
Aug 31, 2017

Spartan Games – Update

Spartan Games Closure – additional information

First, the Directors would like to start out with a sincere thank you for all the messages we have received expressing sadness at our closure.  It is good to hear that our games brought you enjoyment over the years.

Alongside a considerable number of messages of support we have received hundreds of emails with questions.  We have made a start at answering them individually but with no remaining staff, this is proving impossible.  We would therefore like to answer the most commonly asked questions here.

1.       Will I receive the items I ordered from your online store or pledged for in the Dystopian Wars Expansion Kickstarter project?

Alas, for the most part, the answer is no.  If you have received an email notifying you that goods were dispatched then they are on their way.  Deliveries can take up to two to three weeks in different parts of the world so they may simply not have reached you yet.

However, if your goods have not left our building yet, unfortunately they can’t be sent.  We were committed to shipping everything that was in stock and ready to put skeleton staff in place to do so.  Unfortunately our accounts have been frozen so we have no way of paying for shipping charges and our landlords require the return of the premises.  We discussed this at length today with our advisors and although we explored lots of options, because we know customers have offered to cover postage and even collect goods, unfortunately we couldn’t find a way to make this work.

2.       Will stock that is remaining be available for sale?
There is a possibility that it will, although there is limited final product.  There are still details to be worked out but we are building a list of email addresses for those who might be interested in purchasing whatever items of products stock we have available.  This will include items built for the Kickstarter project.  We wish we could send them to you but, as explained above, this won’t be possible due to circumstances beyond our control.  If you want to be added to the mailing list, please send an email, if you have not already done so, to spartangames@mail.com with STOCK in the subject line.
3.       Who is handling the closure of the company?

This appointment is in progress but it takes time to follow the required procedures.  We will advise who this is once the process is complete.

4.       Has there been interest in the purchase of assets such as the product lines?

Yes, considerable interest and we are following up on this with our advisors.  Parties wishing to purchase assets should email spartangames@mail.com and their email will be acknowledged and their details passed on.

5.       Are you answering emails?

As explained here and in previous statements, staff have been made redundant so we have very limited resources to handle emails.  We are working through the hundreds we have received.  If the emails are about orders, we will not unfortunately, be able to acknowledge them individually and hope this statement explains the status.  If they are about individual stock purchases, we will add email address to the mailing list we are building.  If they are about purchase of assets, we will acknowledge and pass on the details.  If they are about anything else, we will answer where possible.  Other email addresses are no longer being monitored and will cease to exist in the coming days and weeks.

Again we would like to express our regret at the impact this closure has had on staff, customers and other trading partners.  We are doing all we can to minimise the impact and to do the best that we can under the circumstances.  Please bear with us and thank you again for your support at this difficult time.

Spartan Games

Aug 29, 2017

SYW Austrian Photos from Pendraken Miniatures

kev1964's impressive work continues on our SYW ranges and we've got the Austrians all photo'd up and on the website now!  The Russians are next in line and we should have those done soon.

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Osprey: August 2017 Book Vote

Osprey: August 2017 Book Vote

The Russian Navy of the Russo-Japanese War has stormed into the lead in this month's book vote, but we have four other titles fighting it out to join our New Vanguard series.

To read more about this month's options and to see last month's results, click here!

Vote Now! Link no longer working

Osprey Publishing Ltd

Aug 28, 2017

Indo China from Pendraken Miniatures

Matt J has been continuing his hard work on our post-war ranges and the next batch ready for the website is the entire Indo China range!  There's some really nice figures hiding in here so it's nice to be able to show them off with Matt's excellent paintwork.  This range can be found here:  and the images are below.

Thanks again to Matt for all of his work on these ranges, much appreciated!