
Sep 28, 2017

Ancient Warfare XI.4, Oct-Nov 2017

Ancient Warfare XI.4, Oct-Nov 2017

Ancient Warfare XI.4 with Warfare in ancient Israel and the Levant. The Twelve Tribes of Israel struggled to gain and maintain their nation on the strategic Palestinian land bridge.

Theme: Warfare in ancient Israel and the Levant.

Jasper Oorthuys, 'Historical introduction - Warfare in ancient Israel'.
Mark Schwartz, 'The Moabite Stone and military history - Devoted to destruction'.
Hans Edelmaier, 'The first reported night attack - Gideon's raid on En-dor'.
Sidney E. Dean, 'The Battle of Qarqar, 853 BC - Coalition warfare'.
Gareth Williams, 'Judean fortifications from Rehoboam - The stone frontier'.
Haggai Olshanetsky, 'Israelites in the army of Assyria - In the name of Gods and Kings'.
Jasper Oorthuys, 'The Lachish reliefs - an overview'.


Duncan B. Campbell, 'An unnoticed Roman military diploma - A Praetorian in New York'.
Michael Livingston and Myke Cole, 'The key to unlocking the past - All-source analysis'.
Duncan B. Campbell, 'Who were the antesignani? - Those in front of the standards'.
Tacticus, 'The art of tactics - taktikè technè, part IV - The myth of the othismos'.
Graham Sumner, 'A Roman optio from Chester - Waiting in the wings'.

Ancient Warfare

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