
Nov 9, 2017

Spitfyre: Towards New Skies

When we came up with the idea for this year’s beer ’n’ pretzels Panzerfäuste game - an air combat game with dragons and war-eagles, we thought it was pretty cool. Initially the idea was to do something like Futbowel, a small set of rules with some miniatures - a flight of dragons and a flight of eagles.

We then thought, hey if we use Kickstarter we might be able to expand the range sightly with a few more cool models like the vulture dive bomber. So we drew up a list with four stretch goals that we thought, if we were lucky, we might just get through in a two week period - but as long as we got the vulture hey?

In just two and a half days you guys have blown us away with your enthusiasm and pledges and have funded all the planned stretch goals, thank you all so much.

So what are we going to do for the next eleven and a half days?

Well, we’re going to head off for new skies and unveil the first planned Spitfyre supplement six months early!

This will have to be an add-on (the current Pilot pledge gets over £60 of product for just £25), but the idea is that we will do the same approach again, a £25 set with three free model stretch goal add-ons (including the biggest model yet).

We’ll announce the details later and a new £50 pledge level for both the basic game set and the new supplement (and all stretch goals from both), hopefully giving Will a chance to do some sketches for it!

Once again, many, many thanks, you lot are brilliant…

Spitfyre: Towards New Skies

Hysterical Games

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