
Aug 2, 2017

Post Kickstarter Update 1 from Black Gate Miniatures

It's been a couple of weeks (plus two days) since the Kickstarter ended and this morning the money finally come through. Once again, a big thank you to everyone who backed the project.

I have settled my account with Christian (Concept Artist) and paid for the first master Mammoth sculpt. The final miniatures will most likely be split into pieces to make casting easier.

Master Mammoth
Master Mammoth
 Next up is one of the Shaman sculpts.

Shaman Character
Shaman Character
 The only other thing I need to keep you updated about is the time scale.

When I planned this Kickstarter, it was intended for the production of Mammoth Riders, but I also planned for making the Characters including the ones mounted on Mammoths. I didn't expect to be making the whole of the rest of the range. I am delighted to be able to produce the rest of the range but need to explain the process going forwards.

I have a single, very talented sculptor called Robi. We had discussed the Kickstarter before launch and he had created me a window in his sculpting schedule. This window was for the production of the Mammoth Riders and Characters. With the success of the Kickstarter (which is a good thing) the amount of work for Robi has increased considerably. He is trying to make more space for us, and it's possible that everything could be completed in time for me to meet the October deadline, but I need to inform people that the deadline may slip. I will however, make sure the Mammoths and Characters are ready on time, and if people want them shipped separately then we will sort that out individually.

I expect the next update in a week or two, when I have some more sculpts to share and maybe even a bit of moulding and casting.

I will also be holding off on sending the Backer Survey until probably early September, in order to be in a better position to ask the right questions about delivery etc. You can only send it once and so it has to be done right first time.

That's it for now.

Ogres forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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