
Jan 22, 2018

10mm Fantasy Free Cities of Burgunzia from Magister Militum

The mercenaries of the Free Cities of Burgunzia burst on to the 10mm fantasy scene hot on the heels of the Goblins, Ratmen are close behind!

Free Cities of Burgunzia

FBZ101 (LME3) Burgunzian Pikemen

FBZ101 (LME3) Burgunzian Pikemen

FBZ102 (LME5) Burgunzian Crossbowmen with Pavise

FBZ102 (LME5) Burgunzian Crossbowmen with Pavise

FBZ201 Burgunzian Flyers x3

FBZ201 Burgunzian Flyers x3

Magister Militum

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