
Sep 26, 2017

Dropzone Commander Autumn Invasion: Results

Hawk's official Autumn Invasion Dropzone Commander tournament took place this weekend and it was greatly enjoyed by all. Here we have a list and gallery of all the winners. This tournament was the last official event to use the 1st Edition rules with the upcoming release of 2nd Edition, so after 4 years of competition there were many players looking to be crowned the eternal champion.

 All of the proud winners with Hawk Dave

All of the proud winners with Hawk Dave


1st Mike Burch (Resistance)
2nd James Foster (Scourge)
3rd James Barry (Shaltari)

Mike Burch won first place for a record fourth time including his win earlier this year! Not only has Mike attended every Invasion event since it began but he has won with a number of different factions. He is undoubtedly the champion of Dropzone Commander 1st Edition. James Foster had a particularly successful weekend as you will see below, beginning with finishing second overall. Ex-Hawk employee James Barry put his extensive knowledge of the game to good use to claim third place.

Best Painted Army – James Foster
Best Painted Unit – Robert Hutton
Painting Raffle - Philip Ball

Hawk Dave chose James' Scourge army as the overall best painted army and the Hawk team strongly agreed. We have seen James at previous Invasions and his skill has always caught our eye. His detailed bases are an excellent touch that really show the effort he has put into his army. Robert Hutton won the Single Unit painting competition for his Resistance Thunderstorm Custom and Philip Ball won the Painting Raffle, a draw designed to reward players who have entered with a fully painted army.

Most Sporting – Jonathan Brown

Best Team – Ferrum Real Estate Corporation (James Foster, David Ray, Martin Dalzell, Neil Hollyhoke)

Wooden Spoon – Malcolm Haddow

James Foster won his third award for leading Ferrum Real Estate Corporation to victory with its members averaging the highest score. Malcolm Haddow was awarded a wooden spoon for the unfortunate honour of coming last which Hawk Dave duly signed and is now on display in Malcolm's gaming room!

Full Results

1. Mike Burch (Resistance)
2. James Foster (Scourge)
3. James Barry (Shaltari)
4. Mark Roberts (Shaltari)
5. Charles Hamilton (Shaltari)
6. Erik Robertson (Scourge)
7. David Ray (UCM)
8. Dave Clark (Resistance)
9. Philip Ball (Resistance)
10. Adam Reeve (Resistance)
11. Stephen Downes (Resistance)
12. Alex Randall (Resistance)
13. Steven Scurr (PHR)
14. Martin Dalzell (PHR)
15. Raul Pacheco (PHR)
16. Christian Cummings (UCM)
17. Dan Lunn (PHR)
18. James Carr (PHR)
19. Joe Whiddett (Shaltari, Day 1)
20. Daniel Berglund ((PHR)
21. David Ubeda (UCM)
22. Adrian Dittrich (UCM)
23. Emily Kindleysides (Resistance)
24. Neil Hollyhoke (Scourge)
25. Chris Lobodzinski (Resistance)
26. Adam Howard (UCM)
27. Robert Jones (UCM)
28. Amit Sharma (Scourge)
29. Matthew Greenaway (Shaltari)
30. Jonathan Brown (Scourge)
31. Kanan Nallainathan (UCM)
32. Robert Hutton (UCM)
33. Malcolm Haddow (UCM)
34. Hawk Darren (Scourge, Day 1)

Thank-you to everyone who attended and well done to all of our winners, we look forward to seeing everyone again when we will be playing an exciting new edition!

Hawk Scott


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