
Mar 9, 2017

New League Of Augsburg Sculpts by Pendraken Miniatures

Clib's been working away in secret on a few additions to the LoA range, so it's time to reveal them.

First up we've got some new mounted Dragoons, with both the Allied and French types converted over to fur hats.  Clib's also done some conversion work on the command figures as well, so we've got the mounted command switched into tricorns (still in standing and moving varieties), then the foot command group have also been given the tricorn treatment.  Whilst these will be added to the LoA range in our catalogue, they will of course be of use to the post-1700 crowd as well for WSS/Marlburian armies.

Allied Dragoons in fur hats

Allied Dragoons in fur hats

French Dragoons in fur hats

French Dragoons in fur hats

Mounted command, standing

Mounted command, moving

Foot command group in tricorn

Foot command group in tricorn

These will definitely be a post-Salute release, probably more towards the summer after we've got some of the other additions moulded and released.

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