
Dec 20, 2017

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 94, Feb-Mar 2018

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 94, Feb-Mar 2018

Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy issue 94 with Tank combat and tactics during WWII

Special Feature: Tank combat and tactics during WWII

Eoghan Kelly, 'The development of tank warfare in World War II - Wielding the armoured fist'.
Eoghan Kelly, 'The Battle for Dubno, Ukraine SSR, 27 June 1941 - Thunder at the crossroads'.
Piers Brand, 'Tank combat in the Lorraine, Lunéville, 1944 - The destruction of a Panzer brigade'.
Olivier Peronny, 'T-34s versus cats in Ukraine - South of Skalat'.
Guy Bowers, 'Collecting tanks for WWII gaming - Panzer, los!'.
Steve Perry, 'Cologne, 6th March 1945 - Panther vs Pershing'.


Ian Beal, 'Edward III's Scottish Revenge - The Battle of Halidon Hill'.
Jeff Jonas, 'The Battle of elephants - Raphia 217 BC, Part I'.
Prof. Tony Pollard, 'Making the biggest wargame - The mother of all battles'.
Steve Jones, 'The attack on Breed's Hill. 17th June 1775 - A fierce Breed'.
Sean Souter, 'Making a Renedra mud-brick house - Dwelling in the desert'.
Paul Burkin, 'How one man refund his inspiration - Painting 10mm is easy'.


Miniature reviews
Rich Clarke, 'Up Front - Big is beautiful.
Henry Hyde, 'Tabletop tactics - The complex curse of cavalry'.
Mark Backhouse, 'The Irregular - Do we really want something new?'.
David Davies, 'Fantasy warband skirmish - Let's plays +Strongsword+'.
Rossco Watkins, Guy Bowers, and Rob Rhodes, 'Game reviews - Rommel, Gaslands, and Gangs of Rome'.
Book reviews
Parting shots

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy

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