
Jul 31, 2017

Wargames Illustrated 358, August 2017

Wargames Illustrated 358, July 2017

The release of the new Christopher Nolan epic war movie Dunkirk gave us a great excuse to examine this World War Two episode in the theme of the latest issue of Wargames Illustrated.

Four of our articles in the August issue focus on or around the evacuation of British Troops from the French beaches in 1940. We explore the gaming potential of the German advance on Dunkirk and the Allied resistance. In a fifth article, Figure Spotlight, we take the fighting over the English Channel and see what figures are available for the German invasion of Britain.

New and upcoming releases in the wargames world.

Our introduction to this month’s theme, with a focus on the forces involved.

Exclusive content from Mark Latham which blends his Broken Legions rules with another of his offerings from Osprey.

A look at events during the invasion of France 1940, with some thoughts on gaming one of the initial battles.

Jay White shares some of his experiences and ideas for creating scenarios.

Dom Sore has some expert advice for gamers looking to recreate the actions, before, during and after the Dunkirk evacuation of 1940, using Bolt Action.

Paul Davies takes his inspiration from La Haye Sainte to show us how to make a tabletop farmhouse.

Two scenarios, centred around our theme, which present players with the opportunity to turn the tide in the battle for France.

Dave Tuck and Malc Johnston present their ideas for moving Lion Rampant from skirmish to mass battle level. Incorporating sieges along the way.

Model maker Nick Buxey shares some ideas for constructing the sort of building found on the English-Scottish border..

A little show with big fans, we take a look around Legionary 2017.

When scientists from the Societé Géographiqué discover a ‘lost’ plateau in Africa, a new ‘adventure’ awaits for players of Congo.

We take a look at this top award winning game from Salute 2017 .

Our figure spotlight this month focuses on the range of figures available for fighting the ‘what if’ German invasion of Britain 1940 (AKA Operation Sea Lion).

Base, We Have A Problem
How to base your figures for both single and multi-based games.

Simon MacDowall begins a series of articles extolling the virtues of gaming during the reign of James II of England, VII of Scotland.

Inspired by last month’s theme, Shawn Welte provides some great ideas for converting ‘early’ Perry crusader figures into ‘late’.

Hoist the Jolly Roger and prepare to set sail in this Rules Showcase for the new Pirate skirmish wargame from Firelock Games.

Wargames Illustrated

Jul 30, 2017

New Floaters from Trolls Under the Bridge

Couple snap shots of our new floaters. Martin placed as usual tons of details on these models. So it's took a little more time to finish them.

Do you like them?

A Wargamer's Guide to the Early Roman Empire

A Wargamer's Guide to the Early Roman Empire

The Roman army of the early empire is one of the most instantly recognizable armies and enjoys a reputation for excellence.

This and their many famous campaigns against a wide range of colourful foes makes this one of the most popular periods for wargamers.

Covering the period from 27BC to AD284, Daniel Mersey gives a wargamer's perspective of the many conflicts and offers advice on how to recreate these on the gaming table.

Advice is given on factors to consider when choosing an appropriate set of commercially available rules, or devising your own, to best suit the scale and style of battle you want and capture the flavour of the period.

The relevant ranges of figures and terrain pieces and buildings are also reviewed. Analysis of the forces involved, organization, tactics and strategies will help with building your armies and there are interesting scenarios included.

Whether this is a new period for you, or you are looking to refresh your existing interest in the period, this handy guide is sure to hold much if interest.

Pictures Napoleonic Ranges from Magister Militum

Here's some brand new photos for our 10mm Napoleonic range;




Dutch of Warsaw




Saxon and some limbers too.

We hope you like them!

Magister Militum

Jul 29, 2017

10mm AWI British from Lancer Miniatures

At the moment it's just bog standard British infantry, I have 3 guns made as well but no gun crew yet, my sculptor is working on the crew and the first of the Americans, hopefully have them in about a week.

30x British Infantry Bicorne

British 4 command figures drum/off/2 standard

British Grenadiers x10

British line regiment 36 figures
6 Grenadiers, 4 command figures 26 Line infantry, if you want to change configuration let me know.

Lancer Miniatures

Jul 28, 2017

10mm Napoleonic Overhaul by Magister Militum

The next tranche of the 10mm Napoleonic have had their overhaul. So, in this bunch are the Russians, Prussians and Saxons. There are larger pictures and extra poses on many products.




Magister Militum

Working On British Ford Truck by Arrowhead Miniatures

Now working on a British Ford truck with a CMP pattern No12 cab. A similar one with a No 13 cab will follow.

Arrowhead Miniatures

SOTCW Journal 93, Aug-Sep 2017

SOTCW Journal 93, Aug-Sep 2017

I am pleased to announce the latest issue of the full colour Journal is now available.

Spanish Civil War TO and Es – Part 3 – The CTV (the Littorio and Arrow Divisions)
Meet The Members – Will McNally
West Front! – Soviet Plans to preempt 'Operation Barbarossa '
Modern Spearhead – An opinion piece by Robin Sutton
W(h)ither the Journal – Part 2: The proposal from the team
Damour – Syria 1941
Alternative Afghan Armour and Artillery – by Alan Hamilton
Red and Gray – Part Five: The Kuban Eastern front scenarios for Spearhead 41-43
Simple Modern Infantry Rules – For the Solo Gamer

Little Warriors
The Armoury
Rob's Rearguard

Jul 27, 2017

Slingshot 313

Slingshot 313

Slingshot 313 is with the printers and will be with you shortly


Wargaming with Vandals, by Simon MacDowall
Themed Competitions, by John Graham-Leigh, Richard Lockwood & John Vaughan
On the Byzantine Rhomphaia, by Periklis Deligiannis
Society Championship 2016 Results, by Peter Barham
Arsuf: Armati at the Beach, by Roy Boss & Matthew Bennett
Bella Contra Barbaros, by Michael Collins
The Battle of the Five Lamas, by Nicholas Spratt
Addressing Adrianople, by Chris Hahn
Goliath With A Mace? You Must Be Kidon! by Alastair McBeath
Mythological Wargaming Ancient Greek Style, by Harry Ryder

The editor is always looking for more articles, photographs and art, so feel free to contact him if you have an idea you would like to pursue.


July Sale - 20% off Campaign, Fortress and Raid!

July Sale - 20% off Campaign, Fortress and Raid!

July Sale - 20% off Campaign, Fortress and Raid!

This month we're offering all customers 20% off our Campaign, Fortress & Raid series! Head to the website to get a great deal on hundreds of Osprey books.

As always, Gold and Silver members can use their membership discounts alongside the monthly promotion to get an even better deal!

Terms and conditions apply, please see here for further details.

July Sale - 20% off

Osprey Publishing Ltd

Osprey: Titles Available This August 2017

Osprey: Titles Available This August 2017

Shadow over the Atlantic

Shadow over the Atlantic

German U-boats were the scourge of Allied merchant and military shipping in the Atlantic during World War II, threatening to isolate and then starve the UK out of the War. As Germany's war against the Allied convoys intensified in late 1943, German Admiral Karl Dönitz called upon the Luftwaffe to provide a long-range spotting and shadowing unit to act as ‘eyes' for his U-boats. Equipped with big, four-engined Junkers Ju 290s fitted out with advanced search radar and other maritime ‘ELINT' (electronic intelligence) devices, Fernaufklärungsgruppe (FAGr) 5 'Atlantik' undertook a distant, isolated campaign far out into the Atlantic and thousands of miles away from its home base in western France. The information generated and reported back to Dönitz's headquarters was vital to the efforts of the U-boats, and FAGr 5's ‘shadowing' missions were assigned priority in terms of skilled crews, supplies and equipment.

This book tells for the first time the fascinating story of the formation and operations of FAGr 5 'Atlantik', drawing on never-before-published historical records of the unit that accounted for the reporting and destruction of thousands of tons of Allied shipping.

The Improbable Victory: The Campaigns, Battles and Soldiers of the American Revolution, 1775–83

The Improbable Victory

The American Revolution reshaped the political map of the world, and led to the birth of the United States of America. Yet these outcomes could have scarcely been predicted when the first shots were fired at Lexington and Concord. American rebel forces were at first largely a poorly trained, inexperienced and disorganized militia, pitted against one of the most formidable imperial armies in the world. Yet following a succession of defeats against the British, the rebels slowly rebounded in strength under the legendary leadership of George Washington. The fortunes of war ebbed and flowed, from the humid southern states of America to the frozen landscapes of wintry Canada, but eventually led to the catastrophic British defeat at Yorktown in 1781 and the establishment of an independent United States of America.

The Improbable Victory is a revealing and comprehensive guide to this seminal conflict, from the opening skirmishes, through the major pitched battles, up to the Treaty of Paris in 1783. Impressively illustrated with photographs and artwork, it provides an invaluable insight into this conflict from the major command decisions down to the eye level of the front-line soldier.

Whispers Across the Atlantick

Whispers Across the Atlantick

General William Howe was the commander-in-chief of the British forces during the early campaigns of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Howe evoked passionate reactions in the people he worked with - his men loved him, his second-in-command detested him, his enemies feared him, his political masters despaired of him. There was even a plot to murder him, in which British officers as well as Americans were implicated.

Howe's story includes intrigue, romance and betrayal, played out on the battlefields of North America and concluding in a courtroom at the House of Commons, where Howe defended his decisions with his reputation and possibly his life on the line. The inquiry, complete with witness testimonies and savage debate between the bitterly divided factions of the British Parliament, gives Howe's story the flavour of a courtroom drama. Using extensive research and recent archival discoveries, this book tells the thrilling story of the man who always seemed to be on the verge of winning the American Revolutionary War for Britain, only to repeatedly fail to deliver the final blow.

A-6 Intruder Units 1974-96

A-6 Intruder Units 1974-96

In the three decades following Vietnam, the veteran A-6 Intruder remained the most powerful strike aircraft available to the US Navy and Marine Corps. Engaged in operations over Cambodia, Lebanon and Libya during the 1970s and 80s, the A-6 maintained its reputation as the ‘Main Battery' of carrier aviation, remaining in service through the First Gulf War up until 1996 when its duties were taken over by the F-14 Tomcat. Following on from his study of the A-6 Intruder's exploits during the Vietnam War, Rick Morgan details the technological developments that were introduced to the airframe after that conflict and how it shaped the operational employment of the aircraft. Filled with first-hand accounts from pilots and navigators, as well as profile artwork and photographs, this is the complete story of the US Navy's main medium attack aircraft in the latter part of the Cold War.

Imperial Japanese Navy Antisubmarine Escorts 1941-45

Imperial Japanese Navy Antisubmarine Escorts 1941-45

In 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) went to war with a marginal anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capability. This was a lamentable state of affairs for a nation dependent upon imports to sustain its war economy. There were only a few purpose-built ASW escorts available at the start of the war and these were augmented by a handful of second-class destroyers and a dozen torpedo boats. Once the magnitude of the threat to Japan's shipping became fully apparent in 1943, the IJN made plans for mass production of ASW escorts. These arrived in 1944, but could not stop the massacre of Japanese shipping by increasingly bold and effective American submarines.

This volume will detail the history, weapons and tactics of the IJN's ASW escorts. These include the Momi class of second-rate destroyers, the Tomodzuru and Ootori classes of torpedo boars, and the several types of ASW escorts built from 1937 up to the end of the war.

Boer Guerrilla vs British Mounted Soldier

Boer Guerrilla vs British Mounted Soldier

Waged across an inhospitable terrain which varied from open African savannah to broken mountain country and arid semi-desert, the Anglo-Boer wars of 1880-81 and 1899-1902 pitted the British Army and its allies against the Boers' commandos.

The nature of warfare across these campaigns was shaped by the realities of the terrain and by Boer fighting techniques. Independent and individualistic, the Boers were not professional soldiers but a civilian militia who were bound by the terms of the ‘Commando system' to come together to protect their community against an outside threat. By contrast the British Army was a full-time professional body with an established military ethos, but its over-dependence on conventional infantry tactics led to a string of Boer victories.

This fully illustrated study examines the evolving nature of Boer military techniques, and contrasts them with the British experience, charting the development of effective British mounted tactics from the first faltering steps of 1881 through to the final successes of 1902.

The Bar Kokhba War AD 132–136

The Bar Kokhba War AD 132–136

In AD 132, Shim'on Ben Koseba, a rebel leader who assumed the messianic name Shim'on Bar Kokhba ('Son of a Star'), led the people of Judaea in open rebellion, aiming to establish their own independent Jewish state and to liberate Jerusalem from the Romans. During the ensuing 'Bar Kokhba War' (AKA the Second Jewish War), the insurgents held their own against the crack Roman troops sent by Emperor Hadrian for three-and-a-half years. The cost of this rebellion was catastrophic: hundreds of thousands of casualties, the destruction and enslavement of Jewish communities and a ban on Jews entering Jerusalem. Bar Kokhba remains important in Israel today because he was the last leader of a Jewish state before the rise of Zionism in modern times.

This fully illustrated volume explores the gripping story of the uprising, profiling its rebel leader Bar Kokhba as well as the Emperor Hadrian and his generals, and assesses the impact that this violent rebellion had on the region and those that were displaced.

Shot Down and on the Run

Shot Down and on the Run

Thousands of airmen shot down over enemy soil between 1940 and 1945 miraculously escaped capture. This compelling narrative reveals their stories, based on first-hand interviews, photographs and official documents, featuring heroes from Britain, Canada, Australia and other Commonwealth countries.

These men knew extreme adversity: hunger, thirst, injury, isolation and the constant fear of capture. They also knew great kindness from the local people who risked everything to help them. Their journeys to safety - often across savage terrain - tested human endurance and ingenuity to the very limit.

Shot Down and in the Drink

The RAF's Air Sea Rescue Service saved thousands of RAF, Commonwealth and Allied airmen between 1939 and 1945. This fascinating account draws on first-hand interviews, photographs and official documents to reveal some of its most dramatic missions in northwest Europe, the Mediterranean and the Far East. Those shot down at sea faced terrifying dangers, from weather extremes to enemy fighters, and rescue by airborne or seaborne craft was fraught with difficulty. These incredible stories celebrate the courage, persistence and ingenuity of the men who found
themselves ‘in the drink' and those who saved them.

Osprey Publishing Ltd

Jul 25, 2017

Cold War 84 Update from Timecast

Here is a sneak peek of the new Chieftain, FV432 and the FV432 with GPMG turret. Following shortly will be the mortar carrier and the artillery observers vehicle. Release dates yet to be confirmed, estimated in the next 3-4 weeks.

Cold War 84 Update from Timecast


More New Epsilon Buildings from Pendraken Miniatures

We've had some more buildings through from Escenografia Epsilon so here they are!

Escenografia Epsilon

EPS-ACW03 - ACW Buildings (x2) - £9.95

EPS-ACW03 - ACW Buildings (x2)

EPS-NOR05 - Normandy buildings (x2) - £9.95

EPS-NOR05 - Normandy buildings (x2)

We've got the stock of these here with us now and we'll have them at the shows as usual, starting with Claymore in a few weeks!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Jul 24, 2017

Dave has spoken to Beasts of War about Dropzone Commander 2nd Edition

Dave has spoken to Beasts of War about Dropzone Commander 2nd Edition and they have a first look for you including proposed changes and a message for new or prospective players. Check it out and let us know what you think of the new info!


Dropzone Commander Resistance Fighters Portraits from Hawk Wargames

Resistance Fighters are the descendants of the survivors of the Scourge invasions. Living out an underground existence to escape detection they appear only to make tactical strikes against their foes. Allied Resistance Fighters are willing to fight alongside the UCM Colonies whereas Feral Resistance resent their interference and oppose them at every turn, often siding with other factions to achieve their aims.


Jul 23, 2017

Timber Lined Emplacement 60mm Insert from Battlescale Wargame Buildings

New 10mm Timber Lined Emplacement.

10mm Earthworks & Defences

10EW002 Timber lined Emplacement 60mm insert

10EW002 Timber lined Emplacement 60mm insert

A timber lined emplacement suitable for bases 60mm wide.

Supplied unpainted

Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Walls & Hedges from Lancer Miniatures

10mm walls and hedges, corners gated entrances etc coming soon. 4 inch lengths 4 per pack.

4 x 4 inch Hedge total 16 inches

4 x 4 inch Hedge total 16 inches

4 x 4inch length of wall total 16

4 x 4inch length of wall total 16

Lancer Miniatures

WWII Late British Crew & Horses from Pendraken Miniatures

We've had another batch of sculpts through from one of the sculptors with a mixed bag of items this month.  Dave had wanted some later style WWII British sculpts, so we've got three foot and an officer pose as well.  And finally, we've had a trio of bare horses done to go in our Animals range.

WWII Late British:

WWII Late British:

Bare horses x 3:

Bare horses x 3:

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

ECW Scots Crews from Pendraken Miniatures

We've had another batch of sculpts through from one of the sculptors with a mixed bag of items this month.  We've got the ECW Scottish artillery crews to go with the English ones we had done last month.

ECW Scottish artillery crew:

ECW Scottish artillery crew:

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

More Modern Vehicles from Pendraken Miniatures

Martin has been busily working his way forward from WWII, adding a load of useful items for our upcoming Korean War range and beyond.  We'll run through them in designation number order:

The M19 MGMC was an anti-aircraft vehicle, using an M24 Chaffee chassis and mounting a pair of 40mm Bofors guns on it.  Produced in 1944 it did see limited service before the war ended as an assault gun and was then used during the Korean War in the same role.  Just under 300 were produced in total before it was phased out in favour of the M42 Duster.

The M19 MGMC was an anti-aircraft vehicle, using an M24 Chaffee chassis and mounting a pair of 40mm Bofors guns on it.

Next up we've got the M37 SPG, again taking a Chaffee chassis and this time mounting the 105mm Sherman gun on it.  It was designed to replace the M7 'Priest' but was delivered too late to see any action in WWII.  It was kept in service through Korea before being retired when the conflict ended.  Numbers were a little over 300 for this one.

Next up we've got the M37 SPG, again taking a Chaffee chassis and this time mounting the 105mm Sherman gun on it.

The M41 Gorilla was another conversion of the useful Chaffee chassis, lengthening it slightly and adding the M1 155mm howitzer.  After some modifications to the design, the final version arrived too late for WWII and a planned run of 250 was reduced down to only 85.  It was used as a support weapon during Korea, where its mobility was an advantage over the M40 but it suffered from an inferior range.  Some were also delivered to the Free French army.

The M41 Gorilla was another conversion of the useful Chaffee chassis, lengthening it slightly and adding the M1 155mm howitzer.

Next up we've got the M42 Duster, another anti-aircraft vehicle which took the same 40mm Bofors turret from the M19 above and mounted it onto the Walker Bulldog hull.  3700 of these were produced from 1952-1960, mainly used by the US but also supplied to a variety of other countries including Austria, Venezuela, Lebanon and Tunisia among others.  Whilst this one was too late for Korea, it was used extensively in Vietnam and remained in service in some parts of the world through to the early 1990's.

Next up we've got the M42 Duster, another anti-aircraft vehicle which took the same 40mm Bofors turret from the M19 above and mounted it onto the Walker Bulldog hull.

This pair are the M53 and M55 SPG's, both of which used components from the M47 Patton and then popped either a 155mm or 203mm howitzer on top.  Whilst being an awkward looking beast, it was effective at what it did with an impressive range of 17km.  This one was again too late for Korea but did see use in Vietnam as well as during the Cold War in the Belgian army, remaining in service until the 1970's.

This pair are the M53 and M55 SPG's, both of which used components from the M47 Patton and then popped either a 155mm or 203mm howitzer on top.

The M59 APC was brought into service in 1954 as a replacement for the M75 (below).  It had the advantage of being amphibious, cheaper to produce and having a lower profile.  Over 6000 were produced, being used by the US mainly.  It didn't make it to Korea but was used during Vietnam before the development of the M113.  After its retirement, large numbers of these were sold off to Brazil, South Vietnam and Turkey among others, with some believed to still be in service today.

The M59 APC was brought into service in 1954 as a replacement for the M75 (below).

The M75 was the precursor to the M59 above and did see service in Korea.  This was a larger vehicle than both the M59 and later M113, with a capacity of over a dozen men plus driver.  Production reached over 1700 but its shortcomings led to the introduction of the M59 instead.  Over 600 were given to the Belgian army who continued to use them into the 1990's.

The M75 was the precursor to the M59 above and did see service in Korea.  This was a larger vehicle than both the M59 and later M113, with a capacity of over a dozen men plus driver.

The Centurion Mk 1 didn't really get chance to see service, with the Mk 2 developed before the Mk 1 had got fully into production but we know of at least one customer who'll want one!

The Centurion Mk 1 didn't really get chance to see service, with the Mk 2 developed before the Mk 1 had got fully into production but we know of at least one customer who'll want one!

This next Centurion was a stop gap vehicle designed to counter the Soviet introduction of the IS-3.  A large 120mm turret was built and placed on the Cent Mk 3 hull, but only one production model was completed before the project was scrapped in 1951.  This single 'Conway' vehicle now sits in Bovington tank museum.  The gun/turret would later be used for the Conqueror.

This next Centurion was a stop gap vehicle designed to counter the Soviet introduction of the IS-3.

The Oxford Tracked Carrier was an early post-WWII British APC and artillery tractor, substantially larger than the 3 ton Universal carrier it was designed to replace.  It saw service in the Korean war both as a tractor for the 17 pdr and as an APC.  A little over 50 of them saw service.

The Oxford Tracked Carrier was an early post-WWII British APC and artillery tractor, substantially larger than the 3 ton Universal carrier it was designed to replace.

And finally, we've had a load of requests for this over the years so we've finally produced a 106mm Recoilless!  No more cutting down the pieces from the Ontos...!  The gun was actually 105mm but was designated 106mm to avoid confusion with the earlier M27 version.  That initial M27 saw use in Korea, before the development of this M40 version, which went on to be used all over the world right up to the present day.  The difference between the two is slight, mainly a different mount so we'll look at adding the M27 mount at some point in the future.

And finally, we've had a load of requests for this over the years so we've finally produced a 106mm Recoilless!  No more cutting down the pieces from the Ontos...!

And phew, that's all of them!  Dave's eager to get these moulded up so we might be getting them released sooner rather than later!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Jul 22, 2017

Pendraken Miniatures Acquires TB Line 10mm Ranges

We are excited to announce that we've recently purchased the rights to all of the TB Line 10mm ranges, previously owned by Aster Wargame in Italy.  All of the moulds were shipped to Pendraken HQ this past week and we'll start checking them over soon.  We'd like to thank Corrado at Aster Wargame for offering us the opportunity to buy these ranges and for all of his time during the purchase process.

Pendraken Miniatures Acquires TB Line 10mm Ranges

Who are TB Line?
Tridente Bologna released their first 10mm ranges in 2008, starting with a range of Teutonic Knights.  Over the years they added Islamic and Eastern European opponents, plus some Mongols, as well as moving back into the Ancients period with ranges for the Punic Wars.  The ranges were unavailable for several periods of time in recent years, until 2016, when the ranges were sold to Aster Wargame in Italy and brought back into production.

How do they match up with Pendraken figures?
Very well, with only a minor difference in height among the foot figures and slightly bigger horses for the cavalry.  The horses are all separate castings which is a good thing for us as we might be able to use them in other ranges going forward.  Style Wise, they're again very similar to our newer ranges with a good level of detail on them.  The only noticeable difference so far is that the TB Line sculptor used a thicker wire for spears/javelins, which is more apparent on the web photos then on the castings.

What ranges will be available?
- Republican Romans (9 codes)
- Carthaginians (4 codes)
- Numidian (1 code)
- Iberians (4 codes)
- Epirotes (1 code)
- Italic (4 codes)
- Gauls (4 codes)
- Middle Age Europe (3 codes)
- Middle Age Eastern Europe (7 codes)
- Middle Ages Islam (8 codes)
- Teutonics (8 codes)
- Mongols (7 codes)

When will they be on sale again?
First we need to check everything over and catalogue all of the moulds to make sure they are all casting OK.  The moulds look to be in good condition, but they have all been made using a lower temperature rubber which doesn't usually have a long life span.  We'll be doing them in batches, so we should be able to add them to the website one range at a time.  The only delays to this process would be if we find any damaged moulds that need replacing.

Will you be changing anything?
There's a few things we need to look at before considering any changes.  Firstly the command packs were previously only 3-man groups so we need to have a look at the moulds and see if we can change those to larger 15 or 30 figure packs to match in with our own ranges.  We'll also be having a good look at the pricing of them, as they were previously priced at €7.00 per 30 foot / 12 cavalry.  That equates to a little over £6.00 currently, so we'll be bringing that down to somewhere around £5.50 for 30 foot / 15 cavalry.

Will you be adding to these ranges in the future?
There are no plans for new figures/ranges in these lines at the moment.  The purchase of these ranges fills some useful gaps in the Pendraken ranges (Middle Ages Teutonics, Eastern Europe and Islamics) and adds some nice variety to our Ancients ranges as well, but any future sculpts would likely be done by our sculptors and added as Pendraken items.

What if I want some now?!
There is still some stock available from Aster Wargame in Italy: https://www.asterwargame.com/collections/tb-line  It wasn't viable to ship all of these blisters over to the UK, so it was easier for them to continue selling the remaining stock at their end.  Once they've sold out the codes will be removed from the Aster site and the figures will only be available through us here at Pendraken.

And that's everything!  If there's any questions please let us know and we'll look forward to getting these up for sale!

Here's a few images of the Middle East Islamics as well, just in case people haven't seen them before:

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Jul 21, 2017