
Oct 20, 2017

Miniature Wargames 415, November 2017

Miniature Wargames 415, November 2017

The November issue of Miniature Wargames is available.

Portable Hammer: Arthur Harman steps – yet again – away from the world of historical gaming to try a conversion of the popular Portable Wargame system for use as a set of fantasy rules.

Rolica and The Peninsular War: Conrad Kinch gives us a scenario for Command & Colours Napoleonics in his Send Three and Fourpence spot.

The Silent City: The Armies of Rei Bouba. Chris Peers, author of Death in the Dark Continent, provides a unique army list for the system.

Reinventing an Old Friend: taking a passion for a set of ‘old school’ ancients rules and making them fit for the 21st century gamer: the third of a four part series.

Also there’s more scratch building gaming scenery, both earth bound and very much not: Asteroids from foam and the Wargames Widow makes river sections.

Miniature Wargames

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