
Oct 4, 2017

Update #18 Post Kickstarter Update 4 from Black Gate Miniatures

It's been a busy couple of weeks.

Thanks to everyone who has already sent in the Reward Survey. Please can I encourage you to fill it in if you haven't already. Thanks.

Now onto the production side of things, which is very much a good news, bad news affair.

Bad news first. I still don't have all the sculpts. I am waiting on the final Mammoth Riders, Characters on Mammoths. Junk Lobba, Greenlings and the "free" Big Boss Character. They are expected sometime later this month but obviously that makes an October delivery impossible. I was always in trouble when the Kickstarter went big and outgrew the window I had agreed with my sculptor. The work he has produced is first class and I believe it will be worth the wait, but it has made me feel quite stressed as the October deadline came ever closer. No one likes to miss a deadline.

Realistically, If I get the sculpts in mid October, then I will aim to complete the production as soon as possible, and aim for dispatch most likely in late November or early December.

The good news. I have completed the production of the Giant, the 2 Shaman and the 2 Chieftains, 2 of the Savage Kin and 2 of the Yeti. The remaining Savage Kin and Yeti are proving a little more challenging to get cast up properly and are still being worked on. I have also been working on creating more stock of phase 1 Ogres (Warriors, Armoured Warriors and Cannoneers).

Rid has painted up some of the very first miniatures to come from the master mould. I will post them up on with the next update.

Next up are some production pictures

Hill Giants

Hill Giants



Savage Kin

Savage Kin

Until next update.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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