
Dec 7, 2017

Medieval Warfare VII-6, Jan-Feb 2018

Medieval Warfare VII-6, Jan-Feb 2018

Medieval Warfare VII.6 with The legend of El Cid He was called The Campeador and El Cid, but what do we really know about the Castilian warrior Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar?

Theme: The legend of El Cid

Peter Konieczny, 'The deeds of Rodrigo the Campeado - The man who became El Cid'.
Ann Christys, 'The era of the Taifa States - When Iberia was shattered'.
Kyle C. Lincoln, 'Living in a "basket of snakes" - The takeover of Toledo'.
Peter Konieczny, '"The clear exposition of the disastrous tragedy" - The conquest of Valencia'.
Simon Barton, 'El Cid and the Principality of Valencia - A man "raised up by God"'.
Francisco García Fitz, 'Learning about medieval warfare from an epic - Warfare in The Song of the Cid'.
Mark Lewis, 'A hero's weapons in fact and legend - The swords of The Cid'.


David Pilling, 'Was Henry III "playing chicken"? - The Siege of London in 1267'.
Kay Smith and Ruth R. Brown, 'An ancient weapon in the Middle Ages - The Sling'.
Peter Konieczny, 'His letter to the Duke of Milan in 1482 - Leonardo Da Vinci as military engineer'.
Pierre Gaite, 'Combat training for knights - Forged in the fires of chivalry'.
Murray Dahm, '"I know what it is to take a city!" - The film of El Cid'.
Robert Mason and Craig Cipolla, 'Vikings at the Royal Ontario Museum - A tale of two swords'.

Medieval Warfare

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