
Mar 3, 2017

Update End Of February 2017 by Black Gate Miniatures

Another busy couple of weeks for the production team at Black Gate Miniatures.

First up, all the moulds for the Cannoneers have been completed and a unit sent off to Rid @ for a paint job. The Cannoneers are now ready to be cast up in lovely Lead free Pewter.

Cannoneers reach casting stage

Cannoneers reach casting stage

Next, an update on the Warrior production. I have completed the first 75 units of Warriors and hope to get the rest finished in the next few weeks.



Finally, I am working on the final 6 moulds needed for the Armoured Warriors and should have that completed by the end of next week.

I will keep you informed of the ongoing progress but everything is going to plan so far.

Ogre smash!


Black Gate Miniatures

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