
Nov 6, 2017

Update #19 Post Kickstarter Update 5 from Black Gate Miniatures

It's been a month since the last update and I wish I had better news. They is nothing quite as depressing as having to apologise constantly and give bad news, so that is why I haven't posted since last month.

So let's get the bad news out of the way first. I am still not in possession of the rest of the sculpts. Until I get them, I obviously can't start production. I have completed virtually all the production I can do at present and so am now effectively sitting on my hands for a while.

Once I receive the rest of the sculpts (Greenlings, Mammoth Riders, Junk Lobba, Mammoth Characters, Kickstarter Big Boss figure and hopefully an extra Yeti and Savage Kin figure), then I will need to do the moulds and casting run for those miniatures. That will most likely take between 6 and 8 weeks.

I have to be honest and say that it isn't looking very likely that I will be able to ship before January 2017, which will be a three month delay.

On the positive side. Robi (my sculptor) is now working on the miniatures and has shared a first picture of some Greenlings. They are 6mm and I have gone for 12 different sculpts for the unit, which should provide a lot of variety between stands.

Greenlings "Work in Progress"

Greenlings "Work in Progress"

Rid has also been painting up some masters of the Characters, Yeti and Savage Kin. I am hoping to be able to get another Yeti and Savage kin sculpt done in order to create a bit of variety between stands.





Savage Kin

Savage Kin

So in signing off, I am hoping to be able to report back in a couple of weeks that I have the sculpts, and can start the rest of the production.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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