
Nov 21, 2017

With The Boer Forces: The Boers At War (Second Boer War)

With The Boer Forces: The Boers At War (Second Boer War)

A Matomaton military history reference book.

With The Boer Forces: The Boers At War (Second Boer War), A collection of articles written by Howard C. Hillegas, the special war correspondent of the New York World, describing the Boer forces, statesmen and people during the Second Boer War.


The PDF contains:

-- Three pages for the cover, title page, the table of contents (with active links to each section of the text) and a short biography of the author.

-- A preface by the author and then twelve articles about the Boer forces and people.

-- Twenty-three photographs and one map to illustrate the text.

Available Now Or Coming Soon

This is a companion to The British In Africa and The Great Boer War.   There are also map, illustration and photograph collections along with a collectable cards collection.

About Howard C. Hillegas

Howard Clemens Hillegas was born in 1872 in Pennsylvania and began his career as a journalist after graduating from college, eventually working as a war correspondent for the New York World.     In 1895 Hillegas was sent to South Africa and developed close ties to Boer statesmen and military leaders.   He wrote extensively about them and his experiences during the war, though this collection of articles was suppressed by the British on its publication in 1901.

Please Note

Please be aware that the text of this PDF was written in an age when sensibilities were somewhat less delicate and attitudes to peoples not of the British Isles were considerably less enlightened.

About Matomaton

I've long been fascinated by military history and over the years have gathered a collection of reference books and images like those included in this PDF. Now I've been encouraged to make them available to other wargamers and roleplayers for reference and to add period detail to related games.


These PDF files may not be resold or redistributed. If you are interested in using copies of the individual images for use in commercial projects, please contact me via my website.

Wargame Vault

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