
Dec 7, 2017

1815 Brunswickers Released from Pendraken Miniatures

It's been a bit longer than planned but the new 1815 Brunswickers are now ready to take to the field!

The army of Brunswick was raised from volunteers by German-born Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. The Duke was a harsh opponent of Napoleon Bonaparte's occupation of his native Germany and the corps initially comprised a mixed force when it was formed in 1809, around 2,300 men comprised of infantry, cavalry and later supporting artillery.

The Brunswickers earned themselves a fearsome reputation, taking part in several significant battles including Quatre Bras and Waterloo.  Recruiting and finance were always problematic and the corps was disbanded in the early 1820s.

Most units wore black uniforms, though some light units (such as sharpshooters and uhlans) wore green uniforms. The Brunswickers wore silvered skull badges on their hats.

Napoleonic 1815 Brunswickers

NBW1   Line infantry, march attack   £4.95

NBW1   Line infantry, march attack

NBW2   Line infantry, firing   £4.95

NBW2   Line infantry, firing

NBW3   Line infantry command   £4.95

NBW3   Line infantry command

NBW4   Line mounted officers (5)   £1.65

NBW4   Line mounted officers

NBW5   Light infantry, march attack, inc. command (16)   £2.65

NBW5   Light infantry, march attack, inc. command (16)

NBW6   Light infantry, firing, inc. command (16)   £2.65

NBW6   Light infantry, firing, inc. command (16)

NBW7   Light mounted officer (5)   £1.65

NBW7   Light mounted officer (5)

NBW8   Leib Battalion   £4.95

NBW8   Leib Battalion

NBW9   Leib Battalion mounted officer (5)   £1.65

NBW9   Leib Battalion mounted officer (5)

NBW10   Avant-Garde   £4.95

NBW10   Avant-Garde

NBW11   Hussars   £4.95

NBW11   Hussars

NBW12   Uhlans   £4.95

NBW12   Uhlans

NBW13   French 6pdr guns with foot crew (3)   £4.95

NBW13   French 6pdr guns with foot crew (3)

NBW14   French 6pdr guns with horse crew (3)   £4.95

NBW14   French 6pdr guns with horse crew (3)

NBW15   Duke of Brunswick and ADC (2)   £0.80

NBW15   Duke of Brunswick and ADC (2)

Army Pack:    4 x NBW1. 1 x NBW5, 11, 13. ½ x NBW3  -  £31.00

More releases to come soon!

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Pendraken Miniatures

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