
Sep 12, 2017

Master List for the Indian Mutiny range from Pendraken Miniatures

Now that the artillery pieces have arrived for the 1860 Italians, we can get those into the moulding system for release and move on to our next major project!  The Indian Mutiny has been at the top of the requests list for some time now so it's going to be good to get this range developed.  This is the list we've sent off to our sculptor to get us started and there's quite a comprehensive set of figures here.  We need to add some civilians in as well but that should be about it.  Timescales on this will be into 2018, hopefully before Salute.

Indian Mutiny - British

British infantry in regulation dress – 3 foot + 3 command
British infantry in irregular dress – 3 foot + 3 command
Sikh infantry in turban – 3 foot + 3 command
Gurkhas – 3 foot + 3 command
Highlanders – 2 foot + 3 command
Naval brigade – 2 foot + 2 command

British lancers – 2 troopers + 3 command
British light cavalry (shirts and havelock) – 2 troopers + 3 command
British dragoons – 2 troopers + 3 command
British hussars – 2 troopers + 3 command???
Volunteer Gentleman horse – 3 troopers?

British artillery crew x 4

British mounted officer x 1
British Generals (Colin Campbell and Havelock) x 2
British casualty x 1
Elephant tow carriage??
Cart with bullocks??

Indian Mutiny - Mutineers

Badmash militia – 3 foot
Barkandaze infantry – 3 foot + 3 command
Indian Ghazi – 3 foot
Sepoys in regular dress (kilmarnock, tunic, dhoti) – 3 foot
Sepoys in civilian dress (cap, shirt, dhoti) – 3 foot
Sepoy command – 3 command

Bengal light cavalry in cap – 2 troopers + 3 command
Bengal light cavalry in turban – 2 troopers + 3 command
Bengal lancers – 2 troopers + 3 command
Bengal irregular cavalry – 3 troopers
Punjab cavalry – 2 troopers + 3 command

Indian artillery crew x 4

Indian mounted leader x 1
Indian Generals (Rani of Jansi and Tatia Topi) x 2
Indian casualty x 1
Indian command elephant

Artillery Pieces
6lb field gun – same carriage
9lb field gun – same carriage
24lb howitzer – same carriage
12lb howitzer
8” siege mortar
18lb siege gun

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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