30 Nov 2017
Ancient Warfare XI.5, Jan-Feb 2018
Ancient Warfare XI.5 with Riding into battle
Horse cavalry has long played a role in warfare. But other, more exotic mounts were also used in the ancient world.
Theme: Riding into battle
Evan Schultheis, 'Historical introduction - Riding into history'.
Dr. Jan Eschbach, 'Roman dromedary troops - Patrolling the desert frontier'.
Robert C.L. Holmes, 'Anti-war-elephant tactics and stratagems - Bane of behemoths'.
Paul McDonnell-Staff, 'The Battle of Thapsus, 46 BC - Final fight with elephants'.
Murray Dahm, 'Running with the horses - The Hamippoi'.
Valentine J. Belfiglio, 'Veterinary services in the Roman army - Keeping the horses fit'.
Michael Livingston and Myke Cole, 'The Paullus Monument & The Battle of Pydna - Physical sources'.
Joseph Hall, 'The tombstone of Q. Atilius Primus - A man of many talents'.
Tacticus, 'Tekne Taktike, part V - Pila on the battlefield'.
Duncan B. Campbell, 'Who were Hyginus' Vexillarii?'.
Ancient Warfare
Miniature Wargames 416, December 2017
Issue 416 of Miniature Wargames is about to be released. What are the goodies on offer?
The lead story this month is a double deal: Who would live in a house like this takes the scenery builder through the construction of a typical ruinous building in 28mm for use in eastern Europe with a multitude of period choices. Dave Tuck and Malc Johnston show wizard work with cork, foam board and dolls house furniture!
To follow on from that is Street Fighting Man. Jim Webster shows how to take ruins – like the one in the previous article – and use them in a game (with some scenario outlines) for a WW2 Warsaw uprising.
Gaslands: Keep the motor running and head out on the highway! Yes if you’re truly looking for adventure (and whatever comes your way) try these unique scenarios by the author of the latest Osprey rules release.
In Send Three and Fourpence Conrad Kinch offers a personal guide to worthy YouTube locations for wargamers with some spare time on their hands or those, like the author, who are busy juggling babies and other demands on their time.
Reinventing an Old Friend sees Jon Sutherland offering scenarios and army lists for his re-invented Ancients Hoplite rules in the final of a four part series.
Shows: the editor takes a camera along to Derby Worlds and SELWG.
Making scenery and whole armies! In Building Fenris Jeremy Claridge builds a host of robots from some fairly unexpected items for his award winning game and the Wargames Widow builds bridges to go with the river sections from last month.
For reviews we have Fantasy Facts (with its sweep over non-historical gaming with releases from from Lucid Eye, Titan, Osprey, North Star, Ion Age, Skull & Crown and Brigade. On the other hand, Forward Observer has (mostly) historical wargaming reports on Rubicon, Warlord, Deep Cut, Daemonscape, Stoessi and Victrix.. Finally we have Recce for a dozen book reviews and the free (small but still perfectly formed) Club Directory!
Miniature Wargames
The wait is almost over! "Panzerkrieg Volume 1"

The wait is almost over! The Australian shipment of "Panzerkrieg Volume 1" has arrived and orders are being despatched. The shipment bound for the US is still at sea but is due to land shortly. We had hoped to start dispatching the books in mid-November but a production issue delayed our schedule.
The printer inserted the endpapers in the wrong order, meaning the front endpaper (with map and signature box) was at the back, and vice versa. This was unacceptable, so the entire print-run had to be fixed with a new cover and endpapers. The final result, however, is spectacular. Just wait until the book is in your hands! As the US shipment has not yet arrived, we've decided to extend the pre-publication offer for everyone, so if you haven't yet ordered a copy, hop on over to our website:
Leaping Horseman Books
A Foreign Field
A Foreign Field, A skirmish battle in the mud and blood of World War 1. Imagine a small section of the front, with nothing but the lowest ranks involved on both sides, attacking the enemy at range and hand-to-hand, once the Hell that is No-Man's-Land has been crossed. There is no mercy to be had or given and the only way is forward, whatever you're walking into.
A print and play game with all you need (except dice and pencils) in pdf format.
Wargame Vault
Samurai Armour
For beauty, precision and strength, nothing has ever matched the combination of form and function found in the armour of the samurai. For a samurai, the consummate warrior, his suit of armour was so much more than 'just' protective equipment that could save his life in the heat of battle – it was the embodiment of his personality, social status and very soul.
This volume, the first in a two-part series on the armour of the samurai, traces first the history of the samurai themselves and then examines the history and evolution of the cuirass or dou, the armour protecting the samurai's chest. Drawing on over 20 years of research and technical work by Trevor Absolon, a leading expert, this is a complete study of this fundamental aspect of samurai armour construction. Illustrated throughout with photographs and diagrams, this is more than just a detailed technical exploration, it is a meditation on a process that was, and still is, nothing short of an art form.
Case Red: The Collapse of France
Even after the legendary evacuation from Dunkirk in June 1940 there were still large British formations fighting the Germans alongside their French allies. After mounting a vigorous counterattack at Abbeville and then conducting a tough defence along the Somme, the British were forced to conduct a second evacuation from the ports of Le Havre, Cherbourg, Brest and St Nazaire. While France was in its death throes, politicians and soldiers debated what to do - flee to England or North Africa, or to seek an armistice.
Case Red captures the drama of the final three weeks of military operations in France in June 1940, and explains the great impact it had on the course of relations between Britain and France during the remainder of the war. It also addresses the military, political and human drama of France's collapse in June 1940, and how the windfall of captured military equipment, fuel and industrial resources enhanced the Third Reich's ability to attack its next foe - the Soviet Union.
29 Nov 2017
Major Overhaul Of The 10mm Napoleonics by Magister Militum
Yay! We've just finished a major overhaul of the 10mm Napoleonic infantry and cavalry brigade packs which are often played with our Colours & Guns rules.
They all now have all relevant pictures and our highest resolution photographs - some of which will enlarge as you hover over them.
The vast array of nations includes:
King's German Legion,
French Service,
Dutchy of Warsaw,
Dutch Belgian,
and we might add Swedish and Ottoman Turk for good measure!!
They are easily found using the search box of our website or by clicking the link.
Magister Militum
They all now have all relevant pictures and our highest resolution photographs - some of which will enlarge as you hover over them.
The vast array of nations includes:
King's German Legion,
French Service,
Dutchy of Warsaw,
Dutch Belgian,
and we might add Swedish and Ottoman Turk for good measure!!
They are easily found using the search box of our website or by clicking the link.
Magister Militum
28 Nov 2017
Wargames Illustrated 362, December 2017
The December issue of Wargames Illustrated is available now! As always, the magazine comes in three different formats – Print, Interactive (for iPad), and PDF – as part of your WIPrime membership.
The theme for this issue is The Machine Gun, and we present six articles on wargaming with this revolutionary weapon.
Our latest look at what’s new and upcoming in the world of wargaming.
Mike Bradford discusses the history of this iconic early machine gun and how it may be used during tabletop encounters.
We venture forth on an adventure to the Lost Isles trying out these new Osprey rules.
Jim Graham takes a close look at machine guns in World War One and considers how to use them in our games.
In the spirit of the Christmas season, we present a game that the whole family can enjoy, if they are of a certain mindset.
From dropped bricks and sidearms, to Maxims and Lewis guns, the evolution of aerial warfare is directly linked to the creation and usage of the machine gun.
Weld on some armour plating, create a housing for a weapon or two and top off that gas tank – we provide an insider’s look at these new rules from Osprey Games.
Exclusive rules for using our latest Giants in Miniature figure with Dracula’s America.
Dom Sore takes us through the history of World War Two machine guns and how these work with various rule systems.
Following on from our Cavalry theme in WI361, Nick Buxey presents an insight into a brave group of men who overcame prejudice to fight for their country.
Here in the WI Studio, Jamie Walker had a play around with creating a model of an improvised site for a MG and its crew.
We caught up with Ian Smith to talk more about his wonderful 40mm Napoleonic game – one of the award winning tables at The Other Partizan this year.
Just how can you give your armoured warriors that ‘weathered veteran’ look? Perhaps by adding some rust to their armour using these simple techniques.
Inspired by our recent Dunkirk themed issue, Gary Mitchell takes us through a German World War Two evacuation.
Another great game from Partizan, themed around an epic naval battle from the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 – 1905.
We take a tour of (Wargames) Foundry’s production facility and store at East Stoke Hall in Nottinghamshire.
Every gamer has one, that collection of miniatures that are just waiting for a little bit of attention, whether lead, pewter, plastic or resin – it’s time to discuss the Sassanid elephant in the room.
Wargames Illustrated
The Art of Ancient Warfare
Originally conceived as a reward for Ancient History Magazine Kickstarter backers, the 2016 special edition of Ancient Warfare is a compilation of covers, battle scenes and unit reconstructions from the first fifty issues of the magazine. Compiled and edited by Josho Brouwers, with contributions from the rest of the Ancient Warfare staff, this 100-page full-colour book features artwork by favourite illustrators such as Igor Dzis, Johnny Shumate, Radu Oltean and Rocío Espin, to name but a few. Also included are articles by the staff with insight into our philosophy for commissioning artwork, and a "behind-the-scenes" look at how illustrations are produced.
Ancient Warfare
27 Nov 2017
Responding to Call of Duty: Critical Essays on the Game Franchise
Responding to Call of Duty: Critical Essays on the Game Franchise, Call of Duty is one of the most culturally significant video game franchises of the 21st century. Since the first game was released for PC in 2003, the first-person shooter has sold over 250 million copies across a range of platforms, along with merchandise ranging from toys and comic books to a special edition Jeep Wrangler. Top players can compete for millions in prize money in tournaments sanctioned by the Call of Duty World League.
While the gaming community has reported on and debated each development, Call of Duty has received little scholarly attention. This collection of new essays examines the ideologically charged campaign mode of major franchise releases, with a special focus on militarism, realism and gender.
This digital edition includes the PDF version of the book.
Wargame Vault
Modern Armor – West German and German Armor Cards
Modern Armor – West German and German Armor Cards, Armored Vehicle Quick Reference Cards for the Modern Armor rule system.
West German and Post-Unification Germany's medium and main battle tanks, tank destroyers, infantry fighting vehicles, and anti-aircraft from the start of the Cold War to the present. Technical readout and weapon information for Modern Armor, including ballistic tables.
(These cards are not required to play the game)
Wargame Vault
26 Nov 2017
Chaos Risk
Chaos Risk, Risk has been a staple of the board gaming scene since it's original debut in 1957, and alongside Monopoly it's seen more variations and reskins that any other product available. But have you ever wished it were a bit more . . . insane?
Chaos Risk is a free downloadable supplement for Risk, a tactical board game produced by Hasbro. As such it requires a standard (sometimes referred to as ‘classic’ or ‘traditional’) copy of the game that features the 42 territories divided into 6 continents.
Chaos Risk is not an officially licensed Risk game, and was developed as a free supplement to an official, boxed version of the game. It has been produced and distributed digitally by Cascade Studios at no profit under their ‘Print and Play’ range of games as a high-resolution PDF document.
Wargame Vault
SeaLion Supremacy Supplement 1 Forgotten Flotillas
SeaLion Supremacy Supplement 1 covers additional ship specifications for the game. The supplement expands the details for the navies listed in the main rules, as well as other navies not listed.
You'll find material from midget submariens and transports right up to big battlewagons.
The navies covered by this supplement include:
United Kingdom - Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada
United States of America
Thailand (Siam)
And you get details about the Plan Orange expectations for Japana nd USA for hypothetical naval campaigning.
A must have supplement for SLS gamers.
Wargame Vault
Broken Axles: Complete Rulebook
Broken Axles is a 15mm vehicle combat game (which can easily be utilized at any scale from 15mm to 28mm) that is fast and fun, where every dice roll has the potential to range from disaster to triumph. To move their vehicles, players will roll a number of Maneuver Dice, with each success converting into an action.
Rolling below the required result, however, causes a Mishap, which vary in intensity depending on the number of failures rolled. Will you play it safe and roll only one dice to shimmy into position? Or will you throw caution to the wind and roll all four dice provided by your growling V8 engine, and risk catching fire or blowing a gasket if you roll poorly? The same risk is attached to most dice rolls in the game.
Broken Axles is built on a rolling terrain system, where every vehicle on the table is assumed to be travelling at 40mph when stationary. As such, terrain often comes barreling through from one end of the table, and if you’ve positioned your vehicles poorly they may not have time to react, and as any seasoned road-veteran will tell you, driving into a rocky bluff is not considered a great idea.
With a host of ramshackle upgrades and sci-fi themed weapons like Microwave Lasers and Arc Casters, and a roster of vehicles from agile Pursuit Vehicles to immense Battle Rigs, Broken Axles ensures that each Warlord has a plethora of options with which to crush his opponents (or to accidentally blow himself up with!).
Head over to Fuel Injection Games to find free Vehicle Stat Card templates, as well as templates for the creatures found in the Roadkill scenario, and our range of 15mm vehicle models!
Wargame Vault
24 Nov 2017
New 10mm Fantasy Demons from Magister Militum
New 10mm fantasy demons, just a little taster. They are on the web. Just type FDD into the search box - then they'll be there!
FDD102 Morbi Plague Demons x20
FDD103 Twisted Demons of Tiamat x20
Magister Militum
FDD102 Morbi Plague Demons x20
FDD103 Twisted Demons of Tiamat x20
FDD104 Vulture Demons of Ahriman x20
FDD105 Horned Demons of Baal x20
Christmas Delivery 2017
Christmas Delivery
As we approach the Christmas period, we have some important information regarding deliveries over the festive period.
To ensure your orders arrive in time for Christmas, please place them before 15 December if you're in the US and UK.
For overseas orders, we will be working hard alongside our distributors to ensure a timely delivery, but unfortunately we cannot account for post in your region.
Whilst we cannot guarantee Christmas delivery for print on demand titles, we do not currently anticipate any additional delays
Osprey Publishing Ltd
30% off Books and eBooks - Ends Monday!
30% off Books and eBooks - Ends Monday!
It's that time of year again! From today until Monday 27th November we're treating all Osprey customers to 30% off a selected range of books, eBooks and games across the website.
With over 2000 books discounted there's plenty for you to choose from!
As always, Gold and Silver members can take advantage of the monthly sale alongside their existing membership discounts.
Osprey Publishing Ltd
23 Nov 2017
Blood on the Blade
Blood on the Blade is a micro but complete set of rules for solitaire or co-op skirmish game, set on a fantasy background, but can also be used for non-fantasy games (planned expansions will cover Middle-Ages and Dark Ages, possibly Samurai era).
“Micro” refers to the small set of rules, the small time required to complete one game session and the small number of miniatures required (4-10 figures being a common range). Many micro-details are left to the player, only the “important” rules are included in the twelve pages of the game.
The game includes nine Scenarios, covering classical wargame scenes like searching for loot, attacking an enemy base, defending your territory, freeing prisoners. Event markers placed on the Map will create the needed Fog of War and randomize the placement of enemies, events and of course loot!
Scenarios can be played individually or as part of a Campaign game: in this case a flowchart will (randomly) determine the next mission; as an example, after a “Scout” mission a bad roll could send your characters on the “Ambush” scenario. Characters on a Campaign will be able to improve their characteristics, but with the improvement of the Reputation Level of your Warband, your enemies will also become stronger.
Activation of units (friendly and enemies) is managed with a pool of activation markers, but you can never be sure that every unit will be activated. When an “Enemy” marker is drawn by the pool you will roll on the ENEMY ACTIVATION table in the current Scenario to determine the unit to activate and its orders.
Game Rules
9 Scenarios
8 Enemy Sheets
2 Character sheets
4 Table sheets
2 Campaign Rosters
1 Campaign Sheet
32 markers
Additional free components for the game are available on the Studium CMLXV site
Wargame Vault
Mano-a-Mano is a fast, universal game system that can be used for skirmish or role playing games. It is mainly concerned with movement, combat, morale, and other connected actions, with lots of detail on gambling, travelling, swag...it's all there. The rest is left to your imagination. So, you can rob the town bank, chase banditos as part of a posse, or fight off an Apache war party.
If you want to use these rules for skirmish combat only, the section at the end covers character types, eliminating the need to generate individual characters, and a high speed combat system. So, if you want to re-fight little big horn, you won't be bogged down with the Role Playing parts of the game.
Materials needed to play are two six sided, one twenty sided dice, figures for your characters, and any terrain you may want to use (either lead or paper figures will do just fine). Rulers, tape measures, and pencils will come in handy. Once you have all that stuff together, git you a few good fellers in one spot, and git to makin' fun.
Wargame Vault
22 Nov 2017
Modern Armor - British Armor Cards
Modern Armor - British Armor Cards, Armored Vehicle Quick Reference Cards for the Modern Armor rule system.
British light, medium, heavy and main battle tanks, tank destroyers, infantry fighting vehicles, AVRE, and anti-aircraft from the Korean War to the present. Technical readout and weapon information for Modern Armor, including ballistic tables.
(These cards are not required to play the game)
Wargame Vault
The British In Africa: Illustration Collection
A Matomaton military maps, charts and images collection for wargamers.
The British In Africa: Illustration Collection, Fifty-nine illustrations of the Boer Wars along with sixteen French caricatures of the second conflict. Included are pencil sketches of battles, generals and soldiers as well as the indigenous and colonial peoples.
This collection is provided in an A4 PDF in landscape.
The PDF contains the following pages:
-- One page for the cover and legalese.
-- Fifty-nine full page illustrations, one per page.
-- Sixteen colour and black and white caricatures over five pages.
Available Now or Coming Soon
This is an addition to the The British In Africa Maps Collection, which is one of a number of collections containing maps, charts and images of battles, campaigns and wars, initially involving the British during the reign of Queen Victoria. There is also an accompanying series of books detailing the military exploits of the British Army and Navy during the same period. Included in both will be the Crimea, India, Egypt, China, Africa and Afghanistan.
Later collections in this ongoing series will cover the two world wars amongst other conflicts as well as histories of the British Army and Navy.
About These Maps & Images
These maps, charts and images have been sourced from late-C18th and early-C19th texts about the specific battle, campaign or war or about the area, era or nation(s) involved.
About Matomaton
I've long been fascinated by military history and have gathered together a significant collection of military maps and naval charts that I hope will be of use to other wargamers.
If there's a particular period, war or nation that you would like me to cover in a future collection, please let me know and I'll do my best to make one available.
These PDF files may not be resold or redistributed. If you are interested in using copies of the individual maps for use in commercial projects, please contact me via my website.
Wargame Vault
Modern Armor - American Armor Cards
Modern Armor - American Armor Cards, Armored Vehicle Quick Reference Cards for the Modern Armor rule system.
American light, medium, heavy and main battle tanks, tank destroyers, infantry fighting vehicles, cavalry fighting vehicles, and anti-aircraft from the Korean War to the present. Technical readout and weapon information for Modern Armor, including ballistic tables.
(These cards are not required to play the game)
Wargame Vault
Ermy of Erebos can fly! from Trolls Under the Bridge
The army is growing. Different types of infantry can be seen across the field. Even the trolls are towering between other humans of North.
And now the new unit of Mountain harpies joins the Erebos armies. These half human, half birds of prey are circling the sky and brings the news of ahead to warlords.
Ermy of Erebos can fly!
Orks can fly too!
It is the first time the Trolls are touching something orkish. Here we come with Jum'Bag - the rocket jetpack to allow orcs reach the sky (and ground in case in malfunction). We sell them as a pair - two different designs in one pack.
Trolls Under the Bridge
21 Nov 2017
With The Boer Forces: The Boers At War (Second Boer War)
A Matomaton military history reference book.
With The Boer Forces: The Boers At War (Second Boer War), A collection of articles written by Howard C. Hillegas, the special war correspondent of the New York World, describing the Boer forces, statesmen and people during the Second Boer War.
The PDF contains:
-- Three pages for the cover, title page, the table of contents (with active links to each section of the text) and a short biography of the author.
-- A preface by the author and then twelve articles about the Boer forces and people.
-- Twenty-three photographs and one map to illustrate the text.
Available Now Or Coming Soon
This is a companion to The British In Africa and The Great Boer War. There are also map, illustration and photograph collections along with a collectable cards collection.
About Howard C. Hillegas
Howard Clemens Hillegas was born in 1872 in Pennsylvania and began his career as a journalist after graduating from college, eventually working as a war correspondent for the New York World. In 1895 Hillegas was sent to South Africa and developed close ties to Boer statesmen and military leaders. He wrote extensively about them and his experiences during the war, though this collection of articles was suppressed by the British on its publication in 1901.
Please Note
Please be aware that the text of this PDF was written in an age when sensibilities were somewhat less delicate and attitudes to peoples not of the British Isles were considerably less enlightened.
About Matomaton
I've long been fascinated by military history and over the years have gathered a collection of reference books and images like those included in this PDF. Now I've been encouraged to make them available to other wargamers and roleplayers for reference and to add period detail to related games.
These PDF files may not be resold or redistributed. If you are interested in using copies of the individual images for use in commercial projects, please contact me via my website.
Wargame Vault
20 Nov 2017
AtC - Red Stars
Red Stars is an Aircraft Pack expansion for the "Above the Clouds!" air-combat miniature wargame rules. Red Stars provides the Russian aircraft performance displays (APDs) required for the encounters of the Russo-German Air War during 1942-1945, as well as some new German APDs for aircraft which were used nearly exclusively on the Russian front.
Red Stars includes the following 20 APDs (* indicates APD previously published in another expansion):
Il-2 Type 3M
Il-4 (aka DB-3F)
P-39 Kobra
I hope you enjoy Red Stars, and please join us on the Above the Clouds support Yahoo Group by sending an e-mail:.
Gavin Tovrea
Wargame Vault
There's always something from Arrowhead Miniatures
There's always something
We have had to withdraw the Leopard from sale temporarily due to a glitch in the casting.
New stock will be available in about 2 weeks time.
Sorry everyone.
In the meantime work carries on with the Puma IFV.
Arrowhead Miniatures
We have had to withdraw the Leopard from sale temporarily due to a glitch in the casting.
New stock will be available in about 2 weeks time.
Sorry everyone.
In the meantime work carries on with the Puma IFV.
Arrowhead Miniatures
Just One Hour Left from Hysterical Games
Just one hour left to get on board and grab yourself a seriously good bargain.
Hysterical Games
Hysterical Games
19 Nov 2017
October 2017 Sale! Get 20% off Combat & Duel!
October Sale! Get 20% off Combat & Duel!
Throughout this month we've discounted our Combat and Duel titles by 20%.
As always, Gold and Silver members can use their membership discounts alongside the monthly promotion to get an even better deal!
Click here to get 20% off!
Osprey Publishing Ltd
Prototype Boards from TTCombat
Here is another picture of the prototype board we have been working on but this time with some of the building prototypes as well. Many more to come!
The KampfKondor 52 Funded from Hysterical Games
The KampfKondor 52 has been funded and all ACE pledgers will get one of the largest model in the range FREE in their reward!
Next, something for the Troglodyte Air Force!
Hysterical Games
Next, something for the Troglodyte Air Force!
Hysterical Games
18 Nov 2017
Fire & Maneuver v4.1
Fire & Maneuver v4.1, The Second World War saw many new innovations to combat: new weapons from jets to atomic bombs, new tactics and doctrine, and innovations which replaced many old traditions. But through it all, the infantryman remained the one indispensable item on the battlefield. Even with all the invention and innovation, without the individual doughboy, war still could not be won.
Fire and Maneuver is a 1 to 1 scale game recreating the ground combat of the War. No mass tank battles, no ship to ship combat on the high seas, no dog fights at 20,000 feet. Just men clawing their way through no-mans land to get to the enemy. Each figure represents one soldier, one tank, one gun. The Scale is small, one inch = 2 yards. The combat is fierce, even hand to hand. Each tactical move turn lasts only six to thirty seconds, but those few seconds can mean the difference between life and death, victory or defeat.
The game scale works best with 20mm figures (1/72 scale), but will work equally well with 15mm or 28mm. Included are two sample scenarios to get you started, as well as charts and stats for most of the common weapons in use throughout the later stages of the war. The average table size for play is 4x8 feet, about the size of a ping pong table.
Wargame Vault
17 Nov 2017
Armored Fist - Armor Cards, France 1940
Armored Fist - Armor Cards, France 1940, Armored Vehicle Quick Reference Cards for the Armored Fist rule system.
Belgian, British, French, German, and Polish armored vehicles (assault guns, tanks, tankettes, tank destroyers) for the 1939 and 1940 campaigns in Poland, France, and the low countries. Statistics for 27 vehicles are included.
(These cards are not required to play the game)
Wargame Vault
Armored Fist Scenario - Battles of Stonne 1940, Grossdeutschland vs the 3e DCr
Battles of Stonne 1940, Grossdeutschland vs the 3e DCr, 15-16 May 1940
Five scenarios recreating the ferocious battle to control the town of Stonne, the first and best opportunity the French had to derail the drive to the Channel. Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschalnd faced off against the tanks and soldiers of the 3e DCr and 3e DIM in a battle German veterans would later say was as intense as Stalingrad. Day and night actions, infantry vs tanks, and the rampage by B1 bis commander Pierre Billotte, who claimed 13 kills in one action.
These scenarios contain:
Historical information on units and deployment suitable for use with any micro-armor system.
Unit statistics and scenario rules for Armored Fist
Wargame Vault
Star Patrol Micro
Star Patrol Micro, An experiment in microgame design. How much adventure could we fit onto a single page?
Take on the role of starship captain and patrol the border worlds to keep people safe from the pirate threat. Manage your shields and missiles to defeat the enemy ships and use the reward money to keep your ship performing to it's highest potential.
When you're comfortable try your hand at a campaign boosting your ships status and facing off against larger threats and unique missions. Can you stop the pirates once and for all?
All on one double-sided page. Use 1 six-sided dice and track your status using either a piece of scrap paper or number of paper clips on the status tracks allowing for a big game in a small space.
Wargame Vault
Best Allies, 18th century land warfare rules
Best Allies is a set of 18th century land warfare rules, suitable for army sized battles. Individual units are organised into brigades with each side taking it in turn to activate, move and fight their brigades. Includes rules for different commanders level of ability.
With army lists for the; Great Northern war, War of Spanish Succession, Jacobite Risings, Seven Years war, American war of Independence and the French Revolutionary wars
Wargame Vault
16 Nov 2017
Sherman's M4A3 from Lancer Miniatures
Just listed the first of my 10mm Sherman's M4A3 variants, the bodies are resin and one piece turret and gun in metal for obvious strength, more to come, but concentrating on US to begin with, more figures also being created.
Sherman M4A3
Sherman M4A3 Early 76mm
Lancer Miniatures
Sherman M4A3
Sherman M4A3 Early 76mm
Lancer Miniatures
First Batch of Sculpts For The Indian Mutiny from Pendraken Miniatures
This first batch arrived at Pendraken HQ last week and covers all of the mutineer types, including foot, cavalry, command and personalities! The British sculpts are being done at the moment and should arrive Jan/Feb next year, along with the artillery pieces.
Mounted Leader / Ex-Company command in Company dress
Sepoys in Company dress
Ex-Company command in civilian dress
Sepoys in civilian dress
Feudal command
Barkandaze feudal matchlockmen
Civilian insurgents / badmash
Ghazi Muslim fighters
Artillery crew
Bengal light cavalry, Company dress
Bengal light cavalry, civilian dress
Bengal lancers
Bengal irregular cavalry
Lakshmibai & Tantia Top
Prince on elephant
Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures
Mounted Leader / Ex-Company command in Company dress
Sepoys in Company dress
Ex-Company command in civilian dress
Sepoys in civilian dress
Feudal command
Barkandaze feudal matchlockmen
Civilian insurgents / badmash
Ghazi Muslim fighters
Artillery crew
Bengal light cavalry, Company dress
Bengal light cavalry, civilian dress
Bengal lancers
Bengal irregular cavalry
Lakshmibai & Tantia Top
Prince on elephant
Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures
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