
Sep 13, 2017

The British in China: Gallant Deeds in the Reign of Queen Victoria

The British in China: Gallant Deeds in the Reign of Queen Victoria.

A compilation of WHG Kingston's writings on British actions in China during the reign of Queen Victoria.

This PDF gathers together Kingston's articles written for two volumes that charted the wars and campaigns fought by Great Britain in various parts of the world.


The PDF contains:

-- Four pages for the cover and legalese, a short biography of WHG Kingston and the table of contents (with active links to each section of the text).

-- Fifteen articles describing and discussing particular actions, campaigns and wars fought by the British Army and Navy in China.

-- Each of the four major sections is preceded by a title page illustrated with an image or map appropriate to the subject.

Also Available (or Coming Soon)

This series includes PDFs covering wars and campaigns fought in Afghanistan, Africa, China, the Crimea, Egypt and the Indian subcontinent, as well as British exploration of the Arctic.

There are also accompanying maps collections covering the key battles and campaigns described in this series.

Please Note

Please be aware that the text of this PDF was written in an age when sensibilities were somewhat less delicate and attitudes to peoples not of the British Isles were considerably less enlightened.

About WHG Kingston

Though most famous as a writer of adventure stories and historical fiction, William Henry Giles Kingston also wrote a number of factual accounts of travel, discovery and military exploits. His lifelong love of the sea was the source of much of his work and began when he travelled to and from Portugal as a child. He would later receive a Portuguese knighthood, his earlier writings having proven influential in the Anglo-Portuguese treaty of 1842.

About Matomaton

I've long been fascinated by military history and over the years have gathered a collection of reference books and images like those included in this PDF. This series of books covers a period of British history that I find particularly interesting and will be returning to in future texts.


These PDF files may not be resold or redistributed. If you are interested in using copies of the individual images for use in commercial projects, please contact me via my website.

Wargame Vault

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