
Feb 27, 2017

Blitzkrieg Commander III Sneak Peek by Pendraken Miniatures

Blitzkrieg Commander III Sneak Peek by Pendraken Miniatures

We've been working almost non-stop on the revised Blitzkrieg Commander rules this year, only taking a few days off to get ready for the York show at the start of this month.  The good news is that the (almost) finished version has now gone off to our feedback group for any final tweaks and suggestions.  The formatting/layout is almost complete as well, just a few things to tidy up before it goes off to the printers.

We're hoping to have the feedback/suggestions back to us in the next 2-3 weeks, allowing us a week to get the rulebook all finalised before going off to the printers.  It's a 2-week turnaround there, so we're aiming for a big release at Salute in April.  The rules will be available in both hardcopy and pdf through Wargame Vault.

It's been a long time coming, but we're nearly there folks!  Here's a little teaser pic as well...

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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