
Nov 16, 2017

First look at the Aztec Sculpts from Pendraken Miniatures

Phil's been quietly working away on this project for some time now, adding a sculpt here and there as he's been working on other things for us.  But the good news is that they're all done now and we've got them here at Pendraken HQ!  One person who will be rather excited by this (and is largely responsible for these becoming a reality) is Fierce Kitty, so we hope he likes them!  We'd like to thank him for all of his time and effort helping us out with this range as well, chatting with Phil about the design side and then with me to put the range lists together.  This lot will be getting master moulded in the next few weeks and should be ready for release early in the New Year.



Jaguar warriors/Tzitzimitl

Jaguar warriors/Tzitzimitl

Eagle warriors

Eagle warriors

Quachic fanatic veterans

Quachic fanatic veterans

Tequihuah veterans

Tequihuah veterans

Huaxtec warriors/Priests

Huaxtec warriors/Priests



Commoners with bow/slings

Commoners with bow/slings

Commoners with baggage

Commoners with baggage

Chief of Men

Chief of Men

Tzilacatzin, Warrior champion

Tzilacatzin, Warrior champion

Mixed standards

Mixed standards

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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