
Sep 15, 2017

Update #17 Post Kickstarter Update 2 from Black Gate Miniatures

Reward Survey day!

You should have received your Reward Survey today. Please return as soon as you are able.

Having accurate Reward Survey information will help me prioritise items in the production run.

Don't worry if you want more stuff than you pledged for. Just indicate on the Reward Survey what items you would actually like and we will include any additional payment along with the P&P invoice prior to shipping.

Now onto the production side. First up I have sent a set of 6 Mammoth "Dollies" back to Robi for him to create the variants for use with the Unit, Characters and Junk Lobba. We also has three different heads at present with varying degrees of armour, not easy to see in this picture.

Mammoth "Dollies"

Mammoth "Dollies"

Next up is the Hill Giant. I am creating the production mould for the Hill Giant this weekend.

Hill Giant is ready for the production mould

Hill Giant is ready for the production mould

Finally, I realised I didn't share any pictures of the Savage Kin with you last update. Here is a picture of the miniatures from the master mould.

Savage Kin

Savage Kin

That's it for this update.

Have a good weekend.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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