
Oct 28, 2017

New LoA & WSS Releases from Pendraken Miniatures

We've got another batch of new releases ready now, with a few assorted goodies for the LoA and WSS periods.  First up Clib's done some conversion work to change the previous LoA command into tricorns, suitable for the latter end of the Augsburg period through into the WSS.  He's also put some fur hats on the dragoons, just in time to go with the new dragoon flags we've received from Sandinista!  Thanks to both for their work on these.

Bringing up the rear, we've replaced the Marlburian dismounted dragoon sculpts and added a horse holder set for them as well.

League of Augsburg

LOA38   Dismounted Command group, tricorn (3 figures + 1 horse)     £1.00

LOA38   Dismounted Command group, tricorn (3 figures + 1 horse)

LOA39   Mounted Command, standing, tricorn (7 figures)     £2.50

LOA39   Mounted Command, standing, tricorn (7 figures)

LOA40   Mounted Command, moving, tricorn (7 figures)     £2.50

LOA41   French Dragoons in fur hats (15 figures, inc. command)     £4.95

LOA42   Allied Dragoons in fur hats (15 figures, inc. command)

LOA42   Allied Dragoons in fur hats (15 figures, inc. command)     £4.95

PNFL218    William III Dragoon Regiments    £2.50

PNFL218    William III Dragoon Regiments

PNFL219    Allied Dragoon Regiments    £2.50

PNFL219    Allied Dragoon Regiments

PNFL224    Louis XIV Dragoon Regiments    £2.50

PNFL224    Louis XIV Dragoon Regiments


MAL21    Dismounted dragoons (30)    £4.95

MAL21    Dismounted dragoons (30)

MAL22    Horse holder with horse (5 pairs)     £2.50

MAL22    Horse holder with horse (5 pairs)

(The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed the jump in flag codes from 219 to 224, which is due to the GNW flags we released a couple of months ago.  That'll annoy my OCD for years to come...!)

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Pendraken Miniatures

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