
Nov 15, 2017

Late medieval To Napoleonic Wargame Scenery For 6, 10, 15, 20 & 28mm

A complete set of scenery for the medieval to Napoleonic period wargames for the 6, 10, 15, 20 & 28mm. Blueprint .stl available.


Offer for the last 72hours !

Attention, limited to 5!
Attention, limited to 5!

Happy New Year and thank you all !
Happy New Year and thank you all !


With the success of the first project, I decided to continue on my launch by making you enjoy the many new scenery for the late medieval period at the end of the 19th century. With the experience of many creations and the conclusive crash test, you will find that the quality of these sets is even better! The details are more and more pushed up the scales, while choosing a compromise between simplicity of printing and visual rendering. Personally, I use a lot 1: 72. So you will see a lot of photo sets on this scale even though they have been tested in all scales. Let's move on to the different contributions.


Fort de la petite réussite du premier projet, j’ai décidé de continuer sur ma lancé en vous faisant profiter des nombreux nouveaux décors destinés aux périodes de la fin du moyen âge à la fin du 19ème siècle. Grâce à l’expérience de nombreuses créations et au crash test concluant, vous constaterez que la qualité de ces décors est encore meilleure ! Les détails sont de plus en plus poussés en montant dans les échelles, tout en choisissant un compromis entre simplicité d’impression et rendu visuel. A titre personnel, j’utilise beaucoup le 1 :72ème. Vous verrez donc beaucoup de décors en photo à cette échelle même s'ils ont été testé dans toutes les échelles. Passons aux différentes contributions.

Blueprints only !
Blueprints only !
Physical with stl in option!
Physical with stl in option!

Example of the starter in 6mm.

 starter in 6mm
starter in 6mm

 Make a little tour in details.

Late Medieval to Napoleonic Period Scenery
Late Medieval to Napoleonic Period Scenery


£400 Stretch Goal
£400 Stretch Goal
£600 Stretch Goal
£600 Stretch Goal

£800 Stretch Goal
£800 Stretch Goal
£1000 Stretch Goal
£1000 Stretch Goal
£1200 Stretch Goal
£1200 Stretch Goal

£1400 Stretch Goal
£1400 Stretch Goal
£1600 Stretch Goal
£1600 Stretch Goal

£1800 Stretch Goal
£1800 Stretch Goal
£2000 Stretch Goal
£2000 Stretch Goal
£2200 Stretch Goal
£2200 Stretch Goal
£2400 Stretch Goal
£2400 Stretch Goal

£4000 Stretch Goal

Risks and challenges

No risks for 3D files that are ready. The stretch goal is adapted to your request, so I will work on these during the kickstarter.

Regarding the printing of physical versions, I already have 2x 3D printers, and the success of this project would allow me to acquire a new one with a large volume (50x50)

I chose to put a deadline of 60 days because we are approaching Christmas and a lot of wargamers will be in families. And of course, every 200 € reached, a new 3D file will be added for free to all contributors so take our time to have a big pack of 3D files at a very good price!


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