
Apr 4, 2017

Warning Order 45, April 2017

Warning Order 45, April 2017

Warning Order, a free wargaming e-magazine, now has issue #45 available to download.

This issue has a number of varied features that starts out with building a 28mm Successor army for Hail Caesar along with resources for the Successors period. There are also a large number of battle reports for AOR 3rd edition along with a discussion on how it plays, a F&F ACW for Corinth, a BKC2 game where the Americans finally get into the action, and a WMM game that takes place at the end of the Crusades. There is also a complete Saga scenario along with a replay of the game. Wing Leader: Victories and the U.S. Civil War from GMT Games get reviewed plus there are two new Engagements scenarios as well as the usual features in this issue.

You can download the issue directly with this link.

Back issues are available by going to this page.

Warning Order

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