
Jun 9, 2017

New ACW Buildings Released from Pendraken Miniatures

We had these through just after Salute but it's taken a little longer to get them photo'd and up onto the new website.  The delay turned out to be a positive though, as it meant we were able to get some extra painted shots of them done, courtesy of Paul Davies!  He's just done a review article for Wargames Illustrated which can be found here: https://www.wargamesillustrated.net/pendraken-10mm-american-civil-war-buildings/

Scenery Items ACW Buildings

SCN-ACW2    Small farmhouse, clapboard     £5.00

SCN-ACW2    Small farmhouse, clapboard

SCN-ACW3    Small farmhouse, timber     £5.00

SCN-ACW3    Small farmhouse, timber

SCN-ACW4    Large farmhouse, clapboard     £6.00

SCN-ACW4    Large farmhouse, clapboard

SCN-ACW5    Large farmhouse, stone     £6.00

SCN-ACW5    Large farmhouse, stone

SCN-ACW6    Small barn, timber      £5.00

SCN-ACW6    Small barn, timber

SCN-ACW7    Large barn, stone/timber     £5.50

SCN-ACW7    Large barn, stone/timber

SCN-ACW8    Lutheran Church (Antietam)     £8.00

SCN-ACW8    Lutheran Church (Antietam)

Pendraken Miniatures

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