
Sep 6, 2017

Update #16 Post Kickstarter Update 2 from Black Gate Miniatures

It's been a busy summer but now things are calming down and production has started. Updates will be pretty regular from here on in.

Robi (my sculptor) has been a star and I have already received the sculpts for the Giant, Yeti, Savage Kin, Shaman and Chieftain. Pictures of some of the sculpts are at the end of the update.  I also, have a master Mammoth sculpt and three variant heads but no riders as yet.

I began work today on the master moulds and should be able to share the pictures of the first generation metal miniatures later this week.

Chieftain Models

Chieftain Models

Shaman Characters

Shaman Characters



Hill Giant

Hill Giant

My plan is to send out the Backer Survey next week.

Everything is on schedule at present :)

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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