
May 23, 2017

New North & South Korean Sculpts by Pendraken Miniatures

Phil's been busily working on these for some months now and the first two sets have arrived here at Pendraken HQ.  With these North and South Koreans done, Phil's moving onto the Americans and Brits next.  We'll probably release these in two batches with the first lot due around the end of summer I'd expect.

North Korean (KPA)

Adv w/ rifle x 2 / Adv with LMG / Firing rifle / Firing carbine / Firing SMG / Kneeling firing:

Adv w/ rifle x 2 / Adv with LMG / Firing rifle / Firing carbine / Firing SMG / Kneeling firing:

Officers x 2 / Radio Op / Mortar crew x 2 / Throwing grenade:

Officers x 2 / Radio Op / Mortar crew x 2 / Throwing grenade:

Prone, firing rifle / Prone, firing LMG / Casualty / Tank Commander:

Prone, firing rifle / Prone, firing LMG / Casualty / Tank Commander:

South Korean (ROK)

Adv w/ rifle x 2 / Firing rifle / Firing carbine / Firing SMG / Kneeling firing:

Adv w/ rifle x 2 / Firing rifle / Firing carbine / Firing SMG / Kneeling firing:

Officers x 2 / Radio Op / Throwing grenade / Throwing satchel:

Officers x 2 / Radio Op / Throwing grenade / Throwing satchel:

Prone, firing rifle / Casualty:

Prone, firing rifle / Casualty:

More to come soon!

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Pendraken Miniatures

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