
Nov 5, 2017

Blood & Rust

Blood & Rust

Ever wanted to replay the chase scenes from The Road Warrior or Fury Road in 28mm? Me too!

Blood and Rust is a game that grew out of my desire to see a Mad Max game in 28mm scale. While it is not Mad Max per se it is created in that same vein. The feel of Blood and Rust is that life is cheap, people can & will die easily, vehicles are life, and the real characters of the show will be very skilled and hard to take down. We're going to be launching a Kickstarter in 2019 to find the print version of the rules as well as to launch a line of 28mm modular vehicles because there's a real lack of low-tech vehicles in 28mm scale. This is also a lack in the gaming rules in the industry. Most car combat games are much more high-tech than what we seen in the movies like Mad Max. Guns are super powerful but very uncommon, expensive, and unreliable.

This is an open beta that is going to run for about a year & I very much welcome your feedback. You can join our mailing list at bloodandrustgame@gmail.com

Also please feel free to join our Facebook group:


The pay what you want is to help fund our trip to Adepticon 2019 to showcase the game & the vehicle sculpts.

Wargame Vault

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