2

Arrowhead Miniatures

Jan 25, 2018

New Releases for January 2018! from Osprey Publishing Ltd

New Releases for January 2018! from Osprey Publishing Ltd

New Releases for January 2018!
This January we are launching our exciting new series, Air Campaign. Examining how history's greatest air wars were planned and fought, Air Campaign is the fantastic new addition to our growing series list.

Other titles publishing this month cover periods from Ancient Rome right through to some of the 20th centuries most notable battles, such as the British XXX Corps missions during Operation Market-Garden, the Battle of France, and the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Take a look below, and see what sparks your interest!

Flashpoint Trieste: The First Battle of the Cold War

Flashpoint Trieste: The First Battle of the Cold War

Flashpoint Trieste is the story of one year in one city as the Cold War begins. The Western Allies captured the Adriatic port city before the Russians could reach it, but having survived the war, everybody is now desperate to make it through the liberation. Life is fast and violent, as former warring parties find common cause against the Soviet Union and the borders of the new Europe are being hammered out. Against this deadly backdrop of espionage, escape and revenge, the British and Americans are locked into the opening stages of the Cold War on the beautiful shores of the Adriatic, opposing the Russians and Yugoslavs.

Now published in paperback, this is the story of the first turbulent post-war year of lethal cat-and-mouse in south-eastern Europe, told through the stories of twelve men and women from seven different countries thrown together on a strategically vital frontier between East and West.

Battle of Britain 1940: The Luftwaffe’s ‘Eagle Attack

Battle of Britain 1940: The Luftwaffe’s ‘Eagle Attack

In August 1940, the Luftwaffe began an operation to destroy or neutralize RAF Fighter Command, and enable Hitler to invade Britain that autumn. It was a new type of air warfare: the first ever offensive counter-air campaign against an integrated air defence system. Powerful, combat-proven and previously all-conquering, the German air force had the means to win the Battle of Britain. Yet it did not.

This book is an original, rigorous campaign study of the Luftwaffe's Operation Adlerangriff, researched in Germany's World War II archives and using the most accurate data available. Doug Dildy explains the capabilities of both sides, sets the campaign in context, and argues persuasively that it was the Luftwaffe's own mistakes and failures that led to its defeat, and kept alive the Allies' chance to ultimately defeat Nazi Germany.

Rabaul 1943–44: Reducing Japan's great island fortress

Rabaul 1943–44: Reducing Japan's great island fortress

In 1942, the massive Japanese naval base and airfield at Rabaul was a fortress standing in the Allies' path to Tokyo. It was impossible to seize Rabaul, or starve the 100,000-strong garrison out. Instead the US began an innovative, hard-fought two-year air campaign to draw its teeth, and allow them to bypass the island completely.

The struggle decided more than the fate of Rabaul. If successful, the Allies would demonstrate a new form of warfare, where air power, with a judicious use of naval and land forces, would eliminate the need to occupy a ground objective in order to control it. As it turned out, the Siege of Rabaul proved to be more just than a successful demonstration of air power - it provided the roadmap for the rest of World War II in the Pacific.

The Anti-Tank Rifle

The Anti-Tank Rifle

The emergence of the tank in World War I led to the development of the first infantry weapons to defend against tanks. Anti-tank rifles became commonplace in the inter-war years and in the early campaigns of World War II in Poland and the Battle of France, which saw renewed use in the form of the British .55in Boys anti-tank rifle - also used by the US Marine Corps in the Pacific. The French campaign made it clear that the day of the anti-tank rifle was ending due to the increasing thickness of tank armour.

Nevertheless, anti-tank rifles continued to be used by the Soviets on the Eastern Front with two rifles, the 14.5mm PTRS and PTRD, and were still in widespread use in 1945. They served again with Korean and Chinese forces in the Korean War, and some have even appeared in Ukraine in 2014-15. Fully illustrated and drawing upon a range of sources, this is the absorbing story of the anti-tank rifle, the infantryman's anti-armour weapon during the world wars.

Early US Armor: Armored Cars 1915–40

Early US Armor: Armored Cars 1915–40

The first American armoured cars began to emerge around the turn of the century, seeing their first military use in 1916 during the Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa. When the United States entered World War I, the American Expeditionary Forces used some armoured cars in France, and American armoured cars were used by the French Army.

The inter-war years saw considerable innovation and experimentation in armoured car design. Of the 1930s scout car designs, the M3A1 scout car was good enough to be produced in very large numbers in World War II, and was widely exported to many other armies via Lend-Lease. It also served as the basis for the late M2 and M3 armoured half-tracks.

In this study, using detailed full colour plates and rigorous analysis, US armour expert Steven J. Zaloga chronicles the development of the US armoured car in the years leading up to World War II.

Operation Market-Garden 1944 (3): The British XXX Corps Missions

Operation Market-Garden 1944 (3): The British XXX Corps Missions

Field Marshal Montgomery's plan to get Second British Army behind the fortifications of the German Siegfried Line in 1944 led to the hugely ambitions Operation Market-Garden. Part of this plan called for a rapid advance from Belgium through Holland up to and across the lower Rhine by the British XXX Corps along a single road already dominated by airborne troops.

Their objective along this road was the bridge at Arnhem, the target of British and Polish airborne troops. Once XXX Corps had reached this bridge it would then make for the German industrial area of the Ruhr. The operation was bold in outlook but risky in concept.

Using specially commissioned artwork and detailed analysis, Ken Ford completes his trilogy on Operation Market-Garden by examining this attack which, if successful, could have shortened the war in the west considerably. Yet it turned out to be a bridge too far.

Roman Standards & Standard-Bearers (1): 112 BC–AD 192

Roman Standards & Standard-Bearers (1): 112 BC–AD 192

Roman unit standards played a important role, both ceremonially and on the battlefield. With the armies of the late Roman Republic and early Empire continually engaged on the frontiers, the soldiers selected for the dangerous honour of carrying them were figures of particular renown and splendour.

Standard-bearers wore special armour, with the heads and pelts of animals such as bears, wolves, or even lions draped over their helmets and shoulders. The standards themselves varied greatly, from the legion's Eagle and imperial portrait image to various cohort signa, flags (vexilla) and even dragon 'windsocks' (dracones) copied from barbarian enemies and allies.

This first volume of a two-part series by Roman army expert, Rafaele D'Amato uses detailed colour plates and the latest research to examine these vital cogs in the Roman army machine that drove its soldiers to conquer the known world.

Sagger Anti-Tank Missile vs M60 Main Battle Tank: Yom Kippur War 1973

Sagger Anti-Tank Missile vs M60 Main Battle Tank: Yom Kippur War 1973

The 1973 Yom Kippur War rewrote the textbook on the tactics of modern armored warfare. Unlike the previous major Arab-Israeli war of 1967, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) faced an enemy that had invested heavily in modern Soviet weapon systems and tactics.

Using detailed colour artwork and insightful analysis, this book explains how the effective use of the Soviet-supplied AT-3 Sagger (9M14 Malyutka) anti-tank missile allowed small Arab tank-killing teams to destroy Israeli armor at an astonishing rate. It also analyses the tank that opposed it, the US-built M60A1, which had to fight for survival against the Arab Saggers, and shows how in both the Sinai and the Golan Heights, the IDF quickly learned that firepower and infantry/artillery cooperation were the keys to their survival.

Kobolds & Cobblestones: Fantasy Gang Rumbles

Kobolds & Cobblestones: Fantasy Gang Rumbles

Kobolds & Cobblestones is a skirmish wargame for rumbles between gangs in the city of Ordinsport's seedy underbelly. Players hire gangs of criminals, thugs and enforcers from a number of classic Fantasy races, and attempt to take control of the underworld and establish themselves as the city's kingpins. Playing card-based mechanics and a cunning bribery element keep players on their toes, as a one-sided battle can turn around in a flash.

Dracula's America: Shadows of the West: Hunting Grounds

This supplement for Dracula's America: Shadows of the West contains a host of new rules and material and offers something for every player.

- Two New Factions: The Forsaken, ragged survivors of the 7th Cavalry tormented by a bestial curse, and the Shadow Dragon Tong, crimelords with an agenda as mysterious as the powers wielded by their enforcers.

- The Hunting Grounds: Scenarios and encounters that focus on this mythical realm and the power and threats found within it.

- Territory: Build and develop your headquarters, and exploit the benefits it offers, but beware your enemies taking the fight to your home turf.

- Outlaws, Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters: New campaign options, allowing you to turn to a life of crime, bring in wanted fugitives, or sell your gun to the highest bidder.

- New Monsters: The denizens of the Hunting Grounds, in all their terrifying glory.

- New Hired Guns: There's all kinds of folk willing to sell their skills, and these new Hired Guns offer a range of tactical options... if you can afford them.

- New Gear: Bring a Gatling Gun to a knife fight, or find out why you were always warned about misusing brimstone chalk and vials of ectoplasm.

- New Skills: Riding and Leadership skills give you new combat options and help your posse stay in the fight.

News from Hawk Wargames

Launching this Friday alongside the full range of Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander is brand new 10mm scale MDF scenery kits. We've previewed these in the past, and the first wave of new ones is coming! Perfect for games of Dropzone Commander.

News from Hawk Wargames

We also have all the new Dropfleet Commander Battlecruisers, Battlefleet Boxes, Dropzone Commander Famous Commanders, and maybe even a never seen before ship? If you're good.


Jan 24, 2018

4 - Piece ACW / AWI Buildings Set from Battlescale

Our latest 10mm scale set now available from the store (all pieces also available individually).

4 - Piece ACW / AWI Buildings Set from Battlescale

Our 4 - piece set includes:

1 x Water Mill

1 x Two-Storey Clapboard House

1 x Clapboard Farmhouse & Carriage Shed

1 x Tiled Timber Shack

Battlescale Wargame Buildings

10mm Fantasy Halflings from Magister Militum

If you look down, you'll see the Halflings have snuck up on you! They're the FHL codes in our 10mm fantasy range. Cauldrons, Ostriches and catapults!

Fantasy Halflings

FHL402 Halfling Ostrich Cavalry

FHL402 Halfling Ostrich Cavalry

FHL501 Halfling Command

FHL501 Halfling Command

FHL401 Halfling Light Cavalry on Ponies

FHL401 Halfling Light Cavalry on Ponies

Magister Militum

10mm Fantasy Ratmen from Magister Militum

Filthy, stinky Ratmen rampage over the 10mm Fantasy scene, your opponents won't like these one little bit! Find the FRM codes here:

Fantasy Ratmen

FRM102 Ratmen with Hand Weapons

FRM102 Ratmen with Hand Weapons

FRM103 Ratmen with Bows

FRM103 Ratmen with Bows

FRM601 Ratmen Chariots

FRM601 Ratmen Chariots

Magister Militum