
Feb 13, 2017

First batch of 1859/1866 Italian Sculpts from Pendraken Miniatures

The sculptor started work on these last month and the first lot landed with us a couple of weeks ago. This initial set of foot includes the line in tunics, line in greatcoats and the bersaglieri.  More infantry to come later this month, so we'll get those photo'd as soon as they arrive here.

Command in tunic x 3 / Line in tunic x 2:

Command in tunic x 3 / Line in tunic x 2

Command in greatcoat x 3 / Line in greatcoat x 2:

Command in greatcoat x 3 / Line in greatcoat x 2

Bersaglieri, including command:

Bersaglieri, including command

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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