
Mar 30, 2017

Miniature Modelling Competition by Osprey Publishing Ltd

Miniature Modelling Competition by Osprey Publishing Ltd

Once again, we are inviting you to showcase your art and design skills by entering our Miniature Modelling Competition.

This month's theme is the Dark Ages! From MAA 154: Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars to NVG 47: The Viking Longship, we've a bunch of titles that might have helped you with your designs over the years.

To enter, select a photo of your model, tell us which Osprey book/artwork inspired it, and send it to competition@ospreypublishing.com. Our favorite submission will receive a selection of new releases, and will also have their photograph featured across our website and social media for the world to admire.

Get Snapping & Good Luck!

Osprey Publishing Ltd

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