
Jun 2, 2017

SOTCW Journal 92, Jun-Jul 2017

SOTCW Journal 92, Jun-Jul 2017

I am pleased to announce the latest issue of the full colour Journal is now available.

FV4401 Contentious – Britain's S-Tank
Meet The Members – Ian Shaw
The Battle of Lugg Vale – A Timeless scenario
St Vith – 21st and 22nd December 1944 – Scenario
Notes on Spanish Civil War TO and Es – Part Two – The Nationalists
WWII Armed Transport Ferries – Variants on a 1/300th model
¡Adelante los Internacionales! – A Regiment/Brigade level scenario for Punta de Lanza
I Shall Fight Them In The Trenches – Winston Churchill 1916
Red and Gray – Part Four – Mind the Steppe! – A series of eastern front scenarios for Spearhead 41-43


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