
Dec 4, 2017

Update 20: Post Kickstarter Update 6 · 10mm Ogre Mammoth Riders from Black Gate Miniatures

Great news! The sculpts are all in and I have already started work on the master moulds.

That was a long wait but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end.

Below are some pictures of the sculpts...

Mammoth Riders

Mammoth Riders

Character Mammoth Riders

Character Mammoth Riders

The four different Mammoth heads


Junk Jobba (most complex model to cast by miles!)

Junk Jobba (most complex model to cast by miles!)

Greenlings 1

Greenlings 1

Greenlings 2

Greenlings 2

"Free" Big Boss

"Free" Big Boss

Extra Yeti and Savage Kin

Extra Yeti and Savage Kin

I am very happy with the work Robi has produced, and can't wait to start getting these miniatures cast into Pewter.

Expect another update later this week / early next week.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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